Kolegij Medicinski engleski 3 je obvezni kolegij na trećoj godini Integriranog preddiplomskog i diplomskog studija Medicine i sastoji se od 20 sati seminara (1 ECTS).
Cilj kolegija je razvijanje usmenih i pismenih kompetencija na engleskom jeziku kroz razumijevanje stručnih tekstova, usvajanje medicinske terminologije i samostalno izražavanje.
Sadržaj kolegija: Kritičko čitanje medicinskih tekstova uz popratne vježbe razumijevanja pročitanog na naprednoj razini, koje će poslužiti kao polazište za usavršavanje leksika relevantnoga za razvoj komunikacijske kompetencije te ključnih gramatičkih struktura i pravopisnih specifičnosti engleskoga jezika; pisanje kratkih kritičkih prikaza na zadanu temu; individualni rad, rad u paru. Napredak studenata kontinuirano će se pratiti kroz kratke kvizove. Studenti će dobiti konstruktivne individualne i grupne povratne informacije o svom napretku.
Kolegij se smatra položenim nakon predaje svih pisanih uradaka (koji moraju biti predani najkasnije u zadnjem tjednu nastave u kojem se kolegij izvodi) i polaganja završnog testa.
Ishodi učenja
Po završetku kolegija studenti će moći:
- prepoznati ključne ideje i specifične informacije iz stručnih i znanstvenih tekstova
- razlikovati i primijeniti različite jezične registre (formalni/neformalni izraz)
- prepoznati gramatičke i leksičke strukture tipične za medicinski jezik u govoru i pisanju
- uočiti gramatički i pravopisno netočne dijelove rečenice i znati ponuditi ispravno rješenje
- primijeniti pravila britanskoga i američkoga pravopisa
Radni listići dostupni na portalu Merlin.
Studenti su obvezno redovito pohađati seminare, aktivno sudjelovati u nastavi, redovito izvršavati sve pismene uratke i pristupiti polaganju testa tijekom posljednjeg seminara. Ukoliko student/ica iz opravdanih razloga (npr. bolest) ne može izvršiti neku od zadanih obveza, dužan/na je o tome pravovremeno (najmanje 1 dan unaprijed) obavijestiti nastavnicu.
Za kolegij nije predviđeno polaganje ispita već kolegij završava pozitivno ocijenjenim pismenim testom i pravovremeno predanim pismenim uratcima.
Pohađanje nastave
Student može izostati s 30% nastave isključivo zbog zdravstvenih razloga što opravdava liječničkom ispričnicom.
Ukoliko student opravdano ili neopravdano izostane s više od 30% nastave ne može nastaviti praćenje kolegija te gubi mogućnost izlaska na test.
Test se smatra položenim kada je ostvareno najmanje 50% od ukupnog broja bodova.
Nastavni sadržaji i sve obavijesti vezane uz kolegij nalaze se na portalu Merlin.
S ciljem poticanja akademske čestitosti, svi pisani uratci provjerit će se u Turnitin sustavu za provjeru plagiranja i AI Content Detector software-u za provjeru AI generiranog sadržaja.
Ishodi učenja
Students are introduced to the aims, contents, and requirements of the course.
Learning outcomes: summarize the text; define key medical terms; analyze the context and fill in the gap with the appropriate word/phrasal verb (gap filling); form nouns/classical plural/collocations; compare the offered medical terms and choose the contextually correct ones; spot mistakes and correct syntactically incorrect parts of sentences; recognize British/American spelling when writing medical terms.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: summarize the text; offer synonyms and antonyms of key expressions from the text; define types of phobias; analyze the context and choose the appropriate expression based on the offered answers (gap filling); complete the text with the modified form of the offered expressions; paraphrase sentences; use a prepositional phrase in the correct context.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: form nouns; form synonyms and antonyms; analyze the context and use the correct preposition; use a modified form of the offered expression (gap filling); match the given medical term with the corresponding verb; spot mistakes and correct misspelled parts of sentences; paraphrase sentences; apply the rules of active/passive voice.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: summarize the text; associate common disorders associated with Hutchinson-Gilford syndrome (progeria) with the appropriate medical term; recognize the meaning of prefixes that indicate a place/position; form adjectives; analyze the context and choose the appropriate expression based on the offered answers (gap filling); paraphrase sentences using correlative conjunctions.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: compare expressions and choose the odd one out; recognize the meaning of the medical term (inflammation) based on the root base provided; spot mistakes and correct misspelled parts of sentences; connect the type of arthritis with its definition (osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, lupus, gout); form adjectives using a negative prefix; paraphrase sentences.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: summarize the text; offer synonyms and antonyms of key terms; form adjectives; analyze the context and choose the appropriate expression based on the offered answers (gap filling); come up with suitable prepositions that pair with the offered verbs; correct grammatically and spelling incorrect sentences; analyze the context and choose the appropriate expression based on the offered answers (gap filling); paraphrase sentences using adverbs; complete the sentences with the appropriate preposition.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: analyze the context and offer clarification of marked expressions; offer synonymous expressions with phrases formed from the noun "mind"; recognize the meaning of phrases formed from the nouns "mind", "brain" and "word" and use them in the correct context; compare expressions and choose the odd one out (adjectives); form verbs from given nouns; replace incorrect expressions with correct ones; apply the rules of writing compound nouns.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: summarize descriptions of injuries (knee injuries, sprains and strains, rotator cuff injuries, fractures, dislocations); explain key terms; form nouns from adjectives denoting quality or characteristic; form verbs with the suffix -EN; form adverbs; correct grammatically and spelling incorrect sentences; complete the text with a modified form of the offered expression; form collocations using "risk" and "danger"; paraphrase sentences.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: define key terms: form opposites; analyze the context and choose the correct medical term for the condition/disease; analyze the context and choose several possible answers; paraphrase sentences using phrasal verbs: paraphrase sentences using the passive voice.
Ishodi učenja
Students are introduced to the aims, contents, and requirements of the course.
Learning outcomes: summarize the text; define key medical terms; analyze the context and fill in the gap with the appropriate word/phrasal verb (gap filling); form nouns/classical plural/collocations; compare the offered medical terms and choose the contextually correct ones; spot mistakes and correct syntactically incorrect parts of sentences; recognize British/American spelling when writing medical terms.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: summarize the text; offer synonyms and antonyms of key expressions from the text; define types of phobias; analyze the context and choose the appropriate expression based on the offered answers (gap filling); complete the text with the modified form of the offered expressions; paraphrase sentences; use a prepositional phrase in the correct context.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: form nouns; form synonyms and antonyms; analyze the context and use the correct preposition; use a modified form of the offered expression (gap filling); match the given medical term with the corresponding verb; spot mistakes and correct misspelled parts of sentences; paraphrase sentences; apply the rules of active/passive voice.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: summarize the text; associate common disorders associated with Hutchinson-Gilford syndrome (progeria) with the appropriate medical term; recognize the meaning of prefixes that indicate a place/position; form adjectives; analyze the context and choose the appropriate expression based on the offered answers (gap filling); paraphrase sentences using correlative conjunctions.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: compare expressions and choose the odd one out; recognize the meaning of the medical term (inflammation) based on the root base provided; spot mistakes and correct misspelled parts of sentences; connect the type of arthritis with its definition (osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, lupus, gout); form adjectives using a negative prefix; paraphrase sentences.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: summarize the text; offer synonyms and antonyms of key terms; form adjectives; analyze the context and choose the appropriate expression based on the offered answers (gap filling); come up with suitable prepositions that pair with the offered verbs; correct grammatically and spelling incorrect sentences; analyze the context and choose the appropriate expression based on the offered answers (gap filling); paraphrase sentences using adverbs; complete the sentences with the appropriate preposition.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: analyze the context and offer clarification of marked expressions; offer synonymous expressions with phrases formed from the noun "mind"; recognize the meaning of phrases formed from the nouns "mind", "brain" and "word" and use them in the correct context; compare expressions and choose the odd one out (adjectives); form verbs from given nouns; replace incorrect expressions with correct ones; apply the rules of writing compound nouns.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: summarize descriptions of injuries (knee injuries, sprains and strains, rotator cuff injuries, fractures, dislocations); explain key terms; form nouns from adjectives denoting quality or characteristic; form verbs with the suffix -EN; form adverbs; correct grammatically and spelling incorrect sentences; complete the text with a modified form of the offered expression; form collocations using "risk" and "danger"; paraphrase sentences.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: define key terms: form opposites; analyze the context and choose the correct medical term for the condition/disease; analyze the context and choose several possible answers; paraphrase sentences using phrasal verbs: paraphrase sentences using the passive voice.