Medical Studies in EnglishStudijska godina
Medical English V is a compulsory course in the fifth year of the study of Medicine in English. It includes 20 hours of seminars (1 ECTS).
The aim of the course is to provide students with support in navigating through communicative and grammatical structures typical of medical language in speech and writing.
Course content: Critical reading of medical texts with accompanying exercises in reading comprehension and vocabulary; upgrading writing skills using British and American spelling; recognition of grammatically (in)correct sentences; writing short critical reviews on a given topic; individual work, pair work, research work. Students' progress is continuously monitored through short quizzes, shorter written assignments, and a final test. Students will receive constructive individual and group feedback on their progress. The course is considered passed after all written assignments have been completed (no later than the final seminar in week 10), the student participated in at least 70% of classes, and the final test has been passed.
Learning outcomes:
• understand professional and scientific texts, identify key ideas and specific information
• distinguish and apply different language registers (formal/informal expressions)
• recognize grammatical and lexical structures typical of medical language in speech and writing
• apply acquired grammatical structures and medical terminology in written and oral expression
Course structure:
The course is organized through 20 hours of seminars. It is distributed continuously for 10 weeks.
Handouts available on Merlin.
Dorland’s Illustrated Medical Dictionary, W.B. Saunders Company
Merriam-Webster online dictionary
Chabner, D.-E. 2017. The Language of Medicine. St. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier.
Books, e-books, articles, Internet pages and other sources relevant to the topic of the oral presentation and written assignments.
Students must regularly attend seminars (minimum 70%), actively participate in classes, submit all written assignments on time, and pass the final test. If a student cannot complete a particular assignment by the agreed deadline and/or take the final test for justified reasons (e.g., in case of illness), they must inform the instructor at least 1 day in advance.
The course ends with a test on a pass/fail basis, which is taken on the last day of the course. After completing all course requirements and participating in at least 70% of seminars, the students will receive a passing grade.
The test is considered passed when at least 50% of the total number of points is obtained.
All updates, weekly class materials, and test results will be available to students on the Merlin platform.
In order to promote academic integrity, all written work will be checked in the Turnitin plagiarism system and the AI Content Detector software to check for AI-generated content.
Ishodi učenja
The students are introduced to the aims, contents, and requirements of the course.
Rescue missions – text analysis and reading comprehension
Learning outcomes: summarize the text; recognize true/false statements; offer synonyms and antonyms of key expressions from the text; supplement the text with a modified form of the offered expression; analyze the context and choose the appropriate expression (gap filling); match the definition of a medical instrument and the appropriate name for the instrument; paraphrase sentences based on the adverb offered.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: summarize the text; define key medical terms; form nouns from given verbs; come up with a medical term based on the definition provided; form (ir)regular plural; analyze the context and come up with the correct expression (gap filling); spot mistakes and correct misspelled parts of sentences; form sentences using Future Continuous, Future Perfect Simple and Future Perfect Continuous.
Ishodi učenja
form nouns; define key expressions from the text; complete the sentences with the corresponding article; complete the sentences with the appropriate form of the verb; match informal and formal terms for disease/condition; spot and correct inaccurately used prepositions; form passive voice.
Ishodi učenja
summarize the text; define key expressions from the text; define the term "concordance"; form nouns from given adjectives; form adjectives from given verbs; form idioms that indicate the degree of health; distinguish the use of the modal verbs can and may in a medical context.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: offer definitions of medical terms; supplement the text with a modified form of the offered expression (gap filling); come up with an expression that fits the context; spot grammatically incorrect expressions; form verbs using the suffix -ing; form verbs with the prefix UNDER; match the phrasal verb with an example of its use.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: summarize the text; define the impact of poverty on cognitive development; supplement the text with a modified form of the offered expression (gap filling); analyze the context and recognize the appropriate adjective that replaces the marked expression; apply rules of subject-verb agreement; recognize and correct grammatically incorrect expressions and sentences.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: define key expressions from the text; choose the appropriate title based on the read text; identify and connect psychiatric symptoms with appropriate diagnoses; supplement the text with a modified form of the offered expression (gap filling); form adjectives of appearance and behavior; complete the sentences with the appropriate expression; analyze the context and come up with the appropriate phrasal verb; form collocations.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: summarize the text; form adjectives; offer an explanation of given expressions; analyze the context and choose the appropriate expression; complete the sentences using the modified form of the verb offered; rewrite the sentences using the appropriate verb indicating movement; recognize the figurative meaning of body parts; form collocations with body parts; paraphrase the sentences using the given expression.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: summarize the text; form adjectives; offer an explanation of given expressions; analyze the context and choose the appropriate expression; complete the sentences using the modified form of the verb offered; rewrite the sentences using the appropriate verb indicating movement; recognize the figurative meaning of body parts; form collocations with body parts; paraphrase the sentences using the given expression.
Ishodi učenja
The students are introduced to the aims, contents, and requirements of the course.
Rescue missions – text analysis and reading comprehension
Learning outcomes: summarize the text; recognize true/false statements; offer synonyms and antonyms of key expressions from the text; supplement the text with a modified form of the offered expression; analyze the context and choose the appropriate expression (gap filling); match the definition of a medical instrument and the appropriate name for the instrument; paraphrase sentences based on the adverb offered.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: summarize the text; define key medical terms; form nouns from given verbs; come up with a medical term based on the definition provided; form (ir)regular plural; analyze the context and come up with the correct expression (gap filling); spot mistakes and correct misspelled parts of sentences; form sentences using Future Continuous, Future Perfect Simple and Future Perfect Continuous.
Ishodi učenja
form nouns; define key expressions from the text; complete the sentences with the corresponding article; complete the sentences with the appropriate form of the verb; match informal and formal terms for disease/condition; spot and correct inaccurately used prepositions; form passive voice.
Ishodi učenja
summarize the text; define key expressions from the text; define the term "concordance"; form nouns from given adjectives; form adjectives from given verbs; form idioms that indicate the degree of health; distinguish the use of the modal verbs can and may in a medical context.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: offer definitions of medical terms; supplement the text with a modified form of the offered expression (gap filling); come up with an expression that fits the context; spot grammatically incorrect expressions; form verbs using the suffix -ing; form verbs with the prefix UNDER; match the phrasal verb with an example of its use.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: summarize the text; define the impact of poverty on cognitive development; supplement the text with a modified form of the offered expression (gap filling); analyze the context and recognize the appropriate adjective that replaces the marked expression; apply rules of subject-verb agreement; recognize and correct grammatically incorrect expressions and sentences.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: define key expressions from the text; choose the appropriate title based on the read text; identify and connect psychiatric symptoms with appropriate diagnoses; supplement the text with a modified form of the offered expression (gap filling); form adjectives of appearance and behavior; complete the sentences with the appropriate expression; analyze the context and come up with the appropriate phrasal verb; form collocations.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: summarize the text; form adjectives; offer an explanation of given expressions; analyze the context and choose the appropriate expression; complete the sentences using the modified form of the verb offered; rewrite the sentences using the appropriate verb indicating movement; recognize the figurative meaning of body parts; form collocations with body parts; paraphrase the sentences using the given expression.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: summarize the text; form adjectives; offer an explanation of given expressions; analyze the context and choose the appropriate expression; complete the sentences using the modified form of the verb offered; rewrite the sentences using the appropriate verb indicating movement; recognize the figurative meaning of body parts; form collocations with body parts; paraphrase the sentences using the given expression.