Kolegij Medicinski engleski I je obavezni kolegij na prvoj godini Integriranog preddiplomskog i diplomskog studija Medicine i sastoji se od 20 sati seminara (1 ECTS).
Cilj kolegija je razvijanje usmenih i pismenih kompetencija na engleskom jeziku kroz razumijevanje stručnih tekstova, usvajanje medicinske terminologije i samostalno izražavanje.
Sadržaj kolegija:
Morfologija medicinskih pojmova i primjena pravila tvorbe riječi; tumačenje korijena riječi, sufiksa i prefiksa u tvorbi i razumijevanju medicinskih pojmova; osvrt na temeljna pravila za uporabu članova i morfološka pravila za tvorbu klasične množine svojstvene medicinskom nazivlju.
Redovitim sudjelovanjem na seminarima i pozitivno ocijenjenim pismenim uratcima, studenti dobiju ocjenu kolokvirano i stječu 1 ECTS bod.
Radni listići dostupni na portalu Merlin.
Studenti su obvezno redovito pohađati seminare, aktivno sudjelovati u nastavi, redovito izvršavati sve pismene uratke i pristupiti polaganju testa tijekom posljednjeg seminara. Ukoliko student/ica iz opravdanih razloga (npr. bolest) ne može izvršiti neku od zadanih obveza, dužan/na je o tome pravovremeno (najmanje 1 dan unaprijed) obavijestiti nastavnicu.
Za kolegij nije predviđeno polaganje ispita već kolegij završava pozitivno ocijenjenim pismenim testom i pravovremeno predanim pismenim uratcima.
Pohađanje nastave
Student može izostati s 30% nastave isključivo zbog zdravstvenih razloga što opravdava liječničkom ispričnicom.
Ukoliko student opravdano ili neopravdano izostane s više od 30% nastave ne može nastaviti praćenje kolegija te gubi mogućnost izlaska na test.
Test se smatra položenim kada je ostvareno najmanje 50% od ukupnog broja bodova.
Nastavni materijali i sve obavijesti vezane uz održavanje kolegija bit će dostupni u sustavu Merlin.
S ciljem poticanja akademske čestitosti, svi pisani uratci provjerit će se u Turnitin sustavu za provjeru plagiranja i AI Content Detector software-u za provjeru AI generiranog sadržaja.
Ishodi učenja
Students are introduced to the aims, contents, and requirements of the course. Quiz.
Learning outcomes: by self-evaluating their own achievement, the student will become aware of the level of their previously acquired knowledge of the English language and notice some specifics regarding medical terminology that will be mentioned during the course.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: remember the rules of forming medical terms; recognize and interpret the meaning of a medical term using its word root; recognize parts of speech.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: connect the word root and its meaning; deduce the meaning of an expression based on its word root.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: recognize the suffix and interpret its meaning; deconstruct a medical term into its key components; deduce the meaning of a medical term based on its suffix; convey information clearly and precisely about the selected presentation topic.
Studenti usmeno izlažu seminarski rad.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: deduce the meaning of a medical term based on its suffix; deconstruct a medical term into its key components; convey information clearly and precisely about the selected presentation topic. Studenti usmeno izlažu seminarski rad.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: recognize the prefix and interpret its meaning; connect a medical term and its definition; distinguish between the role of the prefix and suffix in word formation; convey information clearly and precisely about the selected presentation topic. Studenti usmeno izlažu seminarski rad.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: interpret the meaning of the prefix; connect a medical term and its definition; convey information clearly and precisely about the selected presentation topic.
Studenti usmeno izlažu seminarski rad.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: distinguish the context in which articles are used (body parts, tissues, medical conditions, diseases).
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: form and correctly pronounce plural nouns derived from classical languages.
Ishodi učenja
Students are introduced to the aims, contents, and requirements of the course. Quiz.
Learning outcomes: by self-evaluating their own achievement, the student will become aware of the level of their previously acquired knowledge of the English language and notice some specifics regarding medical terminology that will be mentioned during the course.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: remember the rules of forming medical terms; recognize and interpret the meaning of a medical term using its word root; recognize parts of speech.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: connect the word root and its meaning; deduce the meaning of an expression based on its word root.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: recognize the suffix and interpret its meaning; deconstruct a medical term into its key components; deduce the meaning of a medical term based on its suffix; convey information clearly and precisely about the selected presentation topic.
Studenti usmeno izlažu seminarski rad.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: deduce the meaning of a medical term based on its suffix; deconstruct a medical term into its key components; convey information clearly and precisely about the selected presentation topic. Studenti usmeno izlažu seminarski rad.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: recognize the prefix and interpret its meaning; connect a medical term and its definition; distinguish between the role of the prefix and suffix in word formation; convey information clearly and precisely about the selected presentation topic. Studenti usmeno izlažu seminarski rad.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: interpret the meaning of the prefix; connect a medical term and its definition; convey information clearly and precisely about the selected presentation topic.
Studenti usmeno izlažu seminarski rad.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: distinguish the context in which articles are used (body parts, tissues, medical conditions, diseases).
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: form and correctly pronounce plural nouns derived from classical languages.
Ishodi učenja
Upoznati studente sa sadržajem i obavezama na kolegiju Medicinski engleski. Studenti usmeno izlažu seminarski rad.
Ishodi učenja
Upoznati studente sa sadržajem i obavezama na kolegiju Medicinski engleski. Studenti usmeno izlažu seminarski rad.