Medical Studies in EnglishStudijska godina
The course “Medical ethics” is a second-year compulsory course of the Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Study of Medicine in English. The course consists of 15 hours of lectures and 30 hours of seminars. 2 ECTS credits are gained after successful completion of the course. The course is held in the third semester. The students are organized in one group for the seminars, which is in coordination with other courses during the third semester. The course is held within the Department of Social Sciences and Medical Humanities, Faculty of Medicine, University of Rijeka, Braće Branchetta 20, Rijeka.
Course content:
- Introductory lecture; Medical ethics and bioethics
- Bioethical declarations and their meaning
- The emergence and development of bioethics, bioethics in Croatia
- Ethical theories and bioethical principles, Code of medical ethics and dentology
- Privacy and confidentiality in the doctor/patient relationship
- Paternalism
- Informed consent
- Communication in ethically challenging situation
- Organ transplantation
- Vulnerable groups
- Reproduction
- Abortion
- Euthanasia and palliative medicine
- Vaccination
- Appeal of consciences
- Presentation of seminar topics, students' selection of the topics, guidelines for writing the seminar paper, schedule for students' oral presentations of seminar papers
- Analysis of documents
- The birth of bioethics; analysis of fundamental events in the history of bioethics
- Ethical theories and bioethical principles
- Privacy and confidentiality
- Paternalism
- Informed consent
- Communication in ethically challenging situation
- Organ transplantation
- Vulnerable groups
- Reproduction
- Abortion
- Euthanasia and Palliative medicine
- Vaccination
- Appeal of consciences
- Test in the term of seminar 16 – the exact date and time will be decided later
Teaching is performed:
Teaching is held in the forms of lectures and seminars throughout the 3rd semester. Lectures (15 L) – classical lectures with the possibilities of students' inclusion; acquisition of theoretical knowledge and information based on examples. Seminars (30 S) – interactive teaching based on examples with the discussion, seminar assignments, case discussion, oral presentation and writing papers - optional. The teacher who participate in the course: associate professor.Gordana Pelčić, full professor Amir Muzur, associate professor Iva Rinčić, assistant professor Igor Eterović, PhD Robert Doričić, Gordana Šimunković, assistant, Toni Buterin, assistant. The collaborators in the course: associate professor Nataša Vlah, full professor Florian Steger.
Lectures presentations
Materials for seminars
Bioethical documents / The Code of Medical Ethics and Deontology
1.LooseLeaf for Medical Ethics: Accounts of Ground-Breaking Cases
2. Principles of Biomedical Ethics.
3. Clinical Ethics, 8th Edition: A Practical Approach to Ethical. Decisions in Clinical Medicine.
4. A Short History of Medical Ethics
5. Medical Ethics and Humanities. https://www.amazon.com/Medical-Ethics-HumanitiesFrederick-Adolf/dp/07637606
6. Medical Humanities: An Introduction.
7. https://www.amazon.com/Medical-Humanities-Introduction-Thomas-Cole/dp/110761
8. Medicine and Medical Ethics in Nazi Germany: Origins, Practices, Legacies
9. Case Studies in Biomedical Ethics: Decision-Making, Principles, and Cases (https://www.amazon.com/Case-Studies-Biomedical-Ethics-Decision-Making/
10. Medical Ethics: A Very Short Introduction* -
11. https://www.amazon.com/Medical-Ethics-Very-Short-Introduction/dp/01928
12. Medical Review Aushwiths:Medicine Behind the Barbed Wire-Conference Proceedings 2018, Medycyny Praktyczna, Polski institytut Evidence Based Medicine 2019 KrakÓw Poland.
Lecture presentation and some other papers will be hend out to the students during the class. The literature will be available in the library of Faculty of Medicine.
Regular class attendance (lectures and seminars)
Being active in the classes Colloquium (the midterm exam)
Preparation and oral presentation of seminar paper
The final exam
ECTS Grading System:
Student grading will be conducted according to the current Ordinance on Studies of the University of Rijeka (approved by the Senate) and the Ordinance on Student Grading at the Faculty of Medicine in Rijeka (approved by the Faculty Council).
Student's work will be assessed and graded during the course and on the final exam. A student may achieve up to 60% of the grade during the course, and up to 40% of the grade on the final exam. Students are graded according to the ECTS credit (A-F) and numeric (1-5) system.
Students are obliged to attend all forms of teaching during the course and may be absent from 30% of the classes (seminars and lectures). In case of absence from more than 30% of the classes, students have failed the course. In addition, a student who has achieved less than 30 points during the classes must retake the course.
From the maximum of 60 points during the classes, student must achieve 30 points to be allowed to take the final exam.
The students gain score points with an active participation in classes, performing the tasks and passing the colloquium (midterm exam):
During the classes the following is evaluated (up to 60 points) (for details see table 2):
Activity in the classes – max 14% (from S3 to S30)
The colloquium (midterm exam) - max 14%
The design and presentation of the seminar topic with discussion - max 22% (presentation 17%, discussion 5%)
Working sheets 10%
The final exam - max 40%
On the final exam can be realized maximum 50 points. There are no negative points on the final exam. The requirement for passing the final exam is 50% of the correct answers. All questions on the final exam are based on the materials covered in class and written materials.
The condition for approaching the final exam are: regular attendance of the classes with maximum of 15 hour EXCUSED absence (Lectures and seminars), completed colloquium, passed oral presentation of seminar topic (minimum gained points 10%)
It is no possible to refuse the obtained grade in the course of Medical ethics according to the Regulation of the studies University of Rijeka article 46. Student can make objection to the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine Rijeka during the 25 hours.
Activity | Explanation | Number of points | |
Colloquium | Colloquium (the midterm exam) is scheduled in the week of S16. The exact date will be determined during the lectures. Students must gain a minimum of 50% of total points to pass the colloquium, which is a requirement for the final exam. Students that do not obtain 50% of total points will be given another opportunity for retaking the colloquium. | 14% | |
Seminar | Oral presentation | 1. Adherence to the time of oral presentation - (max 2 %) 2. Content of the presentation, bioethical elements, UpToDate knowledge, included bioethical declaration regarding the content of the presentation and the Code of Medical Ethics and Deontology (max 8 %) 3. Preparedness for the presentation (max 2 %) 4. Literature (max 3 %): 3 do 5 PubMed paper, possibilities that newsletter story be a base of case presentation, books, etc. The students must submit the handouts on the presentation day. Add the papers used in the preparation of the presentation to the folder on Merlin. Select and emphasize the paper on which the presentation is based. If the student does not present the seminar on the scheduled day, he or she will lose the possible achieved points when she or he presents. | 15% |
Discussion |
The conclusion of the discussion - the student who has presentation moderates the discussion. (max3%)
| 7 % | |
| Teacher’s reflection | The teacher will give a reflection regarding the oral presentation and discussion. |
Working sheets | The students will submit the individual working sheets regarding the seminar topics. The working sheets should be submitted in accordance with the agreement at the seminar (the deadline of the submission of the working sheets will depend on the scope of the task). The students would not be able to be submitted working sheets after the class is finished. In the case of plagiarism of the working sheet, the grade of each person involved in the plagiarism for the particular seminar topic will be 0%. The student who did not attend the seminar is not allowed to submit the working sheet from the topic of the seminar that he/she missed. | 10% | |
Activity | It is possible to gain the points during the seminar work with active participation in the seminar discussion.
| 14% | |
Additional points | In the case that the student wants to collect a sufficient number of extra points during the course, he/she can obtain additional points in the amount of a maximum of 5 points by submitting the additional working sheets. Each working sheet should be submitted according to the schedule. | 5% additional | |
The final exam | The final exam comprises multiple choice questions and case analysis. The requirement for passing the final exam is 50 points of the correct answers. | 40 | |
| The final grade consists of the sum of credits gained during the course and on the final written exam. Grading within the ECTS grading system is carried out with an absolute distribution, i.e. based on the final achievement:
A – 90 - 100% EXCELLENT (5) B – 75 - 89.9% VERY GOOD (4) C – 60 - 74.9% GOOD (3) D -- 50 - 59.9% SUFFICIENT (2) F – 0 - 49.9% INSUFFICIENT (1)
The numeric grading system, compared to the ECTS grading system, is as follows:
A = excellent (5) B = very good (4) C = good (3) D = sufficient (2) F = insufficient (1)
Attendance of the class
The student's attendance will be checked at the beginning of each class. A student coming to class late may attend lecture, but will not get any points. It is not allowed to use mobile phones in the class.
Written paper work
- Students will decide regarding the submition of the written seminar paper regarding the possibilities of gainng 3 extra points. .
- Academic rectitude
- Teaching staff and students are obligated to respect academic rectitude.
- Contact with the teaching staff
- Contact with the teaching staff is in person or via email.
- Expected general competencies
- No specific general competencies are needed for enrolling in this class. It is expected that student is able to use computer, to search the web, or to communicate in English language.
Seminar topics:
- The history of medical ethics and bioethics
- Nazi medicine and the Nuremberg trials
- Content and meaning of the Nuremberg code
- The Declaration of Helsinki
- Medical ethics and society
- The role of media in medical ethics
- Medical ethics: from professionalism to the business ethics
- Drug addiction treatment and responsibility of society
- Societhical category of health: obesity
- Societhical category of health: genetic predisposition
- Big data in medicine
Medical ethics and mental health
- Ethical issues in the treatment of patients with mental illness
- Suicide – from particular case to a society problem
- Mental health and psychopharmacology
Bioethics in Croatia and the World
- Integrative bioethics
- The role of the Council of Europe in bioethics – Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine
- European principles in bioethics
- The National Committee for Medicine (legal, ethical protocol, members…)
Ethical issues regarding the end of life
- The history of death perception in different cultures
- Pain as an ethical issue
- Palliative medicine
- Distanasia
Ethical issues regarding the beginning of life
- Surrogate motherhood
- Ethical issues regarding the procedures and consequences of sex selection of the child
- Genetic counseling, right to know and right to not-know
- Therapeutic cloning as an ethical issue
- Reproductive cloning as an ethical issue
- Feminist (bio)ethic and the beginning of life
Research ethics
- Ethical issues regarding the research with animals
- Ethical issues regarding the research with children
- Ethical issues regarding the research on stem cells
- Ethical issues regarding the research with incompetent subjects
- Ethical issues regarding the research in the “third world country”
- Doctor – scientist: ethical similarities and differences
Medicine, ethics, religion
- Islam as a basis for deontological activity in bioethics
- Christian ethics and holiness of life in the comptemporary bioethical discussions
- Jehovah's witnesses and blood transfusions
- Scientology and medical treatment
- Alternative medicine in contemporary society
New theologies
- Social networks and health
- The role of media in healthcare education
- Internet addiction
Other topics
- Communication with deaf patients
- Ethical challenges in cosmetic surgery
- Ethical dilemmas in xenotransplantation
- Bioethical aspects of vaccination hesitancy
- Ethical and legal aspects of sex change
- Organ transplantation
- GMO – from chance to threat
- Disabilities from medical to social category
- Hans Jonas’ Ethics of Responsibility
- Triage in medicine – possible ethical issues?
- The role of media in processing the delicate themes
- Ethic committees
- How to improve the teaching of medical ethics in the 21st century?
- Reproductive technologies in demographic problems
- Ethical responsibilities for our own health
- Culture and pain
- Commercialization of reproduction
- Genetic testing and disabilities
- Vaccination
The final list of seminar topics will be available at the beginning of the course.
Ishodi učenja
The objectives of the teaching unit are:
To introduce students with the difference between medical ethics and bioethics.
To introduce students to Callahan's division of bioethics.
To familiarize students with the importance of clinical bioethics.
To describe the different education models and levels at which clinical bioethics is taught.
Learning outcomes of the teaching unit are:
After the teaching, the student will be able to:
Explain the difference between medical ethics and clinical ethics.
State the Division of Bioethics according to Callahan.
List the features of a particular branch of bioethics according to Callahan.
State the features of clinical bioethics.
State at what levels and explain why clinical bioethics is taught.
Ishodi učenja
The objectives of the teaching unit are:
To describe the origin and initial development of bioethics.
To introduce students with the general and medical reasons for the emergence of bioethics.
To introduce students with the definitions of bioethics.
Learning outcomes of the teaching unit:
After the teaching, the student will be able to:
Describe the beginnings of bioethical currents in Croatia.
Describe the development of bioethics in Croatia.
List the fundamental events that marked the development of Bioethics in Croatia.
To compare different phases and moments of the historical development of bioethics in Croatia.
Ishodi učenja
The objectives of the teaching unit are:
To introduce students with the main ethical theories (virtue ethics, deontology - Kant's ethics of duty, utilitarianism, ethics of care).
To describe the advantages and disadvantages of a particular ethical theory.
To introduce students with the relevance of theories and principles for medical (medical practice)
Learning outcomes of the teaching unit:
After the teaching, the student will be able to:
Differentiate and compare the main ethical theories (virtue ethics, deontology - Kant's ethics of duty, utilitarianism, ethics of care).
Explain the advantages and disadvantages of a particular ethical theory.
Describe the basic principles of biomedical ethics (autonomy, beneficence, harmlessness, and justice).
Recognize emerging forms of improvement and respect for human, child, and patient rights through recognition of (dis)respect for the basic principles of biomedical ethics.
Explain the relevance of theories and principles to medical practice.
Ishodi učenja
The objectives of the teaching unit are:
To introduce the student with the definition and forms of privacy.
To familiarize students with the definition of confidentiality.
To describe the importance of confidentiality in the healthcare system.
Learning outcomes of the teaching unit:
After the teaching, the student will be able to:
Define privacy.
List and explain a particular form of privacy.
Define confidentiality.
Explain the importance of respecting confidentiality in the health care system.
State the legal frames for privacy in the health care system.
List the bioethical documents that deal with the issue of privacy and confidentiality in the healthcare system.
Ishodi učenja
The objectives of the teaching unit are:
To familiarize students with the definition of paternalism.
To explain to students the historical context of paternalism in the health care system.
To introduce students with the types of paternalism.
To explain to students the possibility of justifying paternalism.
Learning outcomes of the teaching unit:
After the teaching, the student will be able to:
State the definition of paternalism.
Enumerate and explain with examples the different types of paternalism.
Explain the historical context of paternalism in the health care system.
Explain the possible justifications of paternalism.
Ishodi učenja
The objectives of the teaching unit are:
To familiarize the student with a history of informed consent.
To describe the basic features of informed consent.
To familiarize the student with the difference between informed consent in minor and adult patients.
To familiarize students with bioethical documents dealing with informed consent.
To introduce students with the legal regulation of informed consent in Croatia.
Learning outcomes of the teaching unit:
After the teaching, the student will be able to:
Describe the features of informed consent.
State the similarities and differences in informed consent in minor and adult patients.
List the bioethical documents that deal with informed consent.
List the laws in the Republic of Croatia that deal with informed consent.
List the shortcomings of the Patient Protection Act regarding the informed consent of minor patients.
Ishodi učenja
The objectives of the teaching unit are:
To introduce the student with the basic principles of constructive communication in the context of the professional supportive relationship of doctors with team members and patients.
Learning outcomes of the teaching unit:
Students will distinguish between effective and ineffective forms of listening, analyze forms of non-verbal communication, and list the components of supportive communication according to Gorkon's model .
Ishodi učenja
The objectives of the teaching unit are:
To introduce students with the medical aspects of organ transplantation.
To introduce students with the legal regulation of organ transplantation in Croatia.
To describe religious attitudes about organ transplantation.
To introduce students with the bioethical aspects of transplantation from living and deceased donors.
Learning outcomes of the teaching unit:
After the teaching, the student will be able to:
List the legal factors in organ transplantation from a living donor in the Republic of Croatia.
State the legal factors in organ transplantation from a deceased donor in the Republic of Croatia.
Differentiate between religious views on organ transplantation.
Explain the importance of knowing religious views on organ transplantation.
Describe cooperation with Eurotransplant.
Ishodi učenja
The objectives of the teaching unit are:
To familiarize students with the concept of vulnerability.
To describe the elements of vulnerability.
To introduce students with different types of discrimination.
To introduce students with the position of certain minority groups that may be vulnerable in healthcare.
Learning outcomes of the teaching unit:
After the teaching, the student will be able to:
Explain the concept of vulnerability.
Distinguish the elements of vulnerability.
Define and distinguish different types of discrimination.
Explain the position of certain minority groups that may be vulnerable in healthcare.
Ishodi učenja
The objectives of the teaching unit are:
To introduce students with the judgment of the ethical dimension of modern assisted reproduction.
To introduce students with different ethical viewpoints regarding reproduction.
Learning outcomes of the teaching unit:
After the teaching, the student will be able to:
Recognize and critically judge the ethical dimensions of contemporary assisted reproduction.
Argue different ethical points of view regarding reproduction.
Ishodi učenja
The objectives of the teaching unit are:
To introduce the student with a historical overview of the ethical issues of human reproduction.
To describe the fundamental issues concerning the beginning and induced termination of human life.
Learning outcomes of the teaching unit:
After the teaching, the student will be able to:
Adopt a historical overview of the ethical issue of human reproduction.
Recognize the fundamental issue concerning the beginning and induced termination of human life.
Ishodi učenja
The objectives of the teaching unit are:
To introduce the student with the complexity of considering euthanasia from biomedical and other perspectives
To introduce students with the complexity of defining death
Learning outcomes of the teaching unit:
After the teaching, the student will be able to:
Explain the complexity of considering the issue of euthanasia and can do it from different perspectives.
Explain the complexity of defining death.
Ishodi učenja
The objectives of the teaching unit are:
To introduce the student with the bioethical aspects of new technologies in the healthcare system.
To introduce the student with the bioethical aspects of new technologies in science.
Learning outcomes of the teaching unit:
After the teaching, the student will be able to:
State the bioethical problems of new technologies with the health system - three examples and offer a solution in accordance with bioethical documents.
State the bioethical problems of new technologies in science - three examples and offer a solution in accordance with bioethical documents.
Ishodi učenja
The objectives of the teaching unit are:
To inform students about the importance of vaccination.
To introduce students with the legal regulation of healing in the Republic of Croatia.
To introduce students with the bioethical aspects of individual participants in the vaccination process.
To introduce the student with bioethical documents dealing with vaccination.
Learning outcomes of the teaching unit:
After the teaching, the student will be able to:
Explain the importance of vaccination with regard to the individual and society as a whole.
State the legal regulation of vaccination in the Republic of Croatia, as well as the exemption from vaccination permitted by law.
Explain the bioethical aspects of individual vaccination participants (children, parents, health workers, society).
List bioethical documents that deal with vaccination.
Ishodi učenja
The objectives of the teaching unit are:
To introduce students with the historical aspect of the call to conscience.
To introduce students with the legal aspects of appeals of conscience.
To introduce students with examples of conflict of interest in the healthcare system.
To introduce students with certain bioethical documents that deal with the appeal of conscience in the health care system.
To introduce students with individual bioethical documents that deal with conflict of interest in the healthcare system.
Learning outcomes of the teaching unit:
After the teaching, the student will be able to:
Explain the historical context of the appeal of conscience.
List the legal documents that deal with the appeal of conscience in the health care system.
List legal documents that deal with conflicts of interest in the healthcare system.
List bioethical documents that deal with the appeal of conscience.
List bioethical documents that address conflicts of interest.
Ishodi učenja
- Define fundamental ethical terms; ethical theories, their division and main representatives; theories, principles, ethical approaches to particular topics
- Describe fundamental terms: Ethics, moral, bioethics, ethical theories, principles, ethical approaches to particular topics
- Differentiate fundamental approaches within ethical theories and their main characteristics
- Explain moral norms within health care system
- Specify, recognize and explain fundamental terms of particular content units (i.e. anthropocentrism, biocentrism, responsibility, interdisciplinarity, pluriperspectivity, paternalism etc.)
- Describe and compare basic ethical issues in contemporary bioethical topics
- Apply ethical theories and principles to particular cases of medical and clinical practice
Ishodi učenja
- Define fundamental ethical terms; ethical theories, their division and main representatives; theories, principles, ethical approaches to particular topics
- Describe fundamental terms: Ethics, moral, bioethics, ethical theories, principles, ethical approaches to particular topics
- Differentiate fundamental approaches within ethical theories and their main characteristics
- Explain moral norms within health care system
- Specify, recognize and explain fundamental terms of particular content units (i.e. anthropocentrism, biocentrism, responsibility, interdisciplinarity, pluriperspectivity, paternalism etc.)
- Describe and compare basic ethical issues in contemporary bioethical topics
- Apply ethical theories and principles to particular cases of medical and clinical practice
Ishodi učenja
- Define fundamental ethical terms; ethical theories, their division and main representatives; theories, principles, ethical approaches to particular topics
- Describe fundamental terms: Ethics, moral, bioethics, ethical theories, principles, ethical approaches to particular topics
- Differentiate fundamental approaches within ethical theories and their main characteristics
- Explain moral norms within health care system
- Specify, recognize and explain fundamental terms of particular content units (i.e. anthropocentrism, biocentrism, responsibility, interdisciplinarity, pluriperspectivity, paternalism etc.)
- Describe and compare basic ethical issues in contemporary bioethical topics
- Apply ethical theories and principles to particular cases of medical and clinical practice
Ishodi učenja
- Define fundamental ethical terms; ethical theories, their division and main representatives; theories, principles, ethical approaches to particular topics
- Describe fundamental terms: Ethics, moral, bioethics, ethical theories, principles, ethical approaches to particular topics
- Differentiate fundamental approaches within ethical theories and their main characteristics
- Explain moral norms within health care system
- Specify, recognize and explain fundamental terms of particular content units (i.e. anthropocentrism, biocentrism, responsibility, interdisciplinarity, pluriperspectivity, paternalism etc.)
- Describe and compare basic ethical issues in contemporary bioethical topics
- Apply ethical theories and principles to particular cases of medical and clinical practice
Ishodi učenja
- Define fundamental ethical terms; ethical theories, their division and main representatives; theories, principles, ethical approaches to particular topics
- Describe fundamental terms: Ethics, moral, bioethics, ethical theories, principles, ethical approaches to particular topics
- Differentiate fundamental approaches within ethical theories and their main characteristics
- Explain moral norms within health care system
- Specify, recognize and explain fundamental terms of particular content units (i.e. anthropocentrism, biocentrism, responsibility, interdisciplinarity, pluriperspectivity, paternalism etc.)
- Describe and compare basic ethical issues in contemporary bioethical topics
- Apply ethical theories and principles to particular cases of medical and clinical practice
Ishodi učenja
- Define fundamental ethical terms; ethical theories, their division and main representatives; theories, principles, ethical approaches to particular topics
- Describe fundamental terms: Ethics, moral, bioethics, ethical theories, principles, ethical approaches to particular topics
- Differentiate fundamental approaches within ethical theories and their main characteristics
- Explain moral norms within health care system
- Specify, recognize and explain fundamental terms of particular content units (i.e. anthropocentrism, biocentrism, responsibility, interdisciplinarity, pluriperspectivity, paternalism etc.)
- Describe and compare basic ethical issues in contemporary bioethical topics
- Apply ethical theories and principles to particular cases of medical and clinical practice
Ishodi učenja
- Define fundamental ethical terms; ethical theories, their division and main representatives; theories, principles, ethical approaches to particular topics
- Describe fundamental terms: Ethics, moral, bioethics, ethical theories, principles, ethical approaches to particular topics
- Differentiate fundamental approaches within ethical theories and their main characteristics
- Explain moral norms within health care system
- Specify, recognize and explain fundamental terms of particular content units (i.e. anthropocentrism, biocentrism, responsibility, interdisciplinarity, pluriperspectivity, paternalism etc.)
- Describe and compare basic ethical issues in contemporary bioethical topics
- Apply ethical theories and principles to particular cases of medical and clinical practice
Ishodi učenja
- Define fundamental ethical terms; ethical theories, their division and main representatives; theories, principles, ethical approaches to particular topics
- Describe fundamental terms: Ethics, moral, bioethics, ethical theories, principles, ethical approaches to particular topics
- Differentiate fundamental approaches within ethical theories and their main characteristics
- Explain moral norms within health care system
- Specify, recognize and explain fundamental terms of particular content units (i.e. anthropocentrism, biocentrism, responsibility, interdisciplinarity, pluriperspectivity, paternalism etc.)
- Describe and compare basic ethical issues in contemporary bioethical topics
- Apply ethical theories and principles to particular cases of medical and clinical practice
Ishodi učenja
- Define fundamental ethical terms; ethical theories, their division and main representatives; theories, principles, ethical approaches to particular topics
- Describe fundamental terms: Ethics, moral, bioethics, ethical theories, principles, ethical approaches to particular topics
- Differentiate fundamental approaches within ethical theories and their main characteristics
- Explain moral norms within health care system
- Specify, recognize and explain fundamental terms of particular content units (i.e. anthropocentrism, biocentrism, responsibility, interdisciplinarity, pluriperspectivity, paternalism etc.)
- Describe and compare basic ethical issues in contemporary bioethical topics
- Apply ethical theories and principles to particular cases of medical and clinical practice
Ishodi učenja
- Define fundamental ethical terms; ethical theories, their division and main representatives; theories, principles, ethical approaches to particular topics
- Describe fundamental terms: Ethics, moral, bioethics, ethical theories, principles, ethical approaches to particular topics
- Differentiate fundamental approaches within ethical theories and their main characteristics
- Explain moral norms within health care system
- Specify, recognize and explain fundamental terms of particular content units (i.e. anthropocentrism, biocentrism, responsibility, interdisciplinarity, pluriperspectivity, paternalism etc.)
- Describe and compare basic ethical issues in contemporary bioethical topics
- Apply ethical theories and principles to particular cases of medical and clinical practice
Ishodi učenja
- Define fundamental ethical terms; ethical theories, their division and main representatives; theories, principles, ethical approaches to particular topics
- Describe fundamental terms: Ethics, moral, bioethics, ethical theories, principles, ethical approaches to particular topics
- Differentiate fundamental approaches within ethical theories and their main characteristics
- Explain moral norms within health care system
- Specify, recognize and explain fundamental terms of particular content units (i.e. anthropocentrism, biocentrism, responsibility, interdisciplinarity, pluriperspectivity, paternalism etc.)
- Describe and compare basic ethical issues in contemporary bioethical topics
- Apply ethical theories and principles to particular cases of medical and clinical practice
Ishodi učenja
- Define fundamental ethical terms; ethical theories, their division and main representatives; theories, principles, ethical approaches to particular topics
- Describe fundamental terms: Ethics, moral, bioethics, ethical theories, principles, ethical approaches to particular topics
- Differentiate fundamental approaches within ethical theories and their main characteristics
- Explain moral norms within health care system
- Specify, recognize and explain fundamental terms of particular content units (i.e. anthropocentrism, biocentrism, responsibility, interdisciplinarity, pluriperspectivity, paternalism etc.)
- Describe and compare basic ethical issues in contemporary bioethical topics
- Apply ethical theories and principles to particular cases of medical and clinical practice
Ishodi učenja
- Define fundamental ethical terms; ethical theories, their division and main representatives; theories, principles, ethical approaches to particular topics
- Describe fundamental terms: Ethics, moral, bioethics, ethical theories, principles, ethical approaches to particular topics
- Differentiate fundamental approaches within ethical theories and their main characteristics
- Explain moral norms within health care system
- Specify, recognize and explain fundamental terms of particular content units (i.e. anthropocentrism, biocentrism, responsibility, interdisciplinarity, pluriperspectivity, paternalism etc.)
- Describe and compare basic ethical issues in contemporary bioethical topics
- Apply ethical theories and principles to particular cases of medical and clinical practice
Ishodi učenja
- Define fundamental ethical terms; ethical theories, their division and main representatives; theories, principles, ethical approaches to particular topics
- Describe fundamental terms: Ethics, moral, bioethics, ethical theories, principles, ethical approaches to particular topics
- Differentiate fundamental approaches within ethical theories and their main characteristics
- Explain moral norms within health care system
- Specify, recognize and explain fundamental terms of particular content units (i.e. anthropocentrism, biocentrism, responsibility, interdisciplinarity, pluriperspectivity, paternalism etc.)
- Describe and compare basic ethical issues in contemporary bioethical topics
- Apply ethical theories and principles to particular cases of medical and clinical practice
Ishodi učenja
- Define fundamental ethical terms; ethical theories, their division and main representatives; theories, principles, ethical approaches to particular topics
- Describe fundamental terms: Ethics, moral, bioethics, ethical theories, principles, ethical approaches to particular topics
- Differentiate fundamental approaches within ethical theories and their main characteristics
- Explain moral norms within health care system
- Specify, recognize and explain fundamental terms of particular content units (i.e. anthropocentrism, biocentrism, responsibility, interdisciplinarity, pluriperspectivity, paternalism etc.)
- Describe and compare basic ethical issues in contemporary bioethical topics
- Apply ethical theories and principles to particular cases of medical and clinical practice