The course Introduction to E-Learning is an elective in the first year of the Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate Medical Studies, which takes place in the winter semester (first semester) and consists of 25 seminar hours (1.5 ECTS).
The goal of the course is to enable the use of available tools for visual communication and learning (such as Canva, Mind Map, Camtasia, etc. depending on previous experience in working with these tools, it is possible to use some other tools that will become available over time) and to learn tools for maintaining the network of teaching methods (Merlin system, Big Blue Button, Adobe Connect) and their functionality in formal, non-formal and informal learning and to learn about the process of teaching and learning adapted to the digital age and to guide the development of a critical attitude towards the abundance of information available through the network. The content of this course focuses on the application of network technologies and tools (for visual communication and learning) in daily work. In a broader context, it is connected to all other subjects as it complements the learning process through the application of digital technologies.
The content of the course is as follows:
Understanding the process of traditional and e-learning and becoming familiar with the online teaching system Merlin as a formal e-learning platform in the Republic of Croatia, based on the open system Moodle, which is used in many universities in the world.
The system is used to perform tasks related to material acquisition, source search, use of multimedia files, presentation, self-evaluation and assessment of learning.
The content of the course is organized as a process of mastering assignment acceptance, planning, creation, collaboration, active participation, and communication using the tools available on the platform and researching other tools, evaluating and using them, and presenting what is learned. This process includes searching, evaluating, and using scientific information available online, using wiki technology, electronic notebooks, organizers, etc.
Ultimately, it is about mastering digital skills in the areas of learning, communication and mutual collaboration that enable the acceptance of new technologies in creating experts to meet the needs of the digital society.
1. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of e-learning compared to traditional forms of learning and in the context of digital society.
2. Analyze the possibilities of tools for communication and collaboration in a virtual learning environment.
1. Present the use of the selected e-learning tool for the needs of organization and timing in the
learning process and self-assessment of learning success and fulfillment of the learning plan.
2. Present the use of the selected e-learning tool for the purposes of communication with teachers
and fellow students, especially in teamwork and joint project tasks.
3. Apply new learning skills using e-learning tools.
The list of seminars:
Seminar 1 - Seminar 5: Introduction to e-learning and application of digital technologies in learning and teaching.
Learning Outcomes: Compare the advantages and disadvantages of e-learning compared to traditional forms of learning and in the context of a digital society.
Seminar 6 -Seminar 10: Systems for e-learning.
Learning Outcomes: Compare the advantages and disadvantages of e-learning systems.
Seminar 11. - Seminar 15.: E-Tools
Learning Outcomes: Analyze the capabilities of tools for communication and collaboration in a virtual learning environment.
Seminar 16 - Seminar 20: E-tools for organization and time management in the study process.
Learning Outcome: Present the use of the selected e-learning tool for the needs of organization and scheduling in the study process and self-assessment of learning success and fulfillment of the learning plan.
Seminar 21 - Seminar 23: E-tools for the needs of communication with teachers and fellow students.
Learning Outcome: To present the use of the selected e-learning tool for the purposes of communication with teachers and fellow students, especially in teamwork and joint project tasks.
Seminar 24 and Seminar 25: Presentation of the use of the selected e-learning tool for learning purposes.
Learning Outcome: Application of new learning skills using the selected e-learning tool.