Medical Studies in EnglishStudijska godina
The objectives of the teaching unit are:
To introduce students with the difference between medical ethics and bioethics.
To introduce students to Callahan's division of bioethics.
To familiarize students with the importance of clinical bioethics.
To describe the different education models and levels at which clinical bioethics is taught.
Learning outcomes of the teaching unit are:
After the teaching, the student will be able to:
Explain the difference between medical ethics and clinical ethics.
State the Division of Bioethics according to Callahan.
List the features of a particular branch of bioethics according to Callahan.
State the features of clinical bioethics.
State at what levels and explain why clinical bioethics
1. Robert M. Kliegman & Joseph W. St. Geme III. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, 2-Volume Set, 21st Edition. Saunders, Elsevier.
2. Hrvatski zavod za javno zdravstvo. Služba za epidemiologiju zaraznih bolesti. Provedbeni program cijepljenja za 2023. godinu. Availabel at: https://www.hzjz.hr/sluzba-epidemiologija-zarazne-bolesti/provedbeni-program-cijepljenja-za-2023-godinu/
During the exercises, literature related to a particular case will be provided.
The student is required to participate in the exercises and to master all the activities and skills provided in the course program.
The student's daily activities are recorded in the activity diary, which is confirmed by the mentor's signature.
Condition for the properly competed practical of Clinical Skills II.- pediatrics and signed index are:
1. Completed practical in full
2. A form signed by the specialist in pediatrics where the student did the practical (applies to all students) with the indicated topic of the case report
3. Presentation of one case (in agreement with the mentor) will be uploaded to Merlin. The form of the presented case is a case report which will contain brief anamnestic data, reason for selection and case presentation. The presented case might be from preventive care or clinical case.
Condition for the properly competed practical of Clinical Skills II.- pediatrics and signed index are:
1. Completed practical in full
2. A form signed by the specialist in pediatrics where the student did the practical (applies to all students) with the indicated topic of the case report
3. Presentation of one case (in agreement with the mentor) will be uploaded to Merlin. The form of the presented case is a case report which will contain brief anamnestic data, reason for selection and case presentation. The presented case might be from preventive care or clinical case.
Ishodi učenja
The objectives of the teaching unit are:
I: Preventive
To introduce students to the organization and practice of primary health care.
To introduce students with the plan and program of health care measures from mandatory health care insurance.
To introduce students with the plan and program of health care measures 2020.-2022. (program of health care of children – available at: https://narodne-novine.nn.hr/clanci/sluzbeni/2020_12_142_2753.html )
To introduce the students to the measures of health care promotion and of disease prevention.
To familiarize students with the ZZJZ – cooperation with Nastavnim zavodom za javno zdravstvo PGŽ-a.
To Introduce the students with the vaccination calendar in Croatia 2023. Available at: https://www.zzjzdnz.hr/usluge/cijepljenje/kalendar-cijepljenja/kalendar-kontinuiranog-cijepljenja-u-hrvatskoj-u-2023-godini
II. Curative
To demonstrate the systematic examination of a newborn and a two-month-old infant.
To familiarize the students regarding the importance of building the partnership with the parents from the first contact.
To familiarize the students with the red flags in the development of a newborn and a two-month-old infant.
To demonstrate to the students the lapization and the treatment of granuloma of umbilicus in a newborn.
To familiarize the students with the importance of hip ultrasound.
Learning outcomes of the teaching unit are:
After the practical, the student will be able to:
List the features of the organization and practice of primary health care.
List the features of the plan and program of health care measures from mandatory health care insurance.
Perform the examination of a newborn and a two-month-old infant.
Recognize the red flags in the development of a newborn and a two-month-old infant.
Perform the lapization and the treat the granuloma of umbilicus in a newborn.
Conversate with the parents of infants and build a partnership with them.
Ishodi učenja
The objectives of the teaching unit are:
I. Preventive
To demonstrate to students the systematic review of four- and six-months old infants.
To familiarize the students with the examination of neurodevelopment of infants.
To familiarize the students with the vaccination calendar of four- and six-months old infants.
a. To demonstrate to the students the preparation of the vaccination plan
b. To demonstrate to the students the importance of proper conversation with parents, communication models related to vaccination.
c. To demonstrate to the students the vaccination.
d. To familiarize the students with the administration of vaccination booklet
e. To inform the students regarding the importance of administration of medical documentation.
To familiarize the students with the red flags in the development of four- and six-months old infants.
II. Curative
To demonstrate the physical examination of the infant.
To introduce the students with differential diagnosis of febrile infant with the emphasis on urinary infection.
To demonstrate to students the history taking.
To demonstrate to students the proper urine sampling - parent education.
To introduce the students with the Guidelines for Antimicrobial Treatment and Prophylaxis of Urinary Tract Infections - available at: https://www.kb-merkur.hr/userfiles/pdfs/Za%20djelatnike/Lijecnici/Infekcije_mokracnog_sustava_smjernice-1.pdf
To discuss with the students the possible Case presentation
Learning outcomes of the teaching unit are:
After the practical, the student will be able to:
Perform the systematic review of four- and six-months old infants.
List the vaccination calendar of four- and six-months old infants.
Prepare the vaccination plan.
Use proper communication mode with the parents who are vaccine hesitant.
Administrate the vaccination booklet.
Administrate of medical documentation.
Ishodi učenja
The objectives of the teaching unit are:
I. Preventive
To demonstrate to the students with the systematic examination of nine- and twelve-month-old infants.
To familiarize the students with the mandatory vaccine for the children aged 12 months.
To familiarize students with the importance of vaccination compensation.
To familiarize the students with the red flags in the development of 1 of nine- and twelve-month-old infants.
II. Curative
To introduce the students with the Pharyngitis: Guidelines for pain in the throat: diagnostic and therapeutic approach- available at: https://iskra.bfm.hr/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/ISKRA_grlobolja.pdf
To demonstrate to students the performation of a throat swab.
To familiarize the students with the respiratory virus’s infection.
To familiarize the students with the possibility of the diagnosis of respiratory virus infection.
To discuss with the students the possible Case presentation
Learning outcomes of the teaching unit are:
After the practical, the student will be able to:
Examinate of nine- and twelve-month-old infants.
List the mandatory vaccine for the children aged 12 months.
Plan the vaccination compensation for children whose vaccination calendar is no complete.
Recognize the red flags in the development of 1 of nine- and twelve-month-old infants.
Explain the choice of treatment of pharyngitis based on: Guidelines for pain in the throat.
Perform a throat swab.
Suspect of respiratory virus infection.
Choose the diagnostic procedure for respiratory infection.
Ishodi učenja
The objectives of the teaching unit are:
I. Preventive
To demonstrate to students the systematic examination of 18-month-old infants.
To familiarize the students with the mandatory vaccine for the children aged 18 months.
To familiarize the students with the red flags in the development of 18-month-old children.
II. Curative
To introduce the students with the possible allergic reactions
To familiarize the students with the proper treatment of anaphylaxis - The therapy of the Anaphylaxis (Muraro A, Worm M, Alviani C and all. EAACI guidelines: Anaphylaxis (2021 update). Allergy. 2022 Feb;77(2):357-377. doi: 10.1111/all.15032. Epub 2021 Sep 1.)
To familiarize the students with the community-acquired pneumonia.
To discuss with the students the possible Case presentation
Learning outcomes of the teaching unit are:
After the practical, the student will be able to:
Perform systematic examination of 18-month-old infants.
List the mandatory vaccine for the children aged 18 months.
Recognize red flags in the development of 18-month-old children.
Recognize the allergic reaction.
Treat the allergic reaction, anaphylaxis.
Suspect on community-acquired pneumonia in acute ill child an plan the diagnosis and treatment.
Ishodi učenja
The objectives of the teaching unit are:
I. Preventive
To demonstrate to students the systematic examination of a three- and five-year-old child.
To familiarize the students with the mandatory vaccine for the children aged three- and five-year-old.
To familiarize the students with the red flags in the development of children aged three- to five-year-old.
To inform students about vaccines outside the mandatory vaccination calendar.
II. Curative
To familiarize the students with the possible injuries of the children
To demonstrate to the students the surgical treatment of the wound
To inform the students regarding the importance of checking the vaccination status - guidelines for the prevention of tetanus (in detail in Kaić B., Protokol nadoknadnog cijepljenja, available at: https://www.hzjz.hr/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Protokol-nadoknadnog-cijepljenja-pdf.pdf
To define the topics of Case presentation.
Learning outcomes of the teaching unit are:
After the practical, the student will be able to:
Perform the systematic examination of a three- and five-year-old child.
List the mandatory vaccine for the children aged three- and five-year-old.
Recognize the red flags in the development of children aged three- to five-year-old.
List the possible vaccines outside the mandatory vaccination calendar.
Perform the primary treatment of the injuries of the children.
Check the vaccination status of injured child and perform the prevention of tetanus if necessary.
Ishodi učenja
I: Preventive
To introduce students to the organization and practice of primary health care.
To introduce students with the plan and program of health care measures from mandatory health care insurance.
To introduce students with the plan and program of health care measures 2020.-2022. (program of health care of children – available at: https://narodne-novine.nn.hr/clanci/sluzbeni/2020_12_142_2753.html )
To introduce the students to the measures of health care promotion and of disease prevention.
To familiarize students with the ZZJZ – cooperation with Nastavnim zavodom za javno zdravstvo PGŽ-a.
To Introduce the students with the vaccination calendar in Croatia 2023. Available at: https://www.zzjzdnz.hr/usluge/cijepljenje/kalendar-cijepljenja/kalendar-kontinuiranog-cijepljenja-u-hrvatskoj-u-2023-godini
II. Curative
To demonstrate the systematic examination of a newborn and a two-month-old infant.
To familiarize the students regarding the importance of building the partnership with the parents from the first contact.
To familiarize the students with the red flags in the development of a newborn and a two-month-old infant.
To demonstrate to the students the lapization and the treatment of granuloma of umbilicus in a newborn.
To familiarize the students with the importance of hip ultrasound.
Learning outcomes of the teaching unit are:
After the practical, the student will be able to:
List the features of the organization and practice of primary health care.
List the features of the plan and program of health care measures from mandatory health care insurance.
Perform the examination of a newborn and a two-month-old infant.
Recognize the red flags in the development of a newborn and a two-month-old infant.
Perform the lapization and the treat the granuloma of umbilicus in a newborn.
Conversate with the parents of infants and build a partnership with them.
Ishodi učenja
The objectives of the teaching unit are:
I. Preventive
To demonstrate to students the systematic review of four- and six-months old infants.
To familiarize the students with the examination of neurodevelopment of infants.
To familiarize the students with the vaccination calendar of four- and six-months old infants.
a. To demonstrate to the students the preparation of the vaccination plan
b. To demonstrate to the students the importance of proper conversation with parents, communication models related to vaccination.
c. To demonstrate to the students the vaccination.
d. To familiarize the students with the administration of vaccination booklet
e. To inform the students regarding the importance of administration of medical documentation.
To familiarize the students with the red flags in the development of four- and six-months old infants.
II. Curative
To demonstrate the physical examination of the infant.
To introduce the students with differential diagnosis of febrile infant with the emphasis on urinary infection.
To demonstrate to students the history taking.
To demonstrate to students the proper urine sampling - parent education.
To introduce the students with the Guidelines for Antimicrobial Treatment and Prophylaxis of Urinary Tract Infections - available at: https://www.kb-merkur.hr/userfiles/pdfs/Za%20djelatnike/Lijecnici/Infekcije_mokracnog_sustava_smjernice-1.pdf
To discuss with the students the possible Case presentation
Learning outcomes of the teaching unit are:
After the practical, the student will be able to:
Perform the systematic review of four- and six-months old infants.
List the vaccination calendar of four- and six-months old infants.
Prepare the vaccination plan.
Use proper communication mode with the parents who are vaccine hesitant.
Administrate the vaccination booklet.
Administrate of medical documentation.
Ishodi učenja
The objectives of the teaching unit are:
I. Preventive
To demonstrate to the students with the systematic examination of nine- and twelve-month-old infants.
To familiarize the students with the mandatory vaccine for the children aged 12 months.
To familiarize students with the importance of vaccination compensation.
To familiarize the students with the red flags in the development of 1 of nine- and twelve-month-old infants.
II. Curative
To introduce the students with the Pharyngitis: Guidelines for pain in the throat: diagnostic and therapeutic approach- available at: https://iskra.bfm.hr/wpcontent/uploads/2020/09/ISKRA_grlobolja.pdf
To demonstrate to students the performation of a throat swab.
To familiarize the students with the respiratory virus’s infection.
To familiarize the students with the possibility of the diagnosis of respiratory virus infection.
To discuss with the students the possible Case presentation
Learning outcomes of the teaching unit are:
After the practical, the student will be able to:
Examinate of nine- and twelve-month-old infants.
List the mandatory vaccine for the children aged 12 months.
Plan the vaccination compensation for children whose vaccination calendar is no complete.
Recognize the red flags in the development of 1 of nine- and twelve-month-old infants.
Explain the choice of treatment of pharyngitis based on: Guidelines for pain in the throat.
Perform a throat swab.
Suspect of respiratory virus infection.
Choose the diagnostic procedure for respiratory infection.
Ishodi učenja
The objectives of the teaching unit are:
I. Preventive
To demonstrate to students the systematic examination of 18-month-old infants.
To familiarize the students with the mandatory vaccine for the children aged 18 months.
To familiarize the students with the red flags in the development of 18-month-old children.
II. Curative
To introduce the students with the possible allergic reactions
To familiarize the students with the proper treatment of anaphylaxis - The therapy of the Anaphylaxis (Muraro A, Worm M, Alviani C and all. EAACI guidelines: Anaphylaxis (2021 update). Allergy. 2022 Feb;77(2):357-377. doi: 10.1111/all.15032. Epub 2021 Sep 1.)
To familiarize the students with the community-acquired pneumonia.
To discuss with the students the possible Case presentation
Learning outcomes of the teaching unit are:
After the practical, the student will be able to:
Perform systematic examination of 18-month-old infants.
List the mandatory vaccine for the children aged 18 months.
Recognize red flags in the development of 18-month-old children.
Recognize the allergic reaction.
Treat the allergic reaction, anaphylaxis.
Suspect on community-acquired pneumonia in acute ill child an plan the diagnosis and treatment.
Ishodi učenja
The objectives of the teaching unit are:
I. Preventive
To demonstrate to students the systematic examination of a three- and five-year-old child.
To familiarize the students with the mandatory vaccine for the children aged three- and five-year-old.
To familiarize the students with the red flags in the development of children aged three- to five-year-old.
To inform students about vaccines outside the mandatory vaccination calendar.
II. Curative
To familiarize the students with the possible injuries of the children
To demonstrate to the students the surgical treatment of the wound
To inform the students regarding the importance of checking the vaccination status - guidelines for the prevention of tetanus (in detail in Kaić B., Protokol nadoknadnog cijepljenja, available at: https://www.hzjz.hr/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Protokol-nadoknadnog-cijepljenja-pdf.pdf
To define the topics of Case presentation.
Learning outcomes of the teaching unit are:
After the practical, the student will be able to:
Perform the systematic examination of a three- and five-year-old child.
List the mandatory vaccine for the children aged three- and five-year-old.
Recognize the red flags in the development of children aged three- to five-year-old.
List the possible vaccines outside the mandatory vaccination calendar.
Perform the primary treatment of the injuries of the children.
Check the vaccination status of injured child and perform the prevention of tetanus if necessary.
Ishodi učenja
The objectives of the teaching unit are:
I: Preventive
To introduce students to the organization and practice of primary health care.
To introduce students with the plan and program of health care measures from mandatory health care insurance.
To introduce students with the plan and program of health care measures 2020.-2022. (program of health care of children – available at: https://narodne-novine.nn.hr/clanci/sluzbeni/2020_12_142_2753.html )
To introduce the students to the measures of health care promotion and of disease prevention.
To familiarize students with the ZZJZ – cooperation with Nastavnim zavodom za javno zdravstvo PGŽ-a.
To Introduce the students with the vaccination calendar in Croatia 2023. Available at: https://www.zzjzdnz.hr/usluge/cijepljenje/kalendar-cijepljenja/kalendar-kontinuiranog-cijepljenja-u-hrvatskoj-u-2023-godini
II. Curative
To demonstrate the systematic examination of a newborn and a two-month-old infant.
To familiarize the students regarding the importance of building the partnership with the parents from the first contact.
To familiarize the students with the red flags in the development of a newborn and a two-month-old infant.
To demonstrate to the students the lapization and the treatment of granuloma of umbilicus in a newborn.
To familiarize the students with the importance of hip ultrasound.
Learning outcomes of the teaching unit are:
After the practical, the student will be able to:
List the features of the organization and practice of primary health care.
List the features of the plan and program of health care measures from mandatory health care insurance.
Perform the examination of a newborn and a two-month-old infant.
Recognize the red flags in the development of a newborn and a two-month-old infant.
Perform the lapization and the treat the granuloma of umbilicus in a newborn.
Conversate with the parents of infants and build a partnership with them.
Ishodi učenja
The objectives of the teaching unit are:
I. Preventive
To demonstrate to students the systematic review of four- and six-months old infants.
To familiarize the students with the examination of neurodevelopment of infants.
To familiarize the students with the vaccination calendar of four- and six-months old infants.
a. To demonstrate to the students the preparation of the vaccination plan
b. To demonstrate to the students the importance of proper conversation with parents, communication models related to vaccination.
c. To demonstrate to the students the vaccination.
d. To familiarize the students with the administration of vaccination booklet
e. To inform the students regarding the importance of administration of medical documentation.
To familiarize the students with the red flags in the development of four- and six-months old infants.
II. Curative
To demonstrate the physical examination of the infant.
To introduce the students with differential diagnosis of febrile infant with the emphasis on urinary infection.
To demonstrate to students the history taking.
To demonstrate to students the proper urine sampling - parent education.
To introduce the students with the Guidelines for Antimicrobial Treatment and Prophylaxis of Urinary Tract Infections - available at: https://www.kb-merkur.hr/userfiles/pdfs/Za%20djelatnike/Lijecnici/Infekcije_mokracnog_sustava_smjernice-1.pdf
To discuss with the students the possible Case presentation
Learning outcomes of the teaching unit are:
After the practical, the student will be able to:
Perform the systematic review of four- and six-months old infants.
List the vaccination calendar of four- and six-months old infants.
Prepare the vaccination plan.
Use proper communication mode with the parents who are vaccine hesitant.
Administrate the vaccination booklet.
Administrate of medical documentation.
Ishodi učenja
The objectives of the teaching unit are:
I. Preventive
To demonstrate to the students with the systematic examination of nine- and twelve-month-old infants.
To familiarize the students with the mandatory vaccine for the children aged 12 months.
To familiarize students with the importance of vaccination compensation.
To familiarize the students with the red flags in the development of 1 of nine- and twelve-month-old infants.
II. Curative
To introduce the students with the Pharyngitis: Guidelines for pain in the throat: diagnostic and therapeutic approach- available at: https://iskra.bfm.hr/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/ISKRA_grlobolja.pdf
To demonstrate to students the performation of a throat swab.
To familiarize the students with the respiratory virus’s infection.
To familiarize the students with the possibility of the diagnosis of respiratory virus infection.
To discuss with the students the possible Case presentation
Learning outcomes of the teaching unit are:
After the practical, the student will be able to:
Examinate of nine- and twelve-month-old infants.
List the mandatory vaccine for the children aged 12 months.
Plan the vaccination compensation for children whose vaccination calendar is no complete.
Recognize the red flags in the development of 1 of nine- and twelve-month-old infants.
Explain the choice of treatment of pharyngitis based on: Guidelines for pain in the throat.
Perform a throat swab.
Suspect of respiratory virus infection.
Choose the diagnostic procedure for respiratory infection.
Ishodi učenja
The objectives of the teaching unit are:
I. Preventive
To demonstrate to students the systematic examination of 18-month-old infants.
To familiarize the students with the mandatory vaccine for the children aged 18 months.
To familiarize the students with the red flags in the development of 18-month-old children.
II. Curative
To introduce the students with the possible allergic reactions
To familiarize the students with the proper treatment of anaphylaxis - The therapy of the Anaphylaxis (Muraro A, Worm M, Alviani C and all. EAACI guidelines: Anaphylaxis (2021 update). Allergy. 2022 Feb;77(2):357-377. doi: 10.1111/all.15032. Epub 2021 Sep 1.)
To familiarize the students with the community-acquired pneumonia.
To discuss with the students the possible Case presentation
Learning outcomes of the teaching unit are:
After the practical, the student will be able to:
Perform systematic examination of 18-month-old infants.
List the mandatory vaccine for the children aged 18 months.
Recognize red flags in the development of 18-month-old children.
Recognize the allergic reaction.
Treat the allergic reaction, anaphylaxis.
Suspect on community-acquired pneumonia in acute ill child an plan the diagnosis and treatment.
Ishodi učenja
The objectives of the teaching unit are:
I. Preventive
To demonstrate to students the systematic examination of a three- and five-year-old child.
To familiarize the students with the mandatory vaccine for the children aged three- and five-year-old.
To familiarize the students with the red flags in the development of children aged three- to five-year-old.
To inform students about vaccines outside the mandatory vaccination calendar.
II. Curative
To familiarize the students with the possible injuries of the children
To demonstrate to the students the surgical treatment of the wound
To inform the students regarding the importance of checking the vaccination status - guidelines for the prevention of tetanus (in detail in Kaić B., Protokol nadoknadnog cijepljenja, available at: https://www.hzjz.hr/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Protokol-nadoknadnog-cijepljenja-pdf.pdf
To define the topics of Case presentation.
Learning outcomes of the teaching unit are:
After the practical, the student will be able to:
Perform the systematic examination of a three- and five-year-old child.
List the mandatory vaccine for the children aged three- and five-year-old.
Recognize the red flags in the development of children aged three- to five-year-old.
List the possible vaccines outside the mandatory vaccination calendar.
Perform the primary treatment of the injuries of the children.
Check the vaccination status of injured child and perform the prevention of tetanus if necessary.
Ishodi učenja
I: Preventive
To introduce students to the organization and practice of primary health care.
To introduce students with the plan and program of health care measures from mandatory health care insurance.
To introduce students with the plan and program of health care measures 2020.-2022. (program of health care of children – available at: https://narodne-novine.nn.hr/clanci/sluzbeni/2020_12_142_2753.html )
To introduce the students to the measures of health care promotion and of disease prevention.
To familiarize students with the ZZJZ – cooperation with Nastavnim zavodom za javno zdravstvo PGŽ-a.
To Introduce the students with the vaccination calendar in Croatia 2023. Available at: https://www.zzjzdnz.hr/usluge/cijepljenje/kalendar-cijepljenja/kalendar-kontinuiranog-cijepljenja-u-hrvatskoj-u-2023-godini
II. Curative
To demonstrate the systematic examination of a newborn and a two-month-old infant.
To familiarize the students regarding the importance of building the partnership with the parents from the first contact.
To familiarize the students with the red flags in the development of a newborn and a two-month-old infant.
To demonstrate to the students the lapization and the treatment of granuloma of umbilicus in a newborn.
To familiarize the students with the importance of hip ultrasound.
Learning outcomes of the teaching unit are:
After the practical, the student will be able to:
List the features of the organization and practice of primary health care.
List the features of the plan and program of health care measures from mandatory health care insurance.
Perform the examination of a newborn and a two-month-old infant.
Recognize the red flags in the development of a newborn and a two-month-old infant.
Perform the lapization and the treat the granuloma of umbilicus in a newborn.
Conversate with the parents of infants and build a partnership with them.
Ishodi učenja
The objectives of the teaching unit are:
I. Preventive
To demonstrate to students the systematic review of four- and six-months old infants.
To familiarize the students with the examination of neurodevelopment of infants.
To familiarize the students with the vaccination calendar of four- and six-months old infants.
a. To demonstrate to the students the preparation of the vaccination plan
b. To demonstrate to the students the importance of proper conversation with parents, communication models related to vaccination.
c. To demonstrate to the students the vaccination.
d. To familiarize the students with the administration of vaccination booklet
e. To inform the students regarding the importance of administration of medical documentation.
To familiarize the students with the red flags in the development of four- and six-months old infants.
II. Curative
To demonstrate the physical examination of the infant.
To introduce the students with differential diagnosis of febrile infant with the emphasis on urinary infection.
To demonstrate to students the history taking.
To demonstrate to students the proper urine sampling - parent education.
To introduce the students with the Guidelines for Antimicrobial Treatment and Prophylaxis of Urinary Tract Infections - available at: https://www.kb-merkur.hr/userfiles/pdfs/Za%20djelatnike/Lijecnici/Infekcije_mokracnog_sustava_smjernice-1.pdf
To discuss with the students the possible Case presentation
Learning outcomes of the teaching unit are:
After the practical, the student will be able to:
Perform the systematic review of four- and six-months old infants.
List the vaccination calendar of four- and six-months old infants.
Prepare the vaccination plan.
Use proper communication mode with the parents who are vaccine hesitant.
Administrate the vaccination booklet.
Administrate of medical documentation.
Ishodi učenja
The objectives of the teaching unit are:
I. Preventive
To demonstrate to the students with the systematic examination of nine- and twelve-month-old infants.
To familiarize the students with the mandatory vaccine for the children aged 12 months.
To familiarize students with the importance of vaccination compensation.
To familiarize the students with the red flags in the development of 1 of nine- and twelve-month-old infants.
II. Curative
To introduce the students with the Pharyngitis: Guidelines for pain in the throat: diagnostic and therapeutic approach- available at: https://iskra.bfm.hr/wpcontent/uploads/2020/09/ISKRA_grlobolja.pdf
To demonstrate to students the performation of a throat swab.
To familiarize the students with the respiratory virus’s infection.
To familiarize the students with the possibility of the diagnosis of respiratory virus infection.
To discuss with the students the possible Case presentation
Learning outcomes of the teaching unit are:
After the practical, the student will be able to:
Examinate of nine- and twelve-month-old infants.
List the mandatory vaccine for the children aged 12 months.
Plan the vaccination compensation for children whose vaccination calendar is no complete.
Recognize the red flags in the development of 1 of nine- and twelve-month-old infants.
Explain the choice of treatment of pharyngitis based on: Guidelines for pain in the throat.
Perform a throat swab.
Suspect of respiratory virus infection.
Choose the diagnostic procedure for respiratory infection.
Ishodi učenja
The objectives of the teaching unit are:
I. Preventive
To demonstrate to students the systematic examination of 18-month-old infants.
To familiarize the students with the mandatory vaccine for the children aged 18 months.
To familiarize the students with the red flags in the development of 18-month-old children.
II. Curative
To introduce the students with the possible allergic reactions
To familiarize the students with the proper treatment of anaphylaxis - The therapy of the Anaphylaxis (Muraro A, Worm M, Alviani C and all. EAACI guidelines: Anaphylaxis (2021 update). Allergy. 2022 Feb;77(2):357-377. doi: 10.1111/all.15032. Epub 2021 Sep 1.)
To familiarize the students with the community-acquired pneumonia.
To discuss with the students the possible Case presentation
Learning outcomes of the teaching unit are:
After the practical, the student will be able to:
Perform systematic examination of 18-month-old infants.
List the mandatory vaccine for the children aged 18 months.
Recognize red flags in the development of 18-month-old children.
Recognize the allergic reaction.
Treat the allergic reaction, anaphylaxis.
Suspect on community-acquired pneumonia in acute ill child an plan the diagnosis and treatment.
Ishodi učenja
The objectives of the teaching unit are:
I. Preventive
To demonstrate to students the systematic examination of a three- and five-year-old child.
To familiarize the students with the mandatory vaccine for the children aged three- and five-year-old.
To familiarize the students with the red flags in the development of children aged three- to five-year-old.
To inform students about vaccines outside the mandatory vaccination calendar.
II. Curative
To familiarize the students with the possible injuries of the children
To demonstrate to the students the surgical treatment of the wound
To inform the students regarding the importance of checking the vaccination status - guidelines for the prevention of tetanus (in detail in Kaić B., Protokol nadoknadnog cijepljenja, available at: https://www.hzjz.hr/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Protokol-nadoknadnog-cijepljenja-pdf.pdf
To define the topics of Case presentation.
Learning outcomes of the teaching unit are:
After the practical, the student will be able to:
Perform the systematic examination of a three- and five-year-old child.
List the mandatory vaccine for the children aged three- and five-year-old.
Recognize the red flags in the development of children aged three- to five-year-old.
List the possible vaccines outside the mandatory vaccination calendar.
Perform the primary treatment of the injuries of the children.
Check the vaccination status of injured child and perform the prevention of tetanus if necessary.