Medical Studies in EnglishStudijska godina
Dermatovenerology is a fourth-year compulsory course of the Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Study of Medicine in English. The course consists of 20 lectures, 10 seminars and 30 practicals and is worth 3 ECTS credits.
The aim of the course is to acquire knowledge of the most common skin diseases and sexually transmitted diseases through discussion-based lectures and seminars.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- use professional terminology in the field of dermatology and venereology
- perform examination the patient’s dermatologic history
- distinguish the types of skin lesions and perform a valid physical examination of the skin, nails, hair and visible mucosal surfaces
- describe the pathogenesis and clinical presentation of the most common skin and venereal diseases
- distinguish the basic diagnostic techniques used in dermatovenerology and discuss their applications
- describe and compare the treatment options and commonly used dermatosurgical procedures in the management of skin and venereal diseases
The schedule of lectures and seminars is given in the tables entitled "Course Teaching Plan" and "Course Schedule" (below). Class times may vary with prior notice and consultation with students.
Seminars require preparatory assignments.
Assigned reading will be available through the Elsevier ClinicalKey website.
1. Gawkrodger DJ. Dermatology: An Illustrated Colour Text, 7th Ed. Elsevier Ltd, 2021.
2. Bolognia JL, Schaffer JV, Duncan KO, KO CJ. Dermatology Essentials, 2 nd Ed. Elsevier Inc., 2022.
1. Šitum M, Goren A. Dermatovenereology - textbook and atlas for medical and dental students. Medicinska naklada, 2021
2. James WD, Elston DM, McMahon PJ. Andrews' Diseases of the Skin Clinical Atlas. Elsevier Inc., 2018.
Students are required to attend all forms of classes on a regular basis. Absence from classes is compensated by an oral colloquium on a related topic.
Each student will be assigned a seminar topic to prepare and present as a Power Point presentation to other students (10 minutes per presentation). The list of assigned reading for each seminar topic will be provided. All students are expected to actively participate in the seminars by discussing a given topic.
Instructors will evaluate student work during classes and the final exam. The final exam will consist of an online multiple-choice test on the Merlin platform and an oral exam administered on-site (or exceptionally online via the MS Teams platform). Each student must score at least 50% on the online multiple-choice test to qualify for the oral portion of the final exam.
Scoring criteria:
- Seminar presentation- max. 10 - Each presentation will be scored as follows: sufficient = 4 points, good = 6 points, very good = 8 points, excellent = 10 points
- Online multiple choice test - max. 20 - number of correct answers = number of points (minimum threshold is 10 points)
- Oral exam -max. 70- Knowledge shown at the final oral exam will be scored as follows: sufficient = 31-40 points, good = 41-50 points, very good = 51-60 points, excellent = 61-70 points
- Which gives a total of 100
Final scores are as follows:
A (excellent): 90 - 100% points
B (very good): 75 - 89,9%
C (good): 60 - 74,9%
D (sufficient): 50 - 59,9%
F (insufficient): 0 - 49,9%
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: to describe the structure and function of the skin and skin appendages; to summarize principles of dermatologic terminology; to recognize and describe different skin and mucosal lesions; to perform history taking and to practice physical examination of the patient; to perform practical bedside diagnostic procedures.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: to summarize the basic principles of topical and systemic therapy in dermatology, to inspect skin biopsy and electrocautery, to perform cryotherapy, curettage, incision and drainage, elliptical excision, wound suturing.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: to list the most common bacterial skin diseases (including Lyme disease), to discuss clinical presentation, diagnosis and treatment of their clinical presentation and the current diagnostic and therapeutic algorithm.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: to describe the clinical presentation of the most common viral skin diseases (warts, herpes, viral exanthems), discuss current diagnostic and therapeutic algorithms and methods of prevention.
Ishodi učenja
. Learning outcomes: to describe commonest fungal infections, protozoan and parasitic skin diseases, to discuss diagnostic and therapeutic algorithm, methods of prevention; to inspect methods of identification of fungal elements in KOH preparation of skin scrapings, identification of fungal species on Sabouraud agar, identification of Sarcoptes scabiei by dermoscopy and in skin scrapings, and demonstration of the Wood light examination.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: to discuss the pathogenesis of atopic dermatitis, describe clinical presentation of the disease depending on the age of the patients; to define major and minor clinical criteria and stigmata of the disease; to discuss therapeutic guidelines for topical and systemic therapy of atopic dermatitis.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: to state the classification of the different types of urticaria and angioedema, along with the corresponding diagnostic algorithm and current management options; to define methods of in vitro and in vivo allergy testing. To demonstrate and explain the principle and practical performance of the skin prick test
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: to classify hypersensitivity reactions to drugs; to describe the morphology of the most common drug rashes; to describe key features of the potentially life-threatening drug reactions, to discuss therapeutic management of drug rashes.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcome: to discuss about the etiopathogenesis, clinical and histological features of psoriasis, to list and describe clinical subtypes of the disease, to discuss topical and systemic treatment options.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: to distinguish main clinical features of various erythematosquamous disease; to classify erythroderma.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: to describe the key concepts of the pathogenesis of autoimmune blistering diseases, to list differences in their clinical, histopathological and immunofluorescent features, to discuss their therapeutic options; to describe basic concepts of direct and indirect immunofluorescent analyses in the diagnosis of autoimmune skin diseases.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: to list main autoimmune connective tissue diseases, to describe differences in their clinical presentation, histopathologic and immunofluorescent features, to discuss current therapeutic options.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: to interpret the pathogenesis of chronic venous insufficiency, to classify and describe different types of leg ulcers, to review basic concepts in the management of chronic wounds, to inspect the use of color-doppler ultrasound of lower extremities.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: to explain the classification of cutaneous vasculitis, to define different causes of bleeding in the skin, to list specific purpuric dermatoses.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: to describe the clinical presentation of different stages of syphilis, to formulate diagnostic workup of the patient, to interpret serologic tests for syphilis, to define appropriate antibiotic treatment according to stage of the disease.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: to summarize main features of skin manifestations in patients with HIV infection.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: to list and differentiate benign tumours of keratinocytes, fibrous, adipose and vascular tissue, and naevi, to inspect and to perform basic dermatoscopy, to apply the ABCDE rule in the evaluation of pigmented skin lesions
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: to differentiate various precancerous lesions (actinic keratosis, actinic cheilitis, leukoplakia) and nonmelanoma skin cancer, to list various clinical and histologic subtypes of basal cell carcinoma, to choose appropriate therapeutic options, to inspect and discuss photodynamic therapy and radiotherapy of skin tumours.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcome: to list cliniopathologic subtypes of melanoma, to discuss diagnostic and prognostic features of various melanoma stages, to choose the appropriate treatment options for localised and widespread disease.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcome: to define the main difference between cutaneous lymphomas and pseudolymphomas; to summarize main features in the clinical presentation, diagnostic workup, and treatment of Mycosis fungoides.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: to describe the structure and function of the skin and skin appendages; to summarize principles of dermatologic terminology; to recognize and describe different skin and mucosal lesions; to perform history taking and to practice physical examination of the patient; to perform practical bedside diagnostic procedures.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: to summarize the basic principles of topical and systemic therapy in dermatology, to inspect skin biopsy and electrocautery, to perform cryotherapy, curettage, incision and drainage, elliptical excision, wound suturing.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: to list the most common bacterial skin diseases (including Lyme disease), to discuss clinical presentation, diagnosis and treatment of their clinical presentation and the current diagnostic and therapeutic algorithm.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: to describe the clinical presentation of the most common viral skin diseases (warts, herpes, viral exanthems), discuss current diagnostic and therapeutic algorithms and methods of prevention.
Ishodi učenja
. Learning outcomes: to describe commonest fungal infections, protozoan and parasitic skin diseases, to discuss diagnostic and therapeutic algorithm, methods of prevention; to inspect methods of identification of fungal elements in KOH preparation of skin scrapings, identification of fungal species on Sabouraud agar, identification of Sarcoptes scabiei by dermoscopy and in skin scrapings, and demonstration of the Wood light examination.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: to discuss the pathogenesis of atopic dermatitis, describe clinical presentation of the disease depending on the age of the patients; to define major and minor clinical criteria and stigmata of the disease; to discuss therapeutic guidelines for topical and systemic therapy of atopic dermatitis.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: to state the classification of the different types of urticaria and angioedema, along with the corresponding diagnostic algorithm and current management options; to define methods of in vitro and in vivo allergy testing. To demonstrate and explain the principle and practical performance of the skin prick test
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: to classify hypersensitivity reactions to drugs; to describe the morphology of the most common drug rashes; to describe key features of the potentially life-threatening drug reactions, to discuss therapeutic management of drug rashes.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcome: to discuss about the etiopathogenesis, clinical and histological features of psoriasis, to list and describe clinical subtypes of the disease, to discuss topical and systemic treatment options.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: to distinguish main clinical features of various erythematosquamous disease; to classify erythroderma.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: to describe the key concepts of the pathogenesis of autoimmune blistering diseases, to list differences in their clinical, histopathological and immunofluorescent features, to discuss their therapeutic options; to describe basic concepts of direct and indirect immunofluorescent analyses in the diagnosis of autoimmune skin diseases.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: to list main autoimmune connective tissue diseases, to describe differences in their clinical presentation, histopathologic and immunofluorescent features, to discuss current therapeutic options.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: to interpret the pathogenesis of chronic venous insufficiency, to classify and describe different types of leg ulcers, to review basic concepts in the management of chronic wounds, to inspect the use of color-doppler ultrasound of lower extremities.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: to explain the classification of cutaneous vasculitis, to define different causes of bleeding in the skin, to list specific purpuric dermatoses.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: to describe the clinical presentation of different stages of syphilis, to formulate diagnostic workup of the patient, to interpret serologic tests for syphilis, to define appropriate antibiotic treatment according to stage of the disease.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: to summarize main features of skin manifestations in patients with HIV infection.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: to list and differentiate benign tumours of keratinocytes, fibrous, adipose and vascular tissue, and naevi, to inspect and to perform basic dermatoscopy, to apply the ABCDE rule in the evaluation of pigmented skin lesions
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcomes: to differentiate various precancerous lesions (actinic keratosis, actinic cheilitis, leukoplakia) and nonmelanoma skin cancer, to list various clinical and histologic subtypes of basal cell carcinoma, to choose appropriate therapeutic options, to inspect and discuss photodynamic therapy and radiotherapy of skin tumours.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcome: to list cliniopathologic subtypes of melanoma, to discuss diagnostic and prognostic features of various melanoma stages, to choose the appropriate treatment options for localised and widespread disease.
Ishodi učenja
Learning outcome: to define the main difference between cutaneous lymphomas and pseudolymphomas; to summarize main features in the clinical presentation, diagnostic workup, and treatment of Mycosis fungoides.