Medical Studies in EnglishStudijska godina
The course “Introduction to Scientific Research” is mandatory for the 2nd year of the Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Study of Medicine in English program, encompassing 6 hours of lectures and 14 hours of seminars and enabling the acquisition of one (1) ECTS credit.
After taking the course, students will be able to critically interpret medical research and independently assess the credibility of scientific information.
1. Presentations (PPT);
2. Hulley SB Cummings SR, Browner W S Grady DG, Newman TB, ed., Designing Clinical Research. 4th ed., Philadelphia, USA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, A Wolters Kluwer Business; 2013.
3. Matko Marušić, ed., Principles of Research in Medicine, 2nd ed., Zagreb: Medicinska naklada, 2015.
Evans I, Thornton H, Chalmers I and Glasziou P. Testing Treatments, 2nd Edition; London: Pinter and Martin. 2011. Available from: http://www.testingtreatments.org/
Regular class attendance (excused absence of 30% from each form of class is allowed (1 out of 6 lectures; 4 out of 14 seminars).
The student will complete the course if he collects 50% of the points that he can collect in the following way:
Four online quizzes (4x7% = 28%),
Critical analysis of scientific paper 1 (max 28%),
Critical analysis of scientific paper 2 (max 22%),
Design of a research plan (max 20%).
Absence from classes up to 30% (1 lecture and 4 seminars) assumes a justified reason and cannot be compensated (the exception is a discharge letter from hospital treatment). An absence of more than 30%, regardless of the reasons, entails re-enrollment during the following academic year.
It is impossible to "reject" a positive grade obtained on the final exam, but only act per Article 46 of the Regulations on Studies of the University of Rijeka (a student dissatisfied with the grade submits a written appeal to the dean within 24 hours).
Ishodi učenja
Understanding the importance of a representative sample in scientific research.
Ishodi učenja
Understand the concept of scientific research ethics and describe ethical doubts in the implementation process and data collection, and understand and explain the importance of adhering to ethical principles in scientific research work. Recognize the forms of plagiarism, discuss prevention methods, and analyze the consequences of fraud in science.
Ishodi učenja
define the basic characteristics of the sample and recognize sampling errors and biases
Ishodi učenja
to understand the basic science settings of medicine and to define possible sources of imperfection and biases in research.
Ishodi učenja
to understand basic characteristics of the sample, to understand importance of representativeness of a sample and random sampling method
Ishodi učenja
to describe and understand different sampling methods, to recognise the most common biases in sampling method
Ishodi učenja
to describe and understand differences between problem, aim and hypothesis in scientific research
Ishodi učenja
to describe and understand aims of research and appropriate types of study design.
Ishodi učenja
to recognise aims and study design in an example of a research, to understand hierarchy of evidence
Ishodi učenja
to differentiate medical information (primary, secondary, and tertiary publications
Ishodi učenja
to understand the importance and laws of the historical development of science, to describe and interpret the phases of scientific development and the specificities of medicine. to explain the most important stands in science philosophy and to illustrate them by examples from science history
Ishodi učenja
to name and explain basic notions of science philosophy, to analyse the historical development of empirical-inductive and deductive traits of science philosophy.
Ishodi učenja
to understand the concept of research ethics and the importance of ethical principles in science. To recognize the forms of plagiarism and to discuss the ways of its prevention.