Medical Studies in EnglishStudijska godina
Introduce students to the general foundations of conceptual, metaphysical, epistemological, sociological, cultural, and political issues through presentation and active participation in discussions about medicine and healthcare today, based on reflections from the past and challenges for the future.
Analyze and critically interpret key concepts in the study of the relationship between philosophy and medicine: health and illness; three theories of causality in disease; holism and reductionism in medicine; controversial diseases; evidence in medicine; objective and social structures of science and medicine; evaluation of diagnosis and screening; research medical priorities; public health issues; student presentations.
After completing the course, students will be able to:
Identify and explain the main philosophical questions that arise in everyday life, including health, illness, pain, vulnerability, dignity, etc.
Critically evaluate arguments in the philosophy of medicine and healthcare.
Demonstrate a deep and systematic understanding of the philosophical approach to medicine.
Justify professionalism in various healthcare situations.
Write a clear and well-argued seminar paper.
Use relevant terms and argumentation in oral and written forms.
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- Wulff H. R, Pedersen SA, Rosenberg R. Philosophy of medicine—an introduction. Oxford: Blackwell, 1986. Google Scholar
- Lindemann N. J, Lindemann N. H, eds. Meaning in medicine: a reader in the philosophy of health care. London: Routledge, 1999. Google Scholar
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- Boorse C., „On the distinction between disease and illness“ In: Lindemann Nelson J, Lindemann Nelson H, eds. Meaning and medicine: a reader in the philosophy of health care. London: Routledge, 1999:16–27. Google Scholar
- Thompson, R. P., Upshur, E. G. R., Philosophy of Medicine: An Introduction, Routledge, 2018., https://doi.org/10.1007/s40656-019-0257-y
- Kingma, E., "What is it to be healthy?" Analysis 67 (294):128-133., 2007. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/5580664_What_is_it_to_be_healthy
- Ereshefsky, M.. "Defining 'health' and 'disease'." Stud Hist Philos Biol Biomed Sci 40, 221-227, 2009. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.shpsc.2009.06.005
- Nagel, T., "Death." Noûs 4(1): 73-80, 1970. https://doi.org/10.2307/2214297
- McMahan, J., “The metaphysics of brain death.” Bioethics 9(2): 91-126, 1995. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-8519.1995.tb00305.x
- Broadbent, A., "Causation and models of disease in epidemiology." Stud Hist Philos Biol Biomed Sci 40 (4):302-11, 2009. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.shpsc.2009.09.006
- Worrall, J., "What Evidence in Evidence-Based Medicine?" Philosophy of Science 69:S316-S330, 2002. https://doi.org/10.1086/341855
- Pinto, M., "Commercialization and the Limits of Well-Ordered Science." Perspectives on Science 23(2): 173-191, 2015. https://doi.org/10.1162/POSC_a_00166
- Kennedy, A. "Evaluating diagnostic tests." Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 22(4): 575-579, 2016. https://doi.org/10.1111/jep.12541
- Hacking, I. "Pathological withdrawl of refugee children seeking asylum in Sweden." Stud Hist Philos Biol Biomed Sci 41(4): 309-317. 2010. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s13752-012-0057-z
Regular attendance of lectures / work-hops; 2. Activity in lectures and work-shops; 3. Final (written) exam. During the course of studies, according to lecturer's instructions, students will have to develop and defend their paper (in the form of discussion), based on lectures, practical work and knowledge acquired. A particular attention will be paid to the student's ability to use the acquired knowledge in their work and analysis of the selected topic (problem). In addition, students must prepare a presentation that would reflect a freely chosen question from the area of introduction to the philosophy of medicine. Finally, students will take an exam from the introduction to the philosophy of medicine. The final grade will be graded according to a grading system from 1 to 5. Assessment is carried out in accordance with the Rules of Assessment of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Rijeka: attendance is 10 (%), presentation of seminar paper 40 (%), and final written essaz 50 (%).
Students are expected to attend classes regularly, actively participate in seminars and pass the final exam. Attendance records are determined by roll call at the beginning of class. Student absences are justified with a medical excuse. Except during consultations and by appointment, the teacher is also available via e-mail.
Ishodi učenja
Introduce students to the course "Introduction to the Philosophy of Medicine." Differentiate and define the concepts of
health, illness, pain, and suffering.
Ishodi učenja
Investigate three models or theories of disease causality and disease categorization. Highlight the key distinction
between the monocausal model of disease and the multifactorial model of disease. Explore what precision medicine
entails and assess its potential for improving healthcare.
Ishodi učenja
Examine various ways in which causal inference goes beyond direct conclusions from randomized trials. Evaluate the shortcomings and advantages of two theories of scientific inference: frequentism and bayesiansim.
Ishodi učenja
Understand disease in terms of microphysiological parts and processes. Define diseases based on abnormalities in
microphysiological parts and processes, and indicate which interventions should be directed towards these
microphysiological elements. Consider that individuals are more than just biological features when discussing diseases
and potential interventions.
Ishodi učenja
Appeal to well-grounded general theories of disease and models of disease causality. Study and evaluate some controversial diseases, and assess the concept of medicalization while providing examples of culturally conditioned illnesses.
Ishodi učenja
Consider biases in publishing and conflicts of interest arising from funding medical research, and identify problems
related to the influence of values in scientific research. Mitigate these issues by implementing epistemological tactics
at the social level.
Ishodi učenja
Explore the social factors influencing health and disease, and assess the impact of social epidemiological studies that
have contributed to improvements in health throughout history, such as reducing child mortality rates, extending life
expectancy, and lowering rates of infectious diseases. Emphasize the importance of preventive medicine.
Ishodi učenja
Each student will independently present their work to the entire group, with evaluation of presentation elements.
Highlight necessary measures to prevent potential ethical violations in the work environment and setting.
Ishodi učenja
Introduce students to the course "Introduction to the Philosophy of Medicine." Differentiate and define the concepts of health, illness, pain, and suffering.
Ishodi učenja
Investigate three models or theories of disease causality and disease categorization. Highlight the key distinction between the monocausal model of disease and the multifactorial model of disease. Explore what precision medicine entails and assess its potential for improving healthcare.
Ishodi učenja
Understand disease in terms of microphysiological parts and processes. Define diseases based on abnormalities in microphysiological parts and processes, and indicate which interventions should be directed towards these microphysiological elements. Consider that individuals are more than just biological features when discussing diseases and potential interventions.
Ishodi učenja
Appeal to well-grounded general theories of disease and models of disease causality. Study and evaluate some controversial diseases, and assess the concept of medicalization while providing examples of culturally conditioned illnesses.
Ishodi učenja
Consider biases in publishing and conflicts of interest arising from funding medical research, and identify problems related to the influence of values in scientific research. Mitigate these issues by implementing epistemological tactics at the social level.
Ishodi učenja
Examine various ways in which causal inference goes beyond direct conclusions from randomized trials. Evaluate the shortcomings and advantages of two theories of scientific inference: frequentism and bayesianism.
Ishodi učenja
Explore the social factors influencing health and disease, and assess the impact of social epidemiological studies that have contributed to improvements in health throughout history, such as reducing child mortality rates, extending life expectancy, and lowering rates of infectious diseases. Emphasize the importance of preventive medicine.
Ishodi učenja
Each student will independently present their work to the entire group, with evaluation of presentation elements.
Ishodi učenja
Each student will independently present their work to the entire group, with evaluation of presentation elements. Highlight necessary measures to prevent potential ethical violations in the work environment and setting.