Medical Studies in EnglishStudijska godina
Family Medicine is a compulsory course in the 6th year of the Integrated undergraduate and graduate university study in Medicine, which takes place in the 12th semester. It consists of 30 hours of lectures, 30 hours of seminars and 100 hours of practicals, a total of 160 hours (6 ECTS). The aim of the course is to enable students to familiarize with the concept of integrated health care in practice through active independent work. After completing the course, the student will be able to understand and adopt the specific role, tasks, organization, working conditions and methods of family physicians in the health system, who provides comprehensive primary and continuous healthcare to individuals, families and the community. The specific learning objectives relate to the student’s ability to distinguish the specificity of family medicine from other medical disciplines (the particularity of health problems in outpatient care, methods of recognizing and solving them and making clinical decisions, the relationship patient-family-family physician, home treatment and patient monitoring, prescribing medicines, medical records management, cooperation with consultants, teamwork and community work, legislation and financing).
Course content:
Specific role of family medicine in the health system, its peculiarities and scope of action. In order to achieve this, students are introduced to the organization of the health system, as well as the position and organization of family medicine within the health system. The starting point is the determination of health needs and the way to meet them in family medicine, with special reference to prevention, standards and norms in primary health care, legislation and the importance of medical documentation. In addition to common diseases and conditions such as low back pain, anemia, sleep disorders, dyspepsia, urinary infections, chronic diseases and their connection with determinants of health, the environment and risk factors regarding their treatment and follow-up in family medicine are specially addressed. Among chronic diseases are arterial hypertension, diabetes, stroke, chronic respiratory diseases, malignant diseases and mental health care. The specifics of family medicine are a separate chapter and imply communication between a physician and patient, recognition of disease symptoms in the family medicine office, home visits as a unique way of health care in the patient’s home, health care for the elderly, preschool, school and adolescent populations in modern conditions, care for terminally ill patients and treatment of chronic pain, characteristics of pharmacotherapy, prescribing drugs and writing prescriptions.
Students will be familiar with the standards and norms of primary health care as well as contracting and financing in primary health care. They will be able to recognize emergency conditions in family medicine and to list and explain work methods in family medicine.
Students will recognize the symptoms of the most common diseases in family medicine and will be able to plan further therapy. They will learn communication with patients and make home visits to check thepatient with a biopsychosocial approach and report to the physician. Students will be able to provide all forms of therapy.
Class organization: Teaching is conducted in the form of lectures, seminars, and practicals. Lectures and seminars are held in the premises of the Faculty of Medicine and online. Practicals are held in specialist family medicine clinics of the Health Center of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County, health centers of Istria and in private specialist family medicine offices. Students are obligated to attend all forms of teaching: lectures, seminars and practicals. Attendance at classes is regularly monitored and recorded and is one of the prerequisites for obtaining the final grade.
The student is obligated to prepare the material that is discussed: to participate in the active problemsolving of cases during seminar classes, to keep a logbook and to prepare an answer to a clinical question using the PEARLS method.
The teacher evaluates the student's participation in the seminar work (demonstrated knowledge, understanding, ability to pose problems, reasoning, etc.). The seminar topics are dealt with individually or in smaller groups. During the seminar, students will solve a health problem based on the presented case and present the case and its solution to the group of students. Students are required to prepare for the topic of the seminar and to answer during the seminar the theoretical questions posed by the theacher. Attendance and activity at seminars are prerequisites for the final grade.
The student’s other activities are also evaluated at practicals in family medicine clinics. The student’s obligation is to bring a white coat and a stethoscope, fill in the Clinical Skills Booklet and the logbook signed by the family physician.
Each student is obligated to prepare one written clinical report using the PEARLS method (Practical Evidence About Real Life Situations), search and write EB answers to questions arising from cases in daily work. The questions are related to patient case studies presented on practicals. It is necessary to find the best evidence/answer for the patient. The answer to the clinical question (Appendix 1) is submitted in written form at the end of the practicals to the teacher, who convinces it and in electronic form has to be sent to assistant’s e-mail. Acquired clinical skills and clinical presentations are collocated orally with the coordinator of the practicals.
1. Katić M, Švab I et al. Family Medicine, Zagreb; Alfa, 2013.
2. Bergman Marković B, Diminić Lisica I, Katić M et al. Smjernice u praksi obiteljskog liječnika (Guidelines in the practice of a family doctor), Zagreb, Medicinska naklada, University of Rijeka, 2020. (translated chapters)
1. Selected articles from relevant journals and books available on the internet
Students are obligated to regularly attend and actively participate in all forms of classes
Assessment (ECTS credits):
The assessment of students is carried out in accordance with the current University of Rijeka Study Regulations and Ordinance on Student Assessment and Evaluation at the Faculty of Medicine in Rijeka (adopted by the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Medicine in Rijeka). The students are evaluated during classes and on the final exam (a total of 100 grade points). Of a total of 100 grade points, the student can acquire 50 grade points during classes and 50 grade points on the final exam.
I. During the class, the following is evaluated (maximum 50 grade points):
Out of the maximum of 50 grade points that can be obtained during classes, the student must achieve a minimum of 25 grade points to take the final exam. A student who achieves 24.9 or less grade points (F grade category) must re-enroll in the course. The student acquires grade points through active participation in classes: attending lectures and seminars and completing a seminar paper with an oral midterm exam. During the practicals, the students’ activity and written clinical presentation are evaluated. At the end of the lectures, a midterm exam is written to assess students’ acquired knowledge during the course.
Activity at the seminars: The seminars are designed according to the principle of case presentation. Students must prepare for seminars AND participate in case discussions.
- insufficient (1) 0
- sufficient (2) 5
- good (3) 6
- very good (4) 8
- excellent (5) 10
The assessment of the exercise results from the activities in the exercises (maximum 10 points) and the answer to the clinical question (maximum 10 points).
Activity in the practicals:
- insufficient (1) 0
- sufficient (2) 5
- good (3) 6
- very good (4) 8
- excellent 10
Clinical question:
- insufficient (1) 0
- sufficient (2) 5
- good (3) 6
- very good (4) 8
- excellent 10
Mandatory written midterm exam: The written midterm exam consists of 50 questions and carries a maximum of 20 grade points (range of 10–20). The criterion for obtaining grade points is 25 correctly solved questions, i.e. 50% of all questions must be solved. The minimum number of grade points is 10 in case of 25–26 correctly solved questions. Attending the written midterm exam is mandatory. Any absence must be justified in writing, after which the student can retake the midterm exam. The midterm exam will take place The points obtained on the written midterm exam are converted into grade points as follows:
- 25–26 10
- 27–28 11
- 29–30 12
- 31–32 13
- 33–34 14
- 35–36 15
- 37–38 16
- 39–41 17
- 42–44 18
- 45–47 19
- 48–50 20
Students must obtain a minimum of 25 grade points (prerequisite for taking the final exam) and a maximum of 50 grade points on lectures, seminars, practicals and the written midterm exam.
- Activity at the seminars minimum 5 maximum 10
- Activity at the practicals minimum 5 maximum 10
- Clinical question minimum 5 maximum 10
- Written midterm exam minimum 10 maximum 20
Which gives a total of minimum 25 and a maximum of 50.
II. Final exam (up to 50 grade points)
The final exam consists of a practical and an oral part and carries a maximum of 50 grade points.
- insufficient (1) Practical part 0 Oral part 0
- sufficient (2) Practical part 12.5 Oral part 12.5
- good (3) Practical part 17 Oral part 17
- very good (4) Practical part 21 Oral part 21
- excellent (5) Practical part 25 Oral part 25
Who can take the final exam:
A student who has attended classes and does not have a greater number of absences (excused) than allowed according to the Study Regulations.
Who can not take the final exam:
A student who has achieved 0 to 24.9 grade points during classes or who has 30% or more absences from classes. Such a student is unsuccessful (1) / F and cannot take the final exam, i.e. they must re-enroll in the course in the following academic year.
III. The final grade is the sum of the grade points obtained during classes and on the final exam:
- A (90–100%) excellent (5)
- B (75–89.9%) very good (4)
- C (60–74.9%) good (3)
- D (50–59.9%) sufficient (2)
- F (students who achieved less than 25 grade points during classes or who scored under 50% on the final exam) insufficient (1)
Teaching content and all information related to the course can be found on the SharePoint portal intranet of the Department of Family Medicine
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: Learn and explain the European definition of family medicine (A1,) Recognize and describe the model of patient care and specific methods of work in family medicine (specific decision-making, treatment of patients with concurrent diseases, cooperation with consultants, home treatment, prescribing prescription drugs, work in emergencies outside institutions A2,). Explain teamwork methods, biopsychosocial, holistic, and ethnomedical model (A5). Differentiate the decision-making method of a family physician from that of other medical specialties (C6). |
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: Recognize the structure and functionality of families cared for by a family medicine doctor (A2). Assess the role of family members in the care of the patient (A2). Recognize and describe the specifics of the relationship between the patient and the family doctor. Implement the principles of good clinical practice with an individual approach, and respect the patient's expectations, beliefs, values , and priorities (B2). |
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: Define and describe preventive procedures in family medicine as one of the basic tasks of a family doctor according to the definition of Family Medicine (A1). Recognize the terms and content of primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary prevention (A2). Define and describe the method of opportunistic screening and participation in special prevention programs for the most common public health problems (A5, B2, C4).
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: Define and describe the referral model for diagnostic tests as part of the work of family medicine doctors (A4). Plan and integrate the most important diagnostic procedures used in family medicine (B3, B4). Identify and describe the indications and contraindications of certain diagnostic procedures and explain to the patient the limitations of certain tests (C2). Compile written instructions for patients when referring to certain diagnostic procedures (A6). |
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: Correctly prescribe medication prescriptions. Explain and apply the postulates of rational prescription of drugs (adequate choice of drug, optimal dose, with the least risk and rational costs) (A4, A7). Distinguish the most common problems faced by family medicine doctors when prescribing drugs (B5). Assess the importance of appropriate monitoring of the patient's condition when prescribing drugs for long-term treatment of chronic diseases (C4). Assess the problem of polypharmacy in patients with comorbidities, and explain and verify the presence of potentially harmful side effects and clinically significant drug interactions (A4).
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: Differentiate the specificity in the approach to the treatment of patients with multiple simultaneous diseases as one of the fundamental characteristics of the work of a specialist in family medicine (A7). Adopt basic strategies of patient-oriented care based on the example of the approach to the patient with multimorbidity, which dictates respect for the patient's preferences concerning the set goals (C4, C1).
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: Discuss the peculiarities of older people who suffer more often from many chronic diseases (comorbidity, multimorbidity). Explain the changes that occur in the aging process which impact the efficiency of drugs (A2). Recognize the occurrence of polypharmacy and consequently unwanted adverse drug reactions (A4, A6). Define and explain the concept of fragility, a biological syndrome clinically characterized by slower and/or incomplete recovery from stressors, clarify the concept of comprehensive geriatric assessment, and apply the rules when prescribing drugs for the elderly (B5, C5). |
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: Define sleep disorder and insomnia based on the characteristic symptoms of difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or waking up too early (A3). Analyze the impact of sleep disorders on daily functioning and quality of life (A7). Recognize and diagnose sleep disorder as a separate diagnosis, not only as a symptom of other comorbid conditions. Recognize, monitor, and evaluate newly adopted psychosocial changes that will positively affect the sleep process (B2, C5). |
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: Recognize risk factors in the onset of respiratory diseases in the light of the biopsychosocial model. Describe the role of the family physician in the prevention of chronic respiratory diseases (A/). Interpret the results of diagnostic tests, and adopt an approach to patients with asthma and COPD (A4), B3. Define when to refer a patient to a pulmonologist. Assess the correct way of using the inhaler and check cooperation (C4, C5). Choose adequate pharmacotherapy in the acute phase of disease exacerbation, and remission. Describe the therapy with concentrated oxygen in home conditions. |
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: Learn the basics of non-pharmacological and pharmacological treatment of arterial hypertension. Recognize the importance of arterial hypertension as a public health problem, most often a chronic disease, the most significant independent, variable cardiovascular risk factor (A7). Adopt the clinical approach of the family doctor to the patient with arterial hypertension based on modern guidelines for the treatment of hypertension and prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Assess the importance of patient cooperation in pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment (C4, B2). Define and describe the specifics of hypertension treatment in patients with concurrent diseases. |
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: Learn the content of the guidelines for the treatment of patients with urinary infections (A4). Define and apply rational use of antimicrobial drugs, as a key process in preventing bacterial resistance. Learn the measures for the prevention of urinary infections, as well as their significance in the presence of comorbidities (B3, B5) |
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: Explain and apply the basic approach to patients with the most common comorbidities (A7). Evaluate and rationally apply protocols of preventive, diagnostic-therapeutic, and pharmacotherapeutic procedures according to current guidelines in treating diabetes (A4). Explain the method of teamwork in cooperation with various health services at all levels of health care to improve care for patients with diabetes (A5), interpret the findings of the most common diagnostic procedures, and encourage the patient to adopt healthy lifestyle habits (C5). |
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: Recognize the basic characteristics of the components of polyvascular disease, cerebrovascular, coronary, and peripheral arterial disease (A7). Describe and apply the basics of physical examination and diagnostic methods applicable in family medicine and the interpretation of the obtained findings (A4). Adopt the principles of pharmacotherapy of poly-vascular disease, surgical and endovascular treatment methods, and emergencies. Explain the treatment and care plan at the primary health care level based on the biopsychosocial approach (C2).). |
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: Define criteria for the diagnosis of anemia and interpret laboratory parameters to distinguish the most common types of anemia. Adopt basic algorithms of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in patients with the most common types of anemia in family medicine (A2, A4). |
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: Recognize the four basic types of typical chronic wounds, their characteristics, and factors that hinder healing. List the basic diagnostic procedures applicable in family medicine. Describe the components of wound assessment and, based on the characteristics of the wound, list the basic therapeutic procedures (A4). List and recognize the complications of a chronic wound and treatments. Describe the role of the family medicine physician and his team in the care of patients with chronic wounds (B2, C4). |
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: Adopt an approach to the patient with dyspepsia in family medicine. Select and apply diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in patients with dyspepsia depending on age, symptoms, and Helicobacter pylori infection. (A4). Assess the possible effects of other comorbidities and medications that the patient uses regularly. Analyze symptoms that require prompt treatment ("alarms"). Describe and adopt an approach to patients with diseases of the hepatobiliary tract and pancreas that present with symptoms of dyspepsia. (A5,A7) |
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: Recognise the significance of stroke both as a global public health problem and as an illness disease of an individual, their family, and the community. Define the clinical determinants of stroke and the most important treatment methods. Become familiarized with the role of the family medicine doctor in the prevention of stroke as the most important strategy in the mitigation of consequences of stroke and in the care of stroke patients. Become familiar with the management of stroke patients and cooperate with a multidisciplinary team of consultants and associates at the primary level (A5). Emphasize the importance of successful communication and the specific relationship between a doctor and a patient and their family members, as the basis for changing lifestyle habits and accepting treatment methods (A6, C4, C5). |
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: Recognize the problem of mental health as a public health issue. Define the most common mental disorders and diseases and describe the family physician’s approach (A2, A6). Learn the basics of pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment of the most common mental disorders and diseases. Recognize the tasks of a family physician in prevention, early detection, and treatment of mental disorders. Explain the cooperation with the council psychiatric service in joint treatment and monitoring of reversible and chronic mental illnesses with an emphasis on preparing the patient for work and inclusion in the community (A5, B2). To investigate the connection and mutual influence of mental and physical pathophysiological processes (A7). |
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: Identify the most common mental health problems typical for adolescents. Describe the content and basics of counseling work with pupils, students, parents, teachers, and professors (A3). Implement the basics of communication and intervention with young people who show signs of anxiety, stress, mood disorders, adjustment, and behavior disorders as well as experimentation with addictive substances (B2). Adopt the methods for implementation of health education and health promotion through lectures, group work, forums, parent meetings, and teachers´ council meetings (C6). |
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: Describe and recognize the stages in the process of child and family coping with a chronic disease. Identify and differentiate low self-esteem, behavioral difficulties, social isolation, anxiety, and depression in children with chronic diseases (B2). Analyze the basics of a school medicine doctor´s work in committees for determining the appropriate form of education for children with chronic diseases and apply knowledge about the treatment of children with chronic diseases and difficulties that affect the child´s schooling and it's place in the family and community (A4, C2). |
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: Recognize symptoms ("red flag" signs) and define causes of low back pain (non-specific low back pain, low back pain associated with radiculopathy, inflammatory low back pain, low back pain associated with another specific cause) (A4, B1). Determine diagnostic and therapeutic procedures for the most common causes of low back pain (B2, B3). Select and apply tests to determine potential chronification of low back pain (C4). |
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: Explain the specifics of working with oncology patients in family medicine. Understand the importance of empathy in communication with the patient and his family, as well as basic psychotherapeutic interventions in working with oncology patients (A6, C1). Explain how a holistic approach to treatment is of key importance for the successful adaptation of the patient and his family to the new situation. Describe cooperation with consultants who participate in the treatment of the patient (A5). Learn about the basics of palliative care for patients with progressive malignant disease and the role of the family physician in the palliative care team. |
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: Define the differences between acute and chronic pain, with special reference to malignant pain. Assess pain perception using scales and pain perception questionnaires. Classify types of pain according to etiology (somatic, visceral, neuropathic, psychogenic pain (A6). Adopt and apply basic postulates on pain treatment. Assess the importance of pain perception in determining temporary work incapacity (C1, C4). |
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: Evaluate and rationally apply protocols of preventive, diagnostic-therapeutic, and pharmacotherapeutic procedures according to current guidelines in the treatment of sexual disorders (A4), choose and apply an appropriate way of communication with patients, considering their specific characteristics (A6), apply basic communication skills in contact with the patient in the family medicine office (B2), accept each patient as a unique personality, respect their expectations, beliefs, values and priorities (C1), respect the patient's privacy in collecting information (C3), accept and support the attitude of the patient's need for information and his participation in decision-making and taking responsibility for their own health (C4). |
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: Recognize and assess life-threatening conditions that require immediate care and stabilization of basic life functions (A8). Compare the approach of a family doctor in emergencies in special circumstances (e.g. home visit) in which decisions need to be made based on history and clinical examination without the possibility of performing diagnostic tests (A3). |
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: to describe the organization of work and the specific role of the family medicine team.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: to perform the first examination of a patient in a family medicine practice with supervision.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: carry out the specified diagnostic procedures with supervision
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: to administer drugs parenterally (intramuscularly, intravenously).
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: perform the ear irrigation and prescribe inhalation therapy; instruct the patient how to perform it |
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: Independently bandage superficial wounds, check and administer the tetanus vaccine
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: independently prescribe a device and investigate patient rights in treatment |
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: visit a patient with multimorbidity with a focus on the social component of the patient's life with the visiting nurse |
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: 1. define the work organization, 2. carry out a systematic examination of a school child under supervision, 3. investigate which groups of children should be opportunistically screened
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes:1. define examination criteria and examine the child under supervision, 2. carry out the vaccination procedure in children, 3. define the procedures that are carried out when an infectious disease appears in a school and undertake anti-epidemic interventions |
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: 1. clarify the structure and content of the work in the counseling center, 2. participate in the work of a counseling center with a specific topic, 3. visit school kitchens and attend parent meetings
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: 1. define prevention measures, 2. make a presentation about healthy eating habits, physical activity, and sexual health, 3. create and distribute own educational material on the promotion of health
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes:
1) Oral hygiene
2) Invisible calories
3) Structure of the human body
4) Puberty – hygiene
5) Sexuality – STD
6) Sexuality – contraception
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: 1. Recognize the most common symptoms of disorders of individual organ systems, 2. Analyze the possibilities of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, 3. Recognize symptoms that represent "red flag signs" and require prompt response Literature for the seminar: assigned and optional literature for the exam |
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: 1. Relate the etiology and pathophysiology of chronic pain concerning the complex regional pain syndrome, 2. Analyze the differential diagnosis of various types of chronic pain, 3. Apply adequate drug therapy for the most common pain syndromes of the musculoskeletal system (pain in the neck, low back pain, shoulder, elbow, wrist, knee, and ankle) Literature for the seminar: assigned and optional literature for the exam |
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: 1. Establish a working/clinical diagnosis based on the medical history, physical examination, and possible findings of clinical examinations and assess the existence of temporary work incapacity, 2. Recognize factors impacting the determination of work incapacity, 3. To differentiate types of temporary work incapacity, basic features, and maximum duration, 4. Become familiarized with the documentation accompanying the decision on work incapacity, 5. Determine the basics of cooperation and communication between family doctor and consultant. Literature for the seminar: 1. assigned and optional literature for the exam 2. Assessment of work ability in health and pension insurance. Srebrenka Mesić, NadaTurčić, Jadranka Mustejbegović 2017. |
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: 1. Define and recognize characteristics of typical wounds: venous and arterial leg ulcer, pressure ulcer, diabetic foot ulcer, 2. Perform wound assessment and asses the possible complications, 3. Describe and perform local treatment (debridement, wound dressings, compression therapy), 4. Discuss the principles of home care and the possible cooperation of a family doctor's team with other subjects involved in the treatment process. Literature for the seminar: assigned and optional literature for the exam 1. Sinožić T. Guidelines for the management of chronic wounds. In: Bergman Marković B, Diminić Lisica I, Katić M. Guidelines in the practice of family physician. Zagreb, Medicinska naklada; 2020: 301-17. 2. Sinožić T, Kovačević J, Prepelec AM. Chronic wound – venous leg ulcer. In: Diminić Lisica I, Katić M, Bergman Marković B. Challenges in family physician practice. Zagreb, Medicinska naklada; 2022: 332-350. 3. Isoherranen K, Montero EC, Atkin L, Collier M, Høgh A, Ivory JD. et all. Lower Leg Ulcer Diagnosis & Principles of Treatment. Including Recommendations for Comprehensive Assessment and Referral Pathways. J Wound Management, 2023;24(2 Sup1):s1-76 |
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: 1. Diagnose arterial hypertension in early stage, 2. Perform and analyze basic diagnostic procedures, 3. Apply the postulates of pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment methods, 4. Differentiate the specifics of treatment of hypertension associated with other most common comorbidities, chronic heart failure and chronic kidney disease. Literature for the seminar: assigned literature for the exam |
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: 1. Recognize risk factors for development of diabetes, 2. Determine the procedure for diagnosing diabetes, 3. Apply the basics of non-pharmacological and pharmacological treatment methods, 4. Assess and recognize the development of disease complications (micro and macrovascular), 5. Follow the rules for long-term follow-up of patients. Literature for the seminar: assigned and optional literature for the exam |
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: 1. Define basic concepts for communication, 2. Explain conducting a motivational interview to change lifestyle habits, 3. Describe and apply the Calgary-Cambridge consultation model, 4.Relationship with special groups of patients Literature for the seminar: assigned and optional literature for the exam |
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: 1. Assess the mental state of an anxious and/or depressed patient in a family medicine office, 2. Explain the difference between psychosomatic diseases and somatization/somatoform disorder, 3. Apply the rules in the prescription of psychopharmacological and non-pharmacological measures, 4. Assess when should a patient be referred to a psychiatrist, 5. Explain the principles of psychological support Literature for the seminar: assigned and optional literature for the exam |
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: 1. Define the contents of the physician’s bag and prepare it for the home visit, 2. Explain the home treatment and the reasons for the home visit, 3. Explain cooperation with the visiting nurse and institutions for home health care |
Literature for the seminar: assigned and optional literature for the exam
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: 1. Analyze the case of an experimenter in the physician's office and learn to use strategies to create better cooperation with the patient and his family, 2. Recognize signs of bullying in a school child and define the methods of an interdisciplinary approach in treatment, 3. Argue the theses "for and against sex education", evaluate different points of view on vaccination. 4. Conduct a presentation on topics typical for adolescent problems such as sexually transmitted diseases, contraception, proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle Literature for the seminar: assigned and optional literature for the exam |
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: Identify the aim of the Family Medicine course and explain the European definition of family medicine. Recognize and describe the model of patient care and specific work methods in family medicine: specific decision-making, treatment of patients with comorbidity, cooperation with consultants, home treatment, prescription of medications and emergencies outside institutions. The student will be able to describe the methods of teamwork and the biopsychosocial, holistic and ethnomedical models. Decision-making differs from decision-making in other medical specialities and requires a systematic approach with respect for the special characteristics of a family physician work. This process must be maximally efficient, make diagnosis and treatment as rational as possible, and respect the patient's right to information. With timely and appropriate referral for further treatment, the family physician achieves optimal patient care while avoiding unnecessary, expensive and aggressive diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. The student will understand the role and responsibility of the family physician in applying the principle of rational prescription of drugs with an individual approach to the patient. They will recognize the specific form of work of family medicine physicians – caring for patients at home. As a first-contact practitioner, a family medicine physician also encounters various emergencies. Students will determine and list the methods of treating the most common emergencies in family medicine.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: To learn that knowing the family in health care is important for the work of a family medicine . The structure of the family and its functioning, diseases of individual members and roles in the family are important for understanding the etiology of health problems and the treatment outcome. Students will recognize and describe the specifics of the relationship between the patient and the family physician. Patient-physician communication is a complex verbal and non-verbal process in which a therapeutic relationship develops, where an empathic approach is very important in which the physician assesses the patient’s individual needs, provides him with the necessary information and gives him the option of choosing treatment and overall care. Students will recognize and describe dealing with various patient personalities and complex medical and social situations. They will learn that good care can only be provided if the physician understands the patient’s personal life context. Even the first meeting is the way to develop a good or bad physician-patient relationship, and all their interactions include expectations from both sides. Students will understand that the long-term relationship between the patient and his family physician is specific and represents the basis for effective and efficient work with good health outcomes.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes:
Define and describe preventive procedures in family medicine as one of the family physician’s basic tasks according to the definition of family medicine. Learn and describe the terms and content of primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary prevention. Define and describe the method of opportunistic screening and participation in special prevention programs for the most common public health problems. |
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: Define and describe the referral model for diagnostic tests as part of the work of family medicine physicians. Referral for diagnostic tests is one of the stages in the process of treating patients, Therefore, a family medicine physician needs to master this specific discipline in order to take better care of his patients while rationally using all the resources of the health system and avoiding the specific risks that some tests involve with appropriate referrals. In the process of referral for diagnostic tests, the family medicine physician should have good knowledge of the indications and contraindications, the specificity and sensitivity of each diagnostic test, possible complications, patient preparation and the course of the test itself as well as the interpretation of the findings. Also, the physician should have the skills necessary for explaining to the patient the reasons for the referral and what is expected during the preparation for the examination so that the patient cooperates as much as possible. It is also necessary to obtain the patient’s consent to perform the diagnostic examination and to explain to the patient why it is needed.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes:
To learn the features of quality drug prescription (adequate choice of drug, optimal dose with the least risk and rational cost) and the common problems faced by family medicine physicians when prescribing pharmacotherapy. The importance of appropriate patient monitoring when prescribing drugs for the long-term treatment of chronic diseases will be emphasized, as well as the importance of polypharmacy when determining therapy for patients with comorbidities, drug-drug interactions and adverse drug reactions. |
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: The student will understand the specificity of treating patients with multiple simultaneous diseases as one of the fundamental characteristics of the work of family medicine specialist. They will learn that the treatment of patients with several simultaneous diseases is not identical to the sum of the treatment of individual diseases. They will also learn that there is a specific strategy and approach to the treatment of patients with multimorbidity, which includes assessment of the main goal of treatment, assessment of disease interactions, interactions of drugs and medical procedures, and assessment of priorities. It will adopt the foundations of a patient-centered care strategy based on the example of an approach to a patient with multimorbidity that requires respecting the patient's preferences with regard to the set goals.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: Students will learn that the elderly have numerous peculiarities and often suffer from a number of chronic diseases at the same time (comorbidity, multimorbidity), so choosing the appropriate treatment for individual diseases is complex. They will also learn that aging affects the effectiveness of the drug because older people are more often exposed to polypharmacy and the resulting adverse drug reactions. Aging increases the fragility or sensitivity of an individual to various stimuli that can result in unfavorable outcomes. Students will describe the concept of frailty, which was introduced about 30 years ago in order to better understand the changes in the health status of the elderly with the aim of identifying the most vulnerable patients. In geriatrics, frailty is defined as a biological syndrome clinically characterized by slower and/or incomplete recovery from stressors, involving the interaction of biological, psychological and social factors, associated with a higher risk of adverse outcomes, a decline in functional capacity, delirium, falls, institutionalisation, hospitalization and death. Measuring frailty helps to select individual interventions for the individual with the aim of improving outcomes
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Learning outcomes:
to become familiar with the frequent but insufficiently treated health problem of sleep disorders. Insomnia is characterized by difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or the problem of waking up too early. Sleep disorders have in common the difficulty in functioning and the impact on the quality of life, as well as the risks for the onset of numerous inflammatory and chronic diseases. Students will learn to recognize and diagnose in a timely manner sleep disorders as a separate diagnosis and not only as a symptom of other comorbidities. |
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Learning outcomes: To recognize risk factors in the onset of respiratory diseases in the light of the biopsychosocial model. Differences and similarities between COPD and bronchial asthma. Smoking and chronic respiratory diseases, the importance of promoting non-smoking. Describe the role of the family physician in the prevention of chronic respiratory diseases and management of COPD. Spirometry in the family physician’s office. GOLD and GINA guidelines in the treatment of chronic respiratory diseases. Define when to refer a patient to a pulmonologist? Proper use of the inhaler, checking patient cooperation. Treatment of COPD exacerbation. Describe the therapy with concentrated oxygen in home conditions
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Learning outcomes: To learn the basics of non-pharmacological and pharmacological treatment of arterial hypertension. To recognize the significance of arterial hypertension as a public health problem, as most often a chronic disease, the most significant independent, variable cardiovascular risk factor. The clinical approach of a family physician to a patient with arterial hypertension based on modern guidelines for the treatment of hypertension and prevention of cardiovascular diseases is discussed. Students will learn the importance of patient cooperation in pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment. Define and describe the specifics of hypertension treatment in patients with concurrent diseases
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Learning outcomes: Learn the content of the guidelines for the treatment of patients with a urinary infection. Urinary tract infections represent a heterogeneous group of clinical syndromes that differ in epidemiology, etiology, localization, severity and frequency. The guidelines provide therapeutic recommendations for the majority of patients with the aim of eliminating the symptoms of the disease, eradicating the causative agent and preventing recurrence. Over 90% of antimicrobial drugs are prescribed at the primary health care level. Students will define and describe the rational use of antimicrobial drugs as a key process in preventing the growth of bacterial resistance. Students will also learn about the prevention of urinary infections, as well as their importance in the presence of comorbidities
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Learning outcomes: To define the role of the family physician in the early detection of diabetes, especially type 2 diabetes, prevention and treatment of diabetes within the biopsychosocial model. Learn and describe non-pharmacological treatment methods (proper diet, physical exercise, not smoking) and learn the principles of pharmacological treatment with oral antidiabetics and indications for treatment with insulin preparations. Define and describe the signs of hypoglycemia. List the complications of diabetes. Describe the role of chronic stress in the onset and development of diabetes and ways to reduce the perception of stress. Describe and define when to refer the patient to a diabetologist
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Learning outcomes: Define and describe polyvascular diseases as the simultaneous presence of clinically relevant atherosclerotic lesions in at least two vascular territories and as a sign of advanced atherosclerosis with a very high health risk. The most common are combinations of coronary disease, cerebrovascular disease and peripheral artery disease, but manifestations in other arteries (renal, mesenteric and aorta) may also be present. Students will learn the features of each component and combination, clinical manifestation, and describe basic treatment procedures. Also, to present the possibilities of early diagnosis in general medicine, which includes the identification of risk factors for atherosclerosis, various tests, and measurements (blood pressure, 24-hour blood pressure monitoring, ECG, ABI, blood glucose tests, lipid profile, glomerular filtration rate) as well as procedures in patient monitoring. Explain the model of rational referral to diagnostic and therapeutic procedures and the model of coordination within the multidisciplinary team of health professionals who care for a patient with comorbidities, all with the aim of reducing the complications of the diseases (amputation, acute myocardial infarction, or cerebrovascular insult) and preserving the quality of life
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Learning outcomes: To define the criteria for the diagnosis of anemia and the laboratory criteria for the most common types of anemia. To adopt an attitude about anemia as a symptom and to learn the basic algorithms of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in patients with the most common types of anemia in family medicine. Recognise a proactive approach of the family physician in the early detection of anemia in the population
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Learning outcomes: To define the term chronic wound, the factors of difficult healing and the incidence of chronic wounds. List the characteristics of the most common types of chronic wounds: venous and arterial lower leg wounds, diabetic foot wounds and decubitus wounds, in contrast to the so-called atypical wounds. Show basic clinical and diagnostic procedures in wound assessment, measurements available in vascular assessment (ankle index) and wound sample collection procedures for diagnostic tests (microbiological, pathohistological). Explain wound complications and treatment and pain management. Describe the basic principles of local wound treatment and, depending on the type of wound, show specific treatment procedures, such as compression therapy for a venous lower leg wound. To present the diagnostic and therapeutic possibilities of a multidisciplinary team in the treatment of patients with chronic wounds and the importance of such an organized team. Learn the basics of adjuvant therapy such as hyperbaric oxygen therapy, negative pressure therapy, etc. Recognize the role of the family medicine physician and his team in chronic wound care, as well as the individualized, patient-oriented approach and the impact of this form of work on the quality of life of the patient and the family.
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Learning outcomes:
To learn the approach to the patient with dyspepsia in family medicine. Dyspepsia is a common symptom in patients in family medicine practice. The prevalence in the adult population is about 40%. The student will get to know and adopt the procedure of clinical evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of patients with dyspepsia, which depends on age, symptoms and Helicobacter pylori infection. When approaching a patient with dyspepsia, it is necessary to assess the possible effect of other comorbidities and medications that the patient regularly uses. Prompt or early endoscopy is recommended for patients with alarming symptoms and patients over 50 years of age with new onset dyspepsia. In patients younger than 50, the recommended strategy is ‟test and treat“. In some patients, treatment is carried out by acid suppression. To adopt the approach to patients with hepatobiliary and pancreas diseases presenting with symptoms of dyspepsia. |
To adopt the approach to patients with a mental disorder, the treatment of which can improve the symptoms of dyspepsia.
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Learning outcomes: To recognise characteristics of stroke as a global public health problem and a disease of the individual, family and community. To define the clinical determinants of stroke and the most important treatment methods. To get acquainted with the role of the family medicine physician in the prevention of stroke as the most important strategy for reducing the consequences of stroke and in the care of stroke patients. To get acquainted with the management of the stroke patient and cooperation with a multidisciplinary team of consultants and associates at the primary level. To emphasize the importance of successful communication and the specific relationship between a physician and patient and family members as the basis for changing lifestyle habits and accepting treatment methods
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Learning outcomes: To learn the basics of pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment of the most common mental disorders and diseases. Recognize the problem of mental health as a public health problem. Define the most common mental disorders and diseases and describe the family physician’s approach. The family physician’s tasks are prevention, early detection and treatment, cooperation with the council psychiatric service in joint treatment and monitoring of reversible and chronic mental illnesses with an emphasis on training the patient for work and inclusion in the community in terms of the biopsychosocial model. Students will get to know the unity of mental and physical pathophysiological processes and the importance of simultaneous diseases as well as the mutual connection and influence of physical diseases on mental diseases and vice versa.
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Learning outcomes: List and describe the most common mental health problems typical for adolescence. Adopt the basics of communication and intervention with young people who show signs of anxiety, stress, mood disorders, adjustment, behavior disorders as well as experimentation with addictive substances. Learn the content and basics of counseling work with pupils, students, parents, teachers and professors, get to know the methods of conducting health education and health promotion through lectures, group work, forums, parent meetings and teacher and teacher council meetings.
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Learning outcomes: Describe the coping process with a child and family in the event of a chronic illness. Recognize and prevent the occurrence of low self-confidence, difficulties in behavior, social isolation, anxiety and depression. Students will learn about the school physician's work in committees for determining the appropriate form of schooling, all related to the treatment of children with chronic diseases and difficulties that affect the child's schooling and place in the family and society.
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Learning outcomes Back pain is one of the most common reasons for visiting a family medicine physician, about 80% of the population has low back pain during their lifetime. It represents a significant medical and social problem and is the main reason for temporary sick leave in younger people. Students will recognize symptoms ("red flag" signs) and define causes of low back pain (non-specific low back pain, low back pain associated with radiculopathy, inflammatory low back pain, low back pain associated with another specific cause), then determine diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. They will describe how to treat low back pain, prevent recurrence of complaints and possible complications of the disease and when to refer the patient to a consulting physician.
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Learning outcomes: Describe the specificities of working with oncology patients in family medicine. We are witnessing an increase in the incidence and prevalence of malignant diseases. The diagnosis of a malignant disease causes an intensive stress reaction in most patients and their families, which results in adjustment disorder, anxiety and depression. The patient is worried about the future, undergoing stages of adaptation The list of seminars with descriptions: to a new life situation. A family physician, who uses a biopsychosocial model and a holistic approach to treatment, is of key importance for the successful adaptation of the patient and his family to the new situation. Students will learn about the importance of empathy in communication with the patient and his family, as well as basic psychotherapeutic interventions in working with oncology patients. Also, students will learn about the basics of palliative care for patients with progressive malignant disease and an infaust prognosis and the role of the family physician in the palliative care team.
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Learning outcomes: Pain is one of the most common symptoms that bring patients to the family physician. The student will learn about the pathophysiology of pain sensation and the assessment of pain perception through the biopsychosocial approach. In the assessment of pain, in addition to the anamnesis, pain perception scales and questionnaires are important. The differences between acute and chronic pain will be defined, with special reference to malignant pain. There are also characteristics that distinguish nociceptive (somatic and visceral) and neuropathic pain. As a special entity, important in the work of a family physician, psychogenic pain will be treated. Pharmacological treatment of pain and nonpharmacological methods of pain treatment will be presented through the biopsychosocial model. Also, the role of pain perception in determining temporary work incapacity will be presented
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Learning outcomes: To learn about the basics of sexual medicine and gain knowledge about sexual health and sexual disorders as well as the approach to problems from this complex and interdisciplinary field. The field of sexuality includes family medicine physicians, urologists, gynecologists, cardiologists, endocrinologists, psychiatrists, psychologists, psychotherapists, occupational therapists, midwives, rehabilitators and defectologists, and requires teamwork. Issues in the field of sexuality include family medicine physicians since the family medicine physician is the person of first contact, a trusted person who knows family dynamics and is also the person to whom the patient should turn in case of sexual difficulties. Students will learn about communication about "sensitive" content and about connecting experts who deal with solving problems in the field of sexuality. They will learn how sexual health affects the patient’s overall health and see the connection between sexual difficulties and chronic diseases. Chronic diseases and sexual complaints are in a mutual cause-and-effect relationship, given that chronic diseases can affect the occurrence of sexual complaints as well as the therapy needed to treat them, and sexual complaints can affect the progression of chronic diseases. Students will understand the importance of recognizing sexual problems, making a correct diagnosis and using diagnostic procedures. It will determine the basics of the application of therapeutic methods in the treatment of sexual problems.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: Emergencies require urgent care and stabilization of basic life functions. It is important that health professionals know how to recognize and treat it appropriately. This is especially important to a family medicine physician who encounters a wide range of different conditions in the early stages of the disease in which the clinical presentation is often not yet completely clear. Students will learn skills necessary for independent decision-making on the correct treatment in emergencies, especially in circumstances (home visits) in which they have to make judgments based on a good (hetero) history-taking and clinical status without the possibility to use various diagnostic tests. Students will learn the importance of identifying a vulnerable patient and the importance of the continuity of care provided by the family physician to the patient. In the care and treatment of emergencies, we follow the algorithm for emergency conditions.
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Learning outcomes: to describe the organization of work and the specific role of the family medicine team.
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Learning outcomes: to perform the first examination of a patient in a family medicine practice with supervision.
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Learning outcomes: to perform a venepuncture and draw a blood sample for laboratory analysis. To perform certain procedures essential in the diagnosis and monitoring of chronic diseases.
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Learning outcomes: to administer drugs parenterally (intramuscularly, intravenously).
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Learning outcomes: to explain the rules of wound treatment. To dress the wound independently. To perform ear irrigation dependently.
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Learning outcomes: to independently prescribe medications needed for treatment.
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Learning outcomes: to differentiate prescription metod of orthopedic and other aids
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Learning outcomes: to fill out the logbook and present it to the teacher. To answer theoretical questions and perform practical tasks on the example of a patient.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes:
1) Examination to determine the state of health and ability to teach physical education and health and
determine the appropriate program
2) Vaccination of students
3) Chek -ups when an infectious disease appears in the school and undertaking anti-epidemic interventions
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes:
1) Counseling work for students, parents, teachers and professors
2) Health education and health promotion
3) Tours of schools and school kitchens
4) Work in committees to determine the appropriate form of education
5) Attending parents’ meetings, teachers’ council and individual contacts with school staff
Student obligations:
Assessment (exams, description of written/oral/practical exam, the scoring criteria)
6) Examination of children for enrollment in the first grade of primary school
7) Pediatric, family and social history-taking, child’s somatic status, child's psychophysical preparedness
for school, counseling work with families
8) Consulting
9) Health education of young people is aimed not only at increasing their knowledge but also at providing support and developing social skills necessary for avoiding risky behavior, preventing sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies. Active participation of young people in prevention programs contributes to the development of self-esteem and responsible sexual behavior
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: Health promotion means improving health and creating the potential for good health before a health problem or health threat occurs. Health promotion is defined as a process that enables young people to improve their health and train them to control their own health. With this goal, public health activities are organized, educational material is created and distributed, and health information is provided to the public through various media.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes:
1) Oral hygiene
2) Invisible calories
3) Structure of the human body
4) Puberty – hygiene
5) Sexuality – STD
6) Sexuality – contraception
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Learning outcomes:
1) Febrile condition. Dyspnoea
2) Headache, syncope, coma
3) Chest pain, abdominal pain. Musculoskeletal pain – pain in the neck, lower back, shoulder, joint
Literature for the seminar:
1) Assigned and optional reading for the exam
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes:
1) Basic concepts from communication – repetition. Motivational interview
2) Patient-physician relationship (transfer-countertransference)
3) Relationship with special groups of patients
Literature for the seminar:
1) Hall K, Gibbie T, Lubman DI. Motivational interviewing techniques. Facilitating behavior change in the
general practice setting. AuSTRAlian Family PhysiCiAn 2012;9(41).
2) Miller WR, Rollnick S. Motivational interviewing: preparing people for change. Jastrebarsko, Publication
Slap 2013.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes:
1) Assessment of determination of work incapacity
2) Factors affecting the implementation of determining work incapacity
3) Duration of work incapacity
4) Treatment and rehabilitation of work incapacity
5) Documentation accompanying the decision on work incapacity
6) Referral to secondary or tertiary health care
7) Basics of cooperation and communication between family doctor and consultant
Literature for the seminar:
1) Rulebook on the longest periods of sick leave. OG 153/09 from 2009
2) Assessment of work ability in health and pension insurance. Srebrenksa Mesić, Nada Turčić, Jadranka
Mustejbegović 20017.
3) Jelana Macan, Marija Zavalić. Assessment of work ability in occupational medicine. 2019.
4) Vajd R, Cerovečki Nekić V. Refferals in : Katić M, Švab I et al. Family Medicine, Zagreb; Alfa, 2017. p 289-97.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes:
1) Characteristics of the typical wounds: venous and arterial leg ulcer, pressure ulcer, diabetic foot
2) Wound assessment, complications
3) Local treatment: debridement, wound dressings, compression therapy
4) Principles of home care, cooperation within the family medicine team
Literature for the seminar
1. Sinožić T. Smjernice za liječenje kronične rane. U: Bergman Marković B, Diminić Lisica I, Katić M. Smjernice
u praksi obiteljskog liječnika. Zagreb, Medicinska naklada; 2020: 301-17.
2.Harding K. Simplifying venous leg ulcer management. Wounds International 2015, 1-25.
3. World Union of Wound Healing Societies (WUWHS) Position Document. Local management of diabetic foot ulcers: Wounds International 2016, 3-27.
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Learning outcomes:
1) Assessment of patients with arterial hypertension
2) Treatment of patients with arterial hypertension and chronic heart failure with non-pharmacological
and pharmacological measures, prescription of antihypertensive drugs
3) Treatment of patients with arterial hypertension and chronic kidney disease
Literature for the seminar:
1) mandatory and supplementary literature for the exam
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes:
1) Physician’s bag. Home visits and home treatment
2) Patronage work
3) Health care at home
Literature for the seminar:
1) Mandatory and supplementary literature for the exam
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes:
1. To learn the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of various types of chronic pain
2. To learn the application of adequate therapeutic procedures for the stated conditions:
-Musculoskeletal pain - pain in the neck, lower back
-Pain in the shoulder, elbow, wrist
-Pain in the knee, ankle joint
3. Learn the etiology and pathophysiology of chronic pain, with special reference to complex regional painsyndrome (CRPS).
Literature for the seminar:
1. Assigned and optional reading for the exam
2. Haller H, Cramer H, Lauche R, Dobos G. Somatoform disorders and medically unexplained symptoms in
primary care. Dtsch Arztebl Int. 2015 Apr 17;112(16):279-87
3. Lloyd ECO, Dempsey B, Romero L. Am Fam Physician. 2021 Jul 1;104(1):49-55
4. Kessler A, Yoo M, Calisoff R. Complex regional pain syndrome: An updated comprehensive review.
NeuroRehabilitation. 2020;47(3):253-264
5. Urits I, Charipova K, Gress K, Schaaf AL, Gupta S, Kiernan HC, Choi PE, Jung JW, Cornett E, Kaye AD,
Viswanath O. Treatment and management of myofascial pain syndrome. Best Pract Res Clin Anaesthesiol. 2020 Sep;34(3):427-448
6. Urits I, Shen AH, Jones MR, Viswanath O, Kaye AD. Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, Current Concepts and Treatment Options. Curr Pain Headache Rep. 2018 Feb 5;22(2):10
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes:
1) Anxious and/or depressed patient in a family medicine office (psychological evaluation, drug treatment,
psychological counseling, supportive psychotherapy. When should a patient be referred to a psychiatrist?)
2) Psychosomatic diseases. Difference between psychosomatic diseases and somatization/somatoform
disorder. The role of stress in the onset and course of psychosomatic diseases. Examples of psychosomatic diseases (arterial hypertension, diabetes, bronchial asthma...)
3) Psychotic patient. Communication with a psychotic patient. Monitoring cooperation in drug treatment. Psychological support
Literature for the seminar:
1) Assigned and optional reading for the exam
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes:
1. Learn to recognize and monitor risk factors for the development of diabetes and learn to minimize them
2. Learn how to diagnose diabetes, the progression of the disease and the progression of accompanying
conditions complication
3. Introduction of therapy and monitoring of the patient (case reports)
Literature for the seminar
1. Assigned and optional reading for the exam
2. Chatterjee S, Khunti K, Davies MJ. Type 2 diabetes. Lancet. 2017 Jun 3;389(10085):2239-2251
3. Zheng Y, Ley SH, Hu FB. Global etiology and epidemiology of type 2 diabetes mellitus and its
complications. Nat Rev Endocrinol. 2018 Feb;14(2):88-98
4. Hackett RA, Steptoe A. Type 2 diabetes mellitus and psychological stress - a modifiable risk factor. Nat Rev Endocrinol
5. Ma Q, Li Y, Li P, Wang M, Wang J, Tang Z, Wang T, Luo L, Wang C, Wang T, Zhao B. Research progress in the relationship between type 2 diabetes mellitus and intestinal flora. Biomed Pharmacother. 2019
6. Kolb H, Martin S. Environmental/lifestyle factors in the pathogenesis and prevention of type 2 diabetes. BMC Med. 2017 Jul 19;15(1):131
Ishodi učenja
1) Case report: experimenter in the physician’s office (how to get him, who to include...)
2) Case report: suspicion of bullying in a school child (interdisciplinary approach, who to include in the
treatment, who to cooperate with...)
3) Case presentation: an obese child in the physician’s office (how to win the child over, who to include...)
4) Debate: sex education YES/NO (two each prepare their point of view and have half the group on their side)
5) Debate: vaccination YES/NO (two students each prepare their point of view and have half the group on their side)
6) Health education for younger school-aged children (lecture on proper nutrition and exercise adapted to nine-year-olds, the rest of the group are "pupils" and behave that way)
7) Health education for high school students (lecture on sexually transmitted diseases adapted to fifteenyear-olds, the rest of the group are "pupils" and behave that way)
8) Health education for high school students (lecture on contraception adapted to sixteen-year-olds, the rest of the group are "pupils" and behave that way)
Literature for the seminar:
2) Assigned and optional reading for the exam
Ishodi učenja
1) Examination to determine the state of health and ability to teach physical education and health and determine the appropriate program2) Vaccination of students3) Chek -ups when an infectious disease appears in the school and undertaking anti-epidemic interventions |
Ishodi učenja
1) Counseling work for students, parents, teachers and professors2) Health education and health promotion3) Tours of schools and school kitchens4) Work in committees to determine the appropriate form of education5) Attending parents’ meetings, teachers’ council and individual contacts with school staff6) Examination of children for enrollment in the first grade of primary school7) Pediatric, family and social history-taking, child’s somatic status, child's psychophysical preparedness for school, counseling work with families8) Consulting9) Health education of young people is aimed not only at increasing their knowledge but also at providing support and developing social skills necessary for avoiding risky behavior, preventing sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies. Active participation of young people in prevention programs contributes to the development of self-esteem and responsible sexual behavior |
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Health promotion means improving health and creating the potential for good health before a health problem or health threat occurs. Health promotion is defined as a process that enables young people to improve their health and train them to control their own health. With this goal, public health activities are organized, educational material is created and distributed, and health information is provided to the public through various media.
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1) Oral hygiene2) Invisible calories3) Structure of the human body4) Puberty – hygiene5) Sexuality – STD |
6) Sexuality – contraception
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to describe the organization of work and the specific role of the family medicine team
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to perform the first examination of a patient in a family medicine practice with supervision. |
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to perform a venepuncture and draw a blood sample for laboratory analysis. To perform certain procedures essential in the diagnosis and monitoring of chronic diseases. |
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to explain the rules of wound treatment. To dress the wound independently. To perform ear irrigation dependently
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to fill out the logbook and present it to the teacher. To answer theoretical questions and perform practical tasks on the example of a patient. |