Medical Studies in EnglishStudijska godina
The course Anatomy is a compulsory course in the first year of the Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Study of Medicine in English. It consists of 56 hours of lectures, 40 hours of seminars, and 145 hours of practicals - overall 241 hours (22 ECTS).
Course objective
The basic aim of Anatomy is to provide the acquisition of knowledge about morphological and structural organization of the human body through the study of topographic and systematic anatomy. In detail, the course content encompasses the fundamentals of osteology, sindesmology, myology, as well as the basics of angiology and neurology. Additionally, the course covers the examination of bones, articulations, and muscles of the upper and lower limbs, as well of the head and trunk. Furthermore, detailed knowledge is elucidated regarding the topographical anatomy of various regions, such as the head and neck, including the regio temporalis, regio parotideomasseterica et retromandibular, regio palpebralis, regio faciei anterior (external nose, nasal cavity, and paranasal sinuses), fossa infratemporalis et pterygopalatina, cavum oris et trigonum submandibulare, trigonum caroticum, spatium parapharyngeum, regio colli media, regio colli lateralis, regio pectoralis et fossa axillaris, as well as the topographical anatomy of the upper limb (muscles, vessels, nerves, and lymph vessels), thorax, abdomen, lesser pelvis (including ventral abdominal wall and inguinal region, peritoneum and mesenteries, peritoneal cavity, extraperitoneal spaces, and the lesser pelvis), and the lower limb (muscles, vessels, nerves, and lymph vessels). In addition, the course covers the morphology of sensory organs, the spinal cord, spinal nerves, the brain, cranial nerves, brain vasculature, and meninges. Each student must obtain the skill in recognizing structures on the human cadaver specimen and the ability to use relevant anatomical nomenclature.
Course content:
General anatomy: basic principles of osteology, sindesmology, myology, angiology and neurology. Principles of organ structure. Structure and function of serous membranes. Anatomical nomenclature, main planes and axes in the body orientation.
Special anatomy: systemic and topographic anatomy of the upper and lower limb, cranium, head and neck, thorax, abdomen and pelvis. Morphology of the brain and spinal cord.
Course learning outcomes
I. Cognitive domain – knowledge
After having passed the Anatomy course, students should be able to:
1. define and choose adequate planes and axes for anatomical orientation
2. describe and explain the arrangement and position of organs in the body and their innervation and irrigation
3. describe, explain and connect general principles in the structure of organs with their function
4. describe and explain the systematic and topographical anatomy of the upper and lower extremities
5. define and explain the structure and relationships in the skeleton of the head
6. describe and explain the morphology of the central nervous system
7. define, describe and explain the systematic and topographical anatomy of the head and neck
8. describe and explain systematic and topographical anatomy of the chest, abdominal and pelvic cavity
9. demonstrate and self evaluate structures of human body on anatomical specimens
II. Psychomotor domain – skills
After having passed the Anatomy course, students should acquire the skills to identify and demonstrate anatomical structures on cadavers, as well as the ability to draw conclusions regarding the interrelationships of individual organs and structures within specific topographical regions.
Course design
For practicals and seminars, students are obliged to prepare in advance, because these parts of the course are designed as “flipped classrooms”. Seminars and practicals are designed to give students the opportunity to engage in the skillful articulation of anatomical structures, as well as to discuss the significance of anatomical knowledge within their future vocation as medical practitioners. Throughout the practical sessions, the instructor supervises and assesses the active involvement of students in carrying out the assigned exercises. Seminars demand dynamic discussions on the designated topics. During the course, knowledge is consistently evaluated through five periodic assessments (midterm exams), each comprising of a practical segment on specimens, as well as an oral component. The schedule and course content are predetermined by the curriculum.
Friedrich Paulsen, Tobias M. Böckers, Jens Waschke: Sobotta Anatomy Textbook, 1st Edition
Atlas of Anatomy (Sobotta or Gilroy)
1. Richard L. Drake, A. Wayne Vogl, Adam W.M. Mitchell: Gray's Anatomy, third edition
2. Kieth L. Moore: Clinically Oriented Anatomy, seventh edition, 2013.
1. Regular attendance at classes (lectures, seminars, practicals).
2. Preparation for seminars and practicals by studying certain teaching content according to the implementation curriculum.
3. Use of protective equipment and instruments: mandatory use of a protective coat (white), anatomical tweezers and probe, optional use of protective latex gloves, mask, visor, or protective glasses and cap. Please properly dispose of the used work equipment in the designated place. Do not bring food and drink into the anatomy classrooms.
4. Careful handling of anatomical specimens and spaces where all forms of teaching take place.
5. It is forbidden to take photographs, take specimens outside the premises of the Institute of Anatomy, and alienate anatomical specimens and instruments of the Anatomy Department. A disciplinary procedure will sanction any misconduct.
6. Adherence to good academic behavior practices in dealing with fellow students, staff, and the Department of Anatomy teachers.
7. It is compulsory to follow and act by notifications and rules regarding attendance, absence, midterm exams, corrections of midterm exams, final exams, etc., which will be presented at the first lecture.
Student grading will be conducted according to the current Ordinance on Studies of the University of Rijeka(approved by the Senate) and the Ordinance on Student Grading at the Faculty of Medicine in Rijeka(approved by the Faculty Council).
During the classes of Anatomy, a student can achieve a maximum of 50% (50 points) of their final grade, while the remaining 50% (50 points) of the grade is obtained at the final exam, as follows:
Midterm exam I - MS | 6 points |
Midterm exam II - MI | 6 points |
Midterm exam III - CR/CNS | 10 points |
Midterm exam IV - CC | 14 points |
Midterm exam V - AT | 14 points |
Total (classes) | 50 points |
Final exam | 50 points |
Total (course) | 100 points |
A. Midterm exams consist of a practical and an oral part. The practical part is evaluating the knowledge of anatomical specimens, assessing the practical skills of finding and showing anatomical structures, as well as knowledge of the Latin nomenclature of anatomical structures. On a practical part, students must recognize at least 8 out of 10 structures to pass. The bone orientation is an obligatory practical question and can not be failed. Passing the practical part of the midterm is a prerequisite for joining the oral part of the midterm. Each part must be evaluated positively to pass the midterm exam! If a student does not approach the oral part after completing the practical part, the whole midterm is marked as 'insufficient (1).
Midterm exams are evaluated according to the table:
grade | points | |
UPPER EXTREMITY - MS | excellent (5) very good (4) good (3) sufficient (2) insufficient (1) | 6 5 4 3 0 |
LOWER EXTREMITY - MI | excellent (5) very good (4) good (3) sufficient (2) insufficient (1) | 6 5 4 3 0 |
CRANIUM, CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM – CR/CNS | excellent (5) very good (4) good (3) sufficient (2) insufficient (1) | 10 8 7 5 0 |
HEAD AND NECK - CC | excellent (5) very good (4) good (3) sufficient (2) insufficient (1) | 14 12 10 7 0 |
THORAX, ABDOMEN AND PELVIS - AT | excellent (5) very good (4) good (3) sufficient (2) insufficient (1) | 14 12 10 7 0 |
The Midterm exams will be held on the dates noted below. The exact time and the venues will be announced later.
- MIDTERM 1 (upper extremity) – 29/10/2024 and 31/10/2024
- MIDTERM 2 (lower extremity) – 03/12/2024 and 05/12/2024
- MIDTERM 3 (cranium, CNS) – 29/01/2024
- MIDTERM 4 (head and neck) – 14/04/2025
- MIDTERM 5 (thorax, abdomen, and pelvis) – 03/06/2025 and 05/06/2025
Corrections of the midterm exams
Students can access the corrections of the midterm exams if they did not pass them during the regular midterm, or are not satisfied with the obtained points. If a student retakes the midterm exam because they are unsatisfied with the obtained grade points, only the grade points received at the retaken midterm exam(s) will be considered valid. Suppose the student passes the practical part of the midterm exam during the regular midterm and fails the oral part. In that case, he can retake the oral part of the midterm separately, without redoing the practical part. Students can correct each midterm exam (I – V) during the retake exam dates only once!
The dates of retake midterm exams are following:
14.02.2025., 27.02.2025., 11.06.2025., 26.06.2025. and 10.07.2025.
On these dates, students can apply for any midterm exam regardless of the topic and apply for more than one retake exam on each date. Students are obligated to apply for the correction/s of the midterm exams. Suppose students apply for the correction/s of the midterm exam and decide that they will not be able to access it. In that case, they must personally cancel it (via email or in-person at the Department's administrator's office) at the latest until one work day before the term of the midterm exam/s until noon. If a student does not personally cancel the application for the correction/s of the midterm exams, and then doesn't approach the midterm correction/s, their final score for that/those midterm exams will be 0 points.
B. Final exam
Only students who have achieved at least 25 points during the course can take the final exam in Anatomy. Students with less than 25 points earned during the course must enroll in the course Anatomy again in the next academic year. If a student obtains 25 grade points during classes, but without passing one or more midterm exams, he must approach the practical parts of those midterm exams during the final exam. Passing all practical parts is one of the prerequisites for taking the final exam. In case the student does not pass the practical during the final exam, the exam is graded as insufficient. The final exam is oral.
The final exam is evaluated according to the scheme:
Grade | Points |
Excellent (5) | 50 |
Very good (4) | 41 |
Good (3) | 33 |
Sufficient (2) | 25 |
The final grade consists of the sum of points gained during the course and at the final oral exam. Grading within the ECTS grading system is carried out with an absolute distribution, i.e. based on the final achievement:
A – 90 - 100% EXCELLENT (5)
B – 75 - 89,9% VERY GOOD (4)
C – 60 – 74,9% GOOD (3)
D -- 50 - 59,9% SUFFICIENT (2)
Final exam dates | |
1. | 20.06.2025. |
2. | 04.07.2025. |
3. | 18.07.2025. |
4. | 05.09.2025. |
5. | 19.09.2025. |
Academic honesty
It is expected that all students and teachers follow the code of academic honesty in accordance with the Code of Ethics for the students of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Rijeka.
Consultations are organized in agreement with the teacher.
Contact information
For all questions and concerns, students are encouraged to contact us by e-mail (mia.medic@medri.uniri.hr; tanja.celic@medri.uniri.hr) or personally.
Ishodi učenja
Define regional and systemic anatomy, explain standard anatomical position, anatomical planes and terms for location and orientation. Define two subgroups of the skeleton, describe bone function, differentiate two types of bone, classify bones by shape, and describe how bone is structured and the vascularization and innervation of bones. Explain the development of the bones.
Ishodi učenja
Define regional and systemic anatomy, explain the standard anatomical position, anatomical planes, and terms for location and orientation. Define two subgroups of the skeleton, describe bone function, differentiate two types of bone, classify bones by shape, and describe how bone is structured and the vascularization and innervation of bones. Explain the development of the bones.
Ishodi učenja
Define syndesmology as an anatomical discipline. Define the types of joints between skeletal elements. Explain the division of synarthroses: syndesmoses, synchodroses, synostoses.
Ishodi učenja
Define a joint as a discontinuous joint. Explain the division and function of joints. Describe the spheroid joint - articulatio humeri.
Ishodi učenja
Define myology as an anatomical discipline. Define smooth, cardiac, and skeletal muscle. Define and describe skeletal muscles according to the shape and number of tendons. Describe the structure of skeletal muscle: perimysium, endomysium, epimysium. Define tendons and muscle belly. Describe the role, structure, and function of tendons. Describe and define the starting points and grips of muscles.
Ishodi učenja
Define angiology as an anatomical discipline. Explain the structure and anatomical characteristics of blood vessels. Describe the small and large blood circulation. Outline the main arteries and veins.
Ishodi učenja
Define the nervous system, nervous tissue, and nerve cells. Define the peripheral nervous system and describe the structures that make it up: nerve and ganglion.
Ishodi učenja
Define the nervous system, nervous tissue, and nerve cells. Define the peripheral nervous system and describe the structures that make it up: nerve and ganglion. To analyze the composition of nerve tangles for innervation of extremities, roots, branches, composition of nerve fibers, and innervation area.
Ishodi učenja
Describe and define the nervus spinalis. Distinguish between motor and sensory innervation. Describe the area of spinal nerve innervation. Define plexuses.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the structure and function of the skin. Describe the receptors. Define and explain cutaneous innervation. Define dermatomes and radicular innervation.
Ishodi učenja
Describe and name the bones that make up the knee joint, describe the parts of the joints, learn the anatomical nomenclature for joint structures, describe the movements performed in the joint, and determine the axes of the movement and the plane in which it is performed.
Ishodi učenja
Learn the importance of a good knowledge of anatomy as a basis for clinical judgment.
Ishodi učenja
Describe and explain the sensory and motor innervation of the lower limb. Define plexuses. Describe and explain the peripheral nerves of the lower extremity.
Ishodi učenja
Learn the importance of a good knowledge of anatomy as a basis for clinical judgment.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the spine as a whole. Describe and define individual groups of vertebrae and their characteristics.
Ishodi učenja
Describe and state the types of joints between the vertebrae and describe the mobility of individual sections of the spine. Describe the joints of the spine and the junction of the base of the skull with the spine. Define and describe the curves of the spine.
Ishodi učenja
Describe and define the division and structure of the central nervous system. Describe the nerve cell, types of nerve cells, and supporting cells.
Ishodi učenja
Define the bones that belong to the axial axial skeleton. Divide the bones of the head into the cerebral and visceral parts and the base and calvaria. Describe the basic principle of head bone development concerning the importance of the fontanel. Describe the bones of the neurocranium.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the walls of the eye, nose, and mouth cavity. Explain the relationships and communications of the cavities with other spaces of the head. Describe the paranasal sinuses and their connection with the nasal cavity.
Ishodi učenja
Describe and define the division and structure of the central nervous system. Describe the nerve cell, types of nerve cells, and supporting cells. Define a nerve and state the division. Define and explain the autonomic nervous system and its centers.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the development and division of the brain. Describe the parts of the brain. A brief overview of cranial nerves with reference to their functional division, nuclei, and outlets.
Ishodi učenja
Briefly describe the cerebrum, divide it into basic parts, and indicate their location.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the chamber system, parts, walls, and communications. Describe the circulation of the cerebrospinal fluid.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the coverings of the brain and the spinal cord. Describe the shape, position, and function of the free sheets of the dura mater. Describe the venous sinuses of the dura mater. Describe the largest cisterns in the cranial cavity. Describe the communication between the ventricles and the subarachnoid space and the circulation of the cerebrospinal fluid. Describe the lumbar cistern and the practical importance of knowing its position during lumbar puncture.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the vertebral artery and its branches. Describe the internal carotid artery and its branches. Define cerebral hemisphere irrigation. Define irrigation of the cerebellum and brainstem. Describe spinal cord irrigation.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the anatomical boundaries of the head and neck. Describe the location, interrelationship, and boundaries between the topographic regions of the head and neck. Describe the neck fascia and its leaves and the lodges closed by the leaves of the fascia.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the boundaries and contents of the trigonum caroticum. Describe the common carotid artery and its branches. Describe IX. cranial nerve.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the principles of sensory, motor, and parasympathetic innervation of the head and neck organs. Describe the innervation of the facial skin. Describe n. trigeminus from the exit, its path, and relations to the surrounding structures. Describe the division of the nerve into three main branches.
Ishodi učenja
Describe n. trigeminus from the exit, its path, and relations to the surrounding structures. Describe the division of the nerve into three main branches. Describe each branch of n. trigeminus, the area of its extension and innervation.
Ishodi učenja
Outline the arteries and veins of the head and neck. Area of provision and irrigation. Describe maxillaris and subclavian arteries, their branches, area of supply, and irrigation.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the deep and subcutaneous veins of the head and neck. Describe the internal jugular vein and the subclavian vein, their supply area, tributaries, and drainage area.
Ishodi učenja
Define splanchnology as an anatomical discipline. Clearly show the position and communications of the visceral organs of the head and neck. Describe the principles of structure of hollow and parenchymatous organs.
Ishodi učenja
Describe and name lymphatic vessels and regional lymph nodes. Define the area of lymph drainage for individual organs of the head and neck. Describe the tonsils that participate in the construction of Waldejer's lymphatic ring.
Ishodi učenja
Show and describe the wall of the larynx, the communication openings, and the division of the cavity of the larynx. Describe the anatomical structures that participate in the construction of the larynx walls. Describe the motor, sensory and autonomic innervation of the larynx. Describe the mechanism of voice production and explain the function of the larynx muscles in voice production.
Ishodi učenja
Describe n. vagus from the exit, its path, and relations to the surrounding structures. Describe the core n. vagus. Describe each branch of n. vagus and the area of its innervation.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the bony labyrinth. Describe the membranous labyrinth. Identify the sensory surfaces of the membranous labyrinth and describe their position.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the position and parts of the facial canal. Describe the relationship of the channel with the surrounding structures. List and explain the role of the intrapetrous branches of the facial nerve. Define and explain the position and role of the statoacoustic nerve. Describe nVIII nuclei.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the shape and parts of the eye membranes: outer eye membrane and its parts (sclera and cornea), middle eye membrane and its parts (choroid, ciliary body, and iris).
Ishodi učenja
Describe the shape and parts of the eye membranes: inner eye membrane (pigment layer and retina). Explain the significance and function of the smooth muscles of the iris and the ray body. Define the content of the eyeball. Describe the production, flow, and drainage of aqueous humor from the eyeball
Ishodi učenja
Describe the external shape and the external and internal borders of the trunk according to the adjacent parts of the body. Divide the body cavities into thoracic, abdominal, and pelvic cavities, and describe the boundaries between them. Describe the serous membrane, and its sheets (parietal, visceral, and mesentery), and state the role of the serous membrane in organ fixation and its irrigation and innervation.
Ishodi učenja
Describe and show the osteomuscular walls of the chest cavity. Describe the lining and communication openings and their contents. Describe muscle activity during inhalation and exhalation. Describe the role of the pleura in the mechanics of breathing.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the system of blood vessels that belong to the large and small circulation and the function of each. Define the differences in blood circulation during fetal life and the changes that occur after birth. Describe the cardiac cavities and orifices. the flow of blood through the heart cavities and the mechanisms of opening and closing the heart valves using the valves. Describe the autonomic nervous system of the chest cavity, define the sympathetic and parasympathetic roots, and explain the ganglia and afferent fibers.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the external shape and the external and internal borders of the abdomen according to the adjacent parts of the body. Divide the abdominal cavity into the peritoneal cavity and extraperitoneal spaces. Describe the peritoneum and its layers (parietal, visceral and mesentery).
Ishodi učenja
Describe the embryonic development of the basis for the development of organs of the digestive system of the abdominal cavity, note the main changes that take place in the process of development, and the consequences that lead to the definitive placement of organs in the peritoneal cavity.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the embryonic development of the basis for the development of organs of the digestive system of the abdominal cavity, note the main changes that take place in the process of development, and the consequences that lead to the definitive placement of organs in the peritoneal cavity.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the location, area of innervation, and branches of the aorta abdominalis. Describe the position, area of drainage, and tributaries of v. cava inferior.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the walls and contents of extraperitoneal spaces. Define the topographic relationships within the retroperitoneal space. Describe the autonomic innervation of the organs of the abdominal cavity.
Ishodi učenja
Define the organs that make up the female reproductive system. Describe the shape and structure of the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, and birth canal. Define the organs that make up the male reproductive system. Describe the shape and structure of the testicles, epididymis, vas deferens, seminal vesicles, prostate, and ejaculatory ducts.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the irrigation and lymphatic drainage of the walls and contents of the pelvis.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the autonomic innervation of the thoracic, abdominal, and pelvic organs.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the autonomic innervation of the thoracic, abdominal and pelvic organs.
Ishodi učenja
Students will orientate and describe bones, describe specific parts of bones and show each bone structure.
Ishodi učenja
Orientate and describe bones, describe specific parts of bones and show each bone structure.
Ishodi učenja
Students will describe the joint, its movement and function, articular surfaces, joint capsule, and joint accessories.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the origin, attachment, and function of muscles. Note which joints the muscles cross and describe movements in these joints.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the origin, attachment and function of muscles. Note which joints the muscles cross and describe movements in these joints.
Ishodi učenja
Define the origin of each blood vessel, its path, branches, topography, and irrigation area. Describe lymphatics of the upper limb and their drainage point. Describe structures in the trigonum clavipectorale, axillary cavity, spaces and triceps groove, cubital fossa, carpal tunnel, and GUYON’s canal. Describe the main points of the surface anatomy of the upper limb.
Ishodi učenja
Describe bones, describe specific parts of bones and show each bone structure, describe the pelvis and thigh bone us and show each bone structure.Describe the tibia, fibula and patella, talus and calcaneus, main characteristics of metatarsal bones and phalanges and show each bone structure.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the joint, its movement and function, describe articular surfaces, the joint capsule (synovial and fibrous membrane) and joint accessories. Show each joint structure.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the joint, its movement and function, articular surfaces, the joint capsule (synovial and fibrous membrane) and joint accessories. Show each joint structure.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the origin, attachment and function of muscles. Define joints the muscles cross and describe movements in these joints.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the origin, attachment and function of muscles. Define which joints the muscles cross and describe movements in these joints.
Ishodi učenja
Define the origin of each blood vessel, its path, branches, topography and irrigation area. Describe the fascia of the lower limb and the saphenous opening. Describe structures in the lacuna musculorum and lacuna vasorum, femoral triangle and adductor canal, gluteal region and the popliteal fossa. Describe the main points of surface anatomy of the lower limb.
Ishodi učenja
Show and describe the parts of a typical vertebra. Analyze the group characteristics of cervical, thoracic, and lumbar vertebrae. Show and describe real vertebrae with special features. Show, name and describe the bones that construct the inner surface of the base of the skull. Show the borders between the front, middle, and back cranial fossa. For each cranial fossa, show and describe the bones and parts of the bones that participate in the construction of the specific fossa. Show the communication openings and determine the cavities or regions they communicate with. Describe and show the bones or parts of bones that participate in the construction of the skull roof or calvary.
Ishodi učenja
Show, name, and describe the bones that construct the outer surface of the base of the skull. Show the borders between the front, middle, and back fields of the external skull base. For each field, show and describe the bones and parts of the bones that participate in its construction. Show the communication openings and determine the cavities or regions they communicate with.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the bony structures of the orbital, nasal, and oral cavities. Show the major points of penetration, foramina, fissures, and impressions.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the bony walls and communications of the lateral parts of the skull (fossa infratemporalis, fossa pterygopalatina, fossa temporalis). Describe the parts of the maxilla and mandible. Describe teeth, and parts of teeth, recognize and name teeth, classify them, and name tooth surfaces. Describe the primary and permanent dentition.
Ishodi učenja
Show and describe the external shape of the spinal cord. Show and describe the spinal nerves. Show and describe the external shape, parts, and internal structure of the cerebellum. Show and describe the external form of the medulla oblongata, pons, and midbrain. Show the fourth chamber and describe its walls.
Ishodi učenja
Show the external structure of the distinct parts of diencephalon as well as name some of the nuclei of the distinct parts of diencephalon.
Ishodi učenja
Show and describe the outer shape of the hindbrain. Show the lateral chamber and describe its walls.
Ishodi učenja
Repetition of central nervous system morphology. Integration of knowledge on cranial nerves with skull base openings and regions of the head.
Ishodi učenja
Show and describe the boundaries of the region, the content of the region, and communications with neighboring regions.
Ishodi učenja
Show and describe the outer hard and soft brain and meninges. Show and name the blood vessels that irrigate the brain (a. carotis interna and branches and a. vertebralis and branches) and the spinal cord.
Ishodi učenja
Show and describe the boundaries of the region, the content of the region and communications with neighboring areas. Describe the mandible's temporomandibular joint and movements, and explain the origin, insertion, innervation, and function of the masseter and pterygoid muscles.
Ishodi učenja
Show and describe the boundaries of the region, the content of the region, and communications with neighboring regions.
Ishodi učenja
Show and describe the boundaries of the region, the content of the region and communications with neighboring regions.
Ishodi učenja
Show and describe the boundaries of the region, the content of the region, and communications with neighboring regions. Explain and define back musculature. Show superficial back muscles. Describe innervations and irrigation of back muscles.
Ishodi učenja
Show and describe the boundaries of the region, the content of the region and communications with neighboring regions.
Ishodi učenja
Show and describe the boundaries of the region, the content of the region and communications with neighboring regions
Ishodi učenja
Show and describe the boundaries of the region, the content of the region and communications with neighboring regions.
Ishodi učenja
Explain the arrangement of functional groups of the muscles of the face, explain the muscles associated with each of the groups of the muscles, define the origin, insertion, innervation and function of every individual muscle, and describe the parotid gland and its important relationships. Describe the sensory and motor innervation of the structures of the face, and explain the arteries, veins and the blood supply of the face structures.
Ishodi učenja
Show and describe the boundaries of the region, the content of the region and communications with neighboring regions. Describe temporomandibular joint, and movements of the mandible, and explain the origin, insertion, innervation and function of the masseter and pterygoid muscles.
Ishodi učenja
Show and describe the boundaries of the region, the content of the region and communications with neighboring regions. Explain and define back musculature. Show superficial back muscles. Describe innervations and irrigation of back muscles.
Ishodi učenja
Show and describe the upper and lower eyelids. Describe the conjunctive. Show and describe the structures of the lacrimal apparatus. Show and describe the external muscles of the eyeball, describe their function and innervation. Show the blood vessels and nerves of the orbit.
Ishodi učenja
Define head and neck organs and regions and their relationships. Explain the content of each region. Describe the pathway of blood vessels and nerves regarding the regions and topography.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the pectoral region and show the boundaries and contents of this region. Explain the breast and the function of the muscles of the pectoral region as well as recognize these muscles and show their origin and attachments to bones. Define and describe the ribs, and the sternum. Explain the movement and function of the intercostal joints. Explain and describe the attachment and function of the diaphragm and muscles of the thoracic wall.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the lung and show structures entering the hilum of the lung. Define the topography of the lungs, and branching of the bronchial tree. Define irrigation of lungs.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the inner and outer surface of the heart, and explain the wall layers of the heart. describe and explain the pericardial sac. Describe the location, structure and function of the heart skeleton. Explain the structure, function and projection of the heart valves.
Ishodi učenja
Define the superior mediastinum and its contents. Recognize and show the pulmonary trunk and ascending aorta. Describe the thymus, right and left brachiocephalic veins, superior vena cava, and arch of the aorta. Explain and describe the topography and irrigation of those blood vessels. Identify and explain vagus and phrenic nerves, their path, branches and innervation area. Describe and explain posterior mediastinum and its contents esophagus, thoracic aorta, azygos system of veins, thoracic duct and sympathetic trunk.
Ishodi učenja
Describe and demonstrate the muscles, vessels and nerves of the abdominal wall. Describe and demonstrate the position and content of the inguinal canal. Describe the structures of funiculus spermaticus.
Ishodi učenja
Describe and demonstrate the structure, morphology and topography of the stomach, small and large intestine.
Ishodi učenja
Describe and demonstrate the structure, morphology and topography of the liver, gallbladder, pancreas and spleen.
Ishodi učenja
Explain and demonstrate the muscles, vessels and nerves of the posterior abdominal wall. Describe and demonstrate the position and branches of the abdominal aorta as well the structure, morphology, and topography of the kidney, ureter and suprarenal glands.
Ishodi učenja
Explain and describe the structure, morphology and topography of the rectum, bladder and urethra.
Ishodi učenja
Explain and demonstrate, name and describe the structure, and parts of male internal genital organs.
Ishodi učenja
Students will describe the joint, its movement, and function, articular surfaces, joint capsule, and joint accessories.
Ishodi učenja
Define major anatomical axes and planes. Define general concepts of bone structure and function and name the parts of bones. Describe the specific types of bones.
Ishodi učenja
Define the types of joints based on the shape of the joint surfaces (spherical, cylindrical, ellipsoid...). Describe the movements. Describe joint surfaces, joint type, and movements in the shoulder joint.
Ishodi učenja
Define the role that muscles play in the locomotor apparatus. Explain the function of the muscles in the joint. Define contraction. Describe the terms agonist, antagonist, and synergist. Define contraction. Describe the neuromuscular junction. Define the auxiliary structure of the muscles, i.e. the connective sheath or fascia. Describe the osteomuscular lodges. Describe the muscle and tendon spindle.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the brachial plexus, its roots, the way of formation, position, and relationship to other structures. Name and describe the peripheral nerves that come out of it.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the femoral artery, the location of its branches, and the area of irrigation. To define the anastomoses in the area of its irrigation and the possibility of ligation of the arteries of the leg. Describe the subcutaneous and deep veins of the legs.
Ishodi učenja
Analyze the bones that make up the cerebral part of the skull. Describe the shape, basic features, main parts, and morphological characteristics of the frontal, sphenoid, temporal, and occipital bones. Describe the cavum tympani, define the shape of the space, and list the walls and their position. Describe the canals of the temporal bone.
Ishodi učenja
Show, name, and describe the parts of the mandible. Describe the jaw joint (art. temporomandibularis). Show, name, and describe the differently shaped teeth (incisors, canines, premolars, and molars) of the permanent dentition. Describe the deciduous dentition. Outline and describe the muscles of mastication, and state their insertions and function.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the deep gray matter of the brain stem - the nuclei of the brain nerves. Divide the nuclei into sensory, motor, and parasympathetic.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the hemisphere, gray, and white matter. Enumerate the convolutions of the cerebrum. Name the deep gray masses of the hemispheres. Describe the telencephalon medium.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the ventricles of the brain. Describe the communication between the ventricles and the subarachnoid space and the circulation of the cerebrospinal fluid.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the nuclei in the brain stem, the types of fibers, the area of innervation, and the course and branching of the nerves for the innervation of the head and neck: nn. craniales (n. IX, n. X, n. XI, n. XII), and describe the cervical part of the truncus sympathicus.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the nuclei in the brain stem, the types of fibers, the area of innervation, and the course and branching of the nerves for the innervation of the head and neck: nn. craniales (n. III, n.V-1, n.VII), and describe the parasympathetic ganglia of the head and neck, name their preganglionic and postganglionic fibers as well as the area of innervation.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the arteries and veins of the head and neck. Describe lymphatic vessels and regional lymph nodes.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the parts of the external ear: pinna and ear canal and parts of the middle ear: eardrum, auditory ossicles and joints, mastoid cavities, and Eustachian tube. Discuss the sensory innervation of the skin and mucous membrane of the outer and middle ear and the motor innervation of the stapedius and tensor tympani muscles.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the eyelids, lacrimal apparatus, and eye muscles. Describe the nuclei in the brain stem, the types of fibers, the area of innervation, and the course and branching of the nerves of the orbit: n. II, n. III, n. IV and n. YOU. Describe the origin, course, collateral, and terminal branches of the a. ophthalmica. Describe the origin, course, and anastomoses of v. ophthalmicae superior.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the structure of the breast. Describe the nutritional and functional circulation of the lungs, and describe the lymphatic vessels of the lungs. Explain the innervation of the lungs. Describe the pleura the quilt and its skeletotopic position.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the coronary arteries and explain their irrigation area. List the veins of the heart and describe their course. Describe and analyze the conduction musculature system of the heart. Describe the cardiac plexus. To analyze the topographic relationships of the heart and the places of auscultation of the cardiac orifices. Describe the pericardium.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the structure of serous membranes - pleura, pericardium, and peritoneum. Describe body cavities - chest and abdominal cavity. List and describe the vessels and nerves of the abdominal wall.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the position of the portal vein, its roots, and tributaries. Define the drainage area of the portal vein. Analyze the differences to the inferior vena cava. Describe the anatomy of the portal vein with the superior and inferior vena cava. .
Ishodi učenja
Repeat the skeletal elements of the pelvic wall, repeat the joints of the pelvic ring, describe the pelvis as a whole, analyze the diameters of the female pelvis, enumerate and describe the muscles of the pelvic wall, with special reference to the muscular floor of the pelvis, enumerate and describe the blood vessels of the pelvic wall, repeat the plexus sacralis. Describe the paravertebral ganglia, and enumerate and describe the prevertebral plexuses and intramural plexuses.
Ishodi učenja
Define regional and systemic anatomy, explain standard anatomical position, anatomical planes and terms for location and orientation. Define two subgroups of the skeleton, describe bone function, differentiate two types of bone, classify bones by shape, and describe how bone is structured and the vascularization and innervation of bones. Explain the development of the bones.
Ishodi učenja
Define regional and systemic anatomy, explain standard anatomical position, anatomical planes and terms for location and orientation. Define two subgroups of the skeleton, describe bone function, differentiate two types of bone, classify bones by shape, and describe how bone is structured and the vascularization and innervation of bones. Explain the development of the bones.
Ishodi učenja
Define two categories of joints, synovial joints and solid joints, describe synovial joints based on shape and movement, define joints and describe their representatives.
Ishodi učenja
Define two categories of joints, synovial joints and solid joints, describe synovial joints based on shape and movement, define joints and describe their representatives.
Ishodi učenja
Define myology as an anatomical discipline. Explain the parts, structure and function of skeletal muscle. Divide the types of skeletal muscles. Describe the muscle and tendon spindle, motor plate, muscle innervation. Explain the function of the muscles in the joint. Describe the fascia.
Ishodi učenja
Define myology as an anatomical discipline. Explain the parts, structure and function of skeletal muscle. Divide the types of skeletal muscles. Describe the muscle and tendon spindle, motor plate, muscle innervation. Explain the function of the muscles in the joint. Describe the fascia
Ishodi učenja
Define topographical anatomy as an anatomical discipline. Define skeletotopy, syntopy, holotopia. Define the topographical regions of the upper extremity. Explain the importance of clinical anatomy in the practical work of doctors. Describe the fossa axillaris and cubitalis regions.
Ishodi učenja
Define topographical anatomy as an anatomical discipline. Define skeletotopy, syntopy, holotopia. Define the topographical regions of the upper extremity. Explain the importance of clinical anatomy in the practical work of doctors. Describe the fossa axillaris and cubitalis regi
Ishodi učenja
Define angiology as an anatomical discipline. Explain the structure and anatomical characteristics of blood vessels. Describe the small and large circulation of blood. Outline the main arteries and veins. Describe lymphatic vessels and nodes.
Ishodi učenja
Define angiology as an anatomical discipline. Explain the structure and anatomical characteristics of blood vessels. Describe the small and large circulation of blood. Outline the main arteries and veins. Describe lymphatic vessels and nodes.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the knee joint and explain its mechanics. Describe knee joint injuries and their treatment.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the knee joint and explain its mechanics. Describe knee joint injuries and their treatment.
Ishodi učenja
Define the nervous system, nervous tissue and nerve cell. Define the peripheral nervous system and describe the structures that make it up: nerve and ganglion. Describe the plexus brachialis and n. medianus. Describe the plexus lumbalis and n. ischiadicus. Distinguish between motor and sensory innervation.
Ishodi učenja
Define the nervous system, nervous tissue and nerve cell. Define the peripheral nervous system and describe the structures that make it up: nerve and ganglion. Describe the plexus brachialis and n. medianus. Describe the plexus lumbalis and n. ischiadicus. Distinguish between motor and sensory innervation.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the importance of topographical anatomy of the lower extremity, regional boundaries and content.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the importance of topographical anatomy of the lower extremity, regional boundaries and content. Describe the irrigation of the lower extremity.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the division and structure of the central nervous system. Describe the nerve cell, types of nerve cells and supporting cells. Define a nerve and state the division. Explain the development and division of the brain.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the division and structure of the central nervous system. Describe the nerve cell, types of nerve cells and supporting cells. Define a nerve and state the division. Explain the development and division of the brain.
Ishodi učenja
Define the bones that belong to the axial axial skeleton. Explain the bones of the head into the cerebral and visceral parts and into the base and calvaria. Describe the basic principle of head bone development with reference to the importance of the fontanel. Describe the parts of the temporal bone and its canals as well as the cavum tympani.
Ishodi učenja
Define the bones that belong to the axial axial skeleton. Explain the bones of the head into the cerebral and visceral parts and into the base and calvaria. Describe the basic principle of head bone development with reference to the importance of the fontanel. Describe the parts of the temporal bone and its canals as well as the cavum tympani.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the walls of the eye, nose and mouth cavity. Explain the relationships and communications of the cavities with other spaces of the head. Describe the paranasal sinuses and their connection with the nasal cavity.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the walls of the eye, nose and mouth cavity. Explain the relationships and communications of the cavities with other spaces of the head. Describe the paranasal sinuses and their connection with the nasal cavity.
Ishodi učenja
Outline the bones that belong to the axial axial skeleton. Describe the spine as a whole and list the types of joints between the vertebrae and describe the mobility of individual sections of the spine. Describe the external shape and internal structure of the spinal cord. Describe the segmentation with regard to the exits of the spinal nerves and relate it to the internal structure.
Ishodi učenja
Outline the bones that belong to the axial axial skeleton. Describe the spine as a whole and list the types of joints between the vertebrae and describe the mobility of individual sections of the spine. Describe the external shape and internal structure of the spinal cord. Describe the segmentation with regard to the exits of the spinal nerves and relate it to the internal structure.
Ishodi učenja
Explain and describe an overview of cranial nerves with reference to their functional division, cores, exits and area of innervation.
Ishodi učenja
Explain and describe an overview of cranial nerves with reference to their functional division, cores, exits and area of innervation.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the connective sheaths of the brain and spinal cord. Describe the shape, position and function of the free sheets of the dura mater. Describe the venous sinuses of the dura mater. Describe the largest cisterns in the cranial cavity. Describe the communication between the ventricles and the subarachnoid space and the circulation of the cerebrospinal fluid. Describe the lumbar cistern and the practical importance of knowing its position during lumbar puncture.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the connective sheaths of the brain and spinal cord. Describe the shape, position and function of the free sheets of the dura mater. Describe the venous sinuses of the dura mater. Describe the largest cisterns in the cranial cavity. Describe the communication between the ventricles and the subarachnoid space and the circulation of the cerebrospinal fluid. Describe the lumbar cistern and the practical importance of knowing its position during lumbar puncture.
Ishodi učenja
Define splanchology as an anatomical discipline. Show the position and communications of the visceral organs of the head and neck.
Ishodi učenja
Define splanchology as an anatomical discipline. Show the position and communications of the visceral organs of the head and neck.
Ishodi učenja
Show and describe the wall of the larynx, the communication openings and the division of the cavity of the larynx. Describe the anatomical structures that participate in the construction of the larynx walls. Describe the motor, sensory and autonomic innervation of the larynx. Describe the mechanism of voice production and explain the function of the larynx muscles in voice production. Describe n. vagus from the exit, its path and relations to the surrounding structures. Describe the core n. vagus. Describe each branch of n. vagus and the area of its innervation.
Ishodi učenja
Show and describe the wall of the larynx, the communication openings and the division of the cavity of the larynx. Describe the anatomical structures that participate in the construction of the larynx walls. Describe the motor, sensory and autonomic innervation of the larynx. Describe the mechanism of voice production and explain the function of the larynx muscles in voice production. Describe n. vagus from the exit, its path and relations to the surrounding structures. Describe the core n. vagus. Describe each branch of n. vagus and the area of its innervation.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the anatomical boundaries of the head and neck. Describe the position, mutual relationship and boundaries between the topographical regions of the head and neck. Describe the neck fascia and its sheets.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the anatomical boundaries of the head and neck. Describe the position, mutual relationship and boundaries between the topographical regions of the head and neck. Describe the neck fascia and its sheets.
Ishodi učenja
Describe and explain the arterial and venous vessels of the head and neck. Describe lymphatic vessels and regional lymph nodes.
Ishodi učenja
Describe and explain the arterial and venous vessels of the head and neck. Describe lymphatic vessels and regional lymph nodes.
Ishodi učenja
Describe n. trigeminus from the exit, its path and relations to the surrounding structures. Describe the division of the nerve into three main branches. Describe each branch of n. trigeminus, the area of its extension and innervation.
Ishodi učenja
Describe n. trigeminus from the exit, its path and relations to the surrounding structures. Describe the division of the nerve into three main branches. Describe each branch of n. trigeminus, the area of its extension and innervation.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the shape and parts of the eye membranes: outer eye membrane and its parts (sclera and cornea), middle eye membrane and its parts (choroid, ray body and iris), inner eye membrane (pigment layer and retina). Explain the significance and function of the smooth muscles of the iris and the ray body. Define the content of the eyeball. Describe the production, flow and drainage of aqueous humor from the eyeball.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the shape and parts of the eye membranes: outer eye membrane and its parts (sclera and cornea), middle eye membrane and its parts (choroid, ray body and iris), inner eye membrane (pigment layer and retina). Explain the significance and function of the smooth muscles of the iris and the ray body. Define the content of the eyeball. Describe the production, flow and drainage of aqueous humor from the eyeball.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the bony labyrinth. Describe the membranous labyrinth. Identify the sensory surfaces of the membranous labyrinth and describe their position.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the bony labyrinth. Describe the membranous labyrinth. Identify the sensory surfaces of the membranous labyrinth and describe their position.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the external shape and the external and internal borders of the trunk according to the adjacent parts of the body. Divide the body cavities into thoracic, abdominal, and pelvic cavities, and describe the boundaries between them. Describe the serous membrane, and its sheets (parietal, visceral, and mesentery), and state the role of the serous membrane in organ fixation and its irrigation and innervation. Describe lungs and pleural cavities.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the external shape and the external and internal borders of the trunk according to the adjacent parts of the body. Divide the body cavities into thoracic, abdominal, and pelvic cavities, and describe the boundaries between them. Describe the serous membrane, and its sheets (parietal, visceral, and mesentery), and state the role of the serous membrane in organ fixation and its irrigation and innervation. Describe lungs and pleural cavities.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the cardiac cavities and orifices, the flow of blood through the heart cavities and the mechanisms of opening and closing the heart valves using the valves.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the cardiac cavities and orifices, the flow of blood through the heart cavities and the mechanisms of opening and closing the heart valves using the valves.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the external shape and the external and internal borders of the abdomen according to the adjacent parts of the body. Define the abdominal cavity division into the peritoneal cavity and extraperitoneal spaces. Describe the peritoneum and its layers (parietal, visceral and mesentery). Describe the embryonic development of the organs in the abdominal cavity. Explain the main changes that take place in the process of development and the consequences that lead to the definitive placement of the organs in the peritoneal cavity.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the external shape and the external and internal borders of the abdomen according to the adjacent parts of the body. Define the abdominal cavity division into the peritoneal cavity and extraperitoneal spaces. Describe the peritoneum and its layers (parietal, visceral and mesentery). Describe the embryonic development of the organs in the abdominal cavity. Explain the main changes that take place in the process of development and the consequences that lead to the definitive placement of the organs in the peritoneal cavity.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the posterior abdominal wall, describe and define reteoperitoneal space and content of the space. Describe abdominal aorta and vena cava inferior.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the posterior abdominal wall, describe and define reteoperitoneal space and content of the space. Describe abdominal aorta and vena cava inferior
Ishodi učenja
Describe the skeletal elements of the pelvic cavity, their joints and muscles. Describe the pelvic floor muscles. Describe the external and internal diameters of the pelvic cavity with special reference to the shape of the pelvic cavity in women. Describe the irrigation and lymphatic drainage of the walls and contents of the pelvis.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the skeletal elements of the pelvic cavity, their joints and muscles. Describe the pelvic floor muscles. Describe the external and internal diameters of the pelvic cavity with special reference to the shape of the pelvic cavity in women. Describe the irrigation and lymphatic drainage of the walls and contents of the pelvis.
Ishodi učenja
Describe and explain sympathetic trunks, preganglionic and postganglionic sympathetic fibres and visceral afferent fibres, splanchnic nerves, abdominal prevertebral plexus, parasympathetic innervation and the enteric system. Define skin as organ and explain its receptors.
Ishodi učenja
Describe and explain sympathetic trunks, preganglionic and postganglionic sympathetic fibres and visceral afferent fibres, splanchnic nerves, abdominal prevertebral plexus, parasympathetic innervation and the enteric system. Define skin as organ and explain its receptors.
Ishodi učenja
Students will orientate and describe bones, describe specific parts of bones and show each bone structure.
Ishodi učenja
Orientate and describe bones, describe specific parts of bones and show each bone structure.
Ishodi učenja
Students will describe the joint, its movement and function, describe articular surfaces, joint capsule and joint accessories.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the origin, attachment and function of muscles. Note which joints the muscles cross and describe movements in these joints.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the origin, attachment and function of muscles. Note which joints the muscles cross and describe movements in these joints.
Ishodi učenja
Define the origin of each blood vessel, its path, branches, topography and irrigation area. Describe lymphatics of the upper limb and their drainage point. Describe structures in the trigonum clavipectorale, axillary cavity, spaces and triceps groove, cubital fossa, and carpal tunnel and GUYON’s canal. Describe the main points of surface anatomy of the upper limb.
Ishodi učenja
Describe bones, describe specific parts of bones and show each bone structure, describe the pelvis and thigh bone us and show each bone structure.Describe the tibia, fibula and patella, talus and calcaneus, main characteristics of metatarsal bones and phalanges and show each bone structure.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the joint, its movement and function, describe articular surfaces, the joint capsule (synovial and fibrous membrane) and joint accessories. Show each joint structure.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the joint, its movement and function, articular surfaces, the joint capsule (synovial and fibrous membrane) and joint accessories. Show each joint structure.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the origin, attachment and function of muscles. Define joints the muscles cross and describe movements in these joints.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the origin, attachment and function of muscles. Define which joints the muscles cross and describe movements in these joints.
Ishodi učenja
Define the origin of each blood vessel, its path, branches, topography and irrigation area. Describe the fascia of the lower limb and the saphenous opening. Describe structures in the lacuna musculorum and lacuna vasorum, femoral triangle and adductor canal, gluteal region and the popliteal fossa. Describe the main points of surface anatomy of the lower limb.
Ishodi učenja
Describe and define the bones and structures of the inner surface of the base of the skull. Students will recognize three sections on the inner base of the skull. Show the major points of penetration, foramina, fissures, and impressions.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the bones and structures of the outer surface of the base of the skull. Show three sections on the outer base of the skull. Show the major points of penetration, foramina, fissures, and impressions.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the bony structures of the infratemporal, and pterygopalatine fossa. Show the major points of penetration, foramina, fissures, and impressions.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the bony structures of the orbital, nasal and oral cavities. Show the major points of penetration, foramina, fissures, and impressions.
Ishodi učenja
Show, name and describe the parts of the spine. Distinguish cervical, thoracic and lumbar vertebrae. Show, name and describe the parts of ribs. Differentiate between real, false and floating ribs. Show, name and describe the parts of the sternum
Ishodi učenja
Show and describe the external shape of the spinal cord and cerebellum. Show and describe the spinal nerves. Show and describe the parts of the general description of the brain, the division, the outlets of the brain nerves.
Ishodi učenja
Show and describe the external shape of the medulla oblongata, pons and midbrain. Show the fourth chamber and describe its walls.
Ishodi učenja
Show the external structure of the distinct parts of diencephalon as well as name some of the nuclei of the distinct parts of diencephalon.
Ishodi učenja
Show and describe the outer shape of the hindbrain. Show the lateral chamber and describe its walls.
Ishodi učenja
Show and describe the outer hard and soft brain and meninges. Show and name the blood vessels that irrigate the brain (a. carotis interna and branches and a. vertebralis and branches) and the spinal cord.
Ishodi učenja
Define the walls of the oral cavity, the communication openings and the division of the cavity. Describe the anatomical structures that participate in the construction of the walls of the oral cavity. Describe motor, sensory and autonomic innervation of the walls. Show and describe the tongue and its structures. Explain and describe salivary glands and their openings in the oral cavity.
Ishodi učenja
Show the walls of the pharynx, the communication openings and the division of the cavity. Describe the anatomical structures that participate in the construction of the pharynx walls. Describe the motor, sensory and autonomic innervation of the walls.
Ishodi učenja
Show and describe the wall of the nasal cavity, the communication openings and the division of the cavity. Describe the anatomical structures that participate in building the walls of the nasal cavity. Describe the sensory and autonomic innervation of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity. Describe and show the position of the paranasal cavities and show the communicating drainage openings into the nasal cavity. Explain n. olfactorius.
Ishodi učenja
Identify and describe the larynx, and define the composition of the larynx.Describe laryngeal cartilages, ligaments and joints. Explain the cavity of the larynx, origin, insertion, innervation and function of the intrinsic muscles of the larynx. Understand the function of the larynx during respiration, phonation, effort closure and swallowing. Explain irrigation, lymphatic drainage and innervation of the larynx. Identify and describe thyroid and parathyroid glands.
Ishodi učenja
Show and describe the boundaries of the region, the content of the region and communications with neighboring regions.
Ishodi učenja
Show and describe the boundaries of the region, the content of the region and communications with neighboring regions
Ishodi učenja
Show and describe the boundaries of the region, the content of the region and communications with neighboring regions.
Ishodi učenja
Explain the arrangement of functional groups of the muscles of the face, explain the muscles associated with each of the groups of the muscles, define the origin, insertion, innervation and function of every individual muscle, and describe the parotid gland and its important relationships. Describe the sensory and motor innervation of the structures of the face, and explain the arteries, veins and the blood supply of the face structures.
Ishodi učenja
Show and describe the boundaries of the region, the content of the region and communications with neighboring regions. Describe temporomandibular joint, and movements of the mandible, and explain the origin, insertion, innervation and function of the masseter and pterygoid muscles.
Ishodi učenja
Show and describe the boundaries of the region, the content of the region and communications with neighboring regions. Explain and define back musculature. Show superficial back muscles. Describe innervations and irrigation of back muscles.
Ishodi učenja
Show and describe the upper and lower eyelids. Describe the conjunctive. Show and describe the structures of the lacrimal apparatus. Show and describe the external muscles of the eyeball, describe their function and innervation. Show the blood vessels and nerves of the orbit.
Ishodi učenja
Define head and neck organs and regions and their relationships. Explain the content of each region. Describe the pathway of blood vessels and nerves regarding the regions and topography.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the pectoral region and show the boundaries and contents of this region. Explain the breast and the function of the muscles of the pectoral region as well as recognize these muscles and show their origin and attachments to bones. Define and describe the ribs, and the sternum. Explain the movement and function of the intercostal joints. Explain and describe the attachment and function of the diaphragm and muscles of the thoracic wall.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the lung and show structures entering the hilum of the lung. Define the topography of the lungs, and branching of the bronchial tree. Define irrigation of lungs.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the inner and outer surface of the heart, and explain the wall layers of the heart. describe and explain the pericardial sac. Describe the location, structure and function of the heart skeleton. Explain the structure, function and projection of the heart valves.
Ishodi učenja
Define the superior mediastinum and its contents. Recognize and show the pulmonary trunk and ascending aorta. Describe the thymus, right and left brachiocephalic veins, superior vena cava, and arch of the aorta. Explain and describe the topography and irrigation of those blood vessels. Identify and explain vagus and phrenic nerves, their path, branches and innervation area. Describe and explain posterior mediastinum and its contents esophagus, thoracic aorta, azygos system of veins, thoracic duct and sympathetic trunk.
Ishodi učenja
Describe and demonstrate the muscles, vessels and nerves of the abdominal wall. Describe and demonstrate the position and content of the inguinal canal. Describe the structures of funiculus spermaticus.
Ishodi učenja
Describe and demonstrate the structure, morphology and topography of the stomach, small and large intestine.
Ishodi učenja
Describe and demonstrate the structure, morphology and topography of the liver, gallbladder, pancreas and spleen.
Ishodi učenja
Explain and demonstrate the muscles, vessels and nerves of the posterior abdominal wall. Describe and demonstrate the position and branches of the abdominal aorta as well the structure, morphology, and topography of the kidney, ureter and suprarenal glands.
Ishodi učenja
Explain and describe the structure, morphology and topography of the rectum, bladder and urethra.
Ishodi učenja
Explain and demonstrate, name and describe the structure, and parts of male internal genital organs.
Ishodi učenja
Define major anatomical axes and planes. Define general concepts of bone structure and function and name the parts of bones. Describe the specific types of bones.
Ishodi učenja
Describe general concepts of joint structure and function and they will be introduced to obligatory and accessory parts of the joints. Define the specific types of joints. Describe the principles of muscular contraction and its function in relation to joints. Practice the usage of the terms of muscular function: eversion - inversion, flexion - extension, abduction – adduction.
Ishodi učenja
Describe parts of the nervous system based on the function and structure of the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system and they will understand the function of somatic and visceral nervous system parts. Describe spinal roots, spinal nerves and plexuses. Describe how nerve plexuses are formed. Define nerve plexuses and peripheral nerves of the upper extremity as well as distinguish peripheral from segmental innervation.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the general principles of the cardiovascular and lymphatic system. Describe the types of blood vessels. Describe lymph nodes, trunks and vessels.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the nerve plexuses and peripheral nerves of the lower extremity as well as distinguish peripheral from segmental innervation.
Ishodi učenja
: Analyze the bones that make up the cerebral part of the skull. Describe the shape, basic features, main parts and most important edges, protrusions, depressions, bone lines, grooves, openings and other morphological characteristics of the frontal, sphenoid, temporal and occipital bones.
Ishodi učenja
Analyze the bones that make up the visceral part of the skull. Describe the main elements of the jaw joint and the movements that take place in the joint.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the parts of the brain stem and analyze the gray matter, which is functionally the nucleus of the brain nerves. Analyze the projections of the cranial nerve nuclei to the rhombic fossa
Ishodi učenja
Describe the hemispheres. Describe the ventricles of the brain. Describe the communication between the ventricles and the subarachnoid space and the circulation of the cerebrospinal fluid.
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Describe the basic structure plan of a hollow and parenchymatous organ. Describe the formations and organs of the lymphatic system, with special reference to tonsils, lymph nodes, and lymph nodes. |
Ishodi učenja
Students will learn the cranial nerves IX, X, XI and XII functional components;
describe afferent and efferent fibres, the exit from the skull and the function
Ishodi učenja
Describe the nuclei in the brain stem, types of fibers, area of innervation, course and branching of nervus facialis, n. VII. Describe the parasympathetic ganglia of the head: ganglion ciliare, oticum, pterygopalatinum and submandibular.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the bony orbit and its walls, the structure of the eyelids, describe the innervation and irrigation of the eyelids, the parts, innervation and blood supply of the lacrimal apparatus. Identify the openings and communication of the orbit. Describe the origin, insertion, innervation and function of extrinsic muscles of the eyeball. Identify and describe vessels and nerves of the orbit. Describe chambers, lens, vitreous humor walls and vessels of the eyeball.
Ishodi učenja
Describe ear as organ of hearing and balance. Distinguish three parts of the ear,describe parts of the external ear, the irrigation, lymphatic drainage and innervation of the external ear. Describe parts of the middle ear,boundaries of the middle ear,identify and describe auditory ossicles and muscles associated with the ossicles, the irrigation, lymphatic drainage and innervation of the middle ear.Describe parts of the internal ear, bony and membranous labyrinth,define organs of balance and the organ of hearing, explain irrigation, lymphatic drainage and innervation of the internal ear.
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Describe coronary vasculature, cardiac veins and coronary lymphatics as well as recognize and show the right coronary artery, left coronary artery and coronary sinus. Explain and describe the cardiac plexus. Define margins of the heart and heart sounds.Describe pericardium.
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Describe the abdominal wall and peritoneal cavity. Define and describe the location of abdominal organs and their surface anatomy. Explain the development of the abdominal viscera. Describe the serous membrane and its main parts.
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Describe the blood and lymphatic vessels of the abdominal cavity. Define the area of irrigation of individual organs of the abdominal cavity.
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Define the organs that form the female reproductive system. Describe the shape and structure of the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus and birth canal.
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Define the organs that form the male reproductive system. Describe the shape and structure of the testicles, epididymis, vas deferens, seminal vesicles, prostate and ejaculatory tubes
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Students will orientate and describe bones, describe specific parts of bones and show each bone structure.
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Students will orientate and describe bones, describe specific parts of bones and show each bone structure.
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Students will learn what regional and systemic anatomy is, students will explain what standard anatomical position is, anatomical planes and terms for location and orientation. Students will be able to define two subgroups of the skeleton, enumerate the types and the functions of cartilage, describe bone function, differentiate two types of bone, classify bones by shape, and describe how bone is structured and the vascularization and innervation of bones. Students will explain the development of the bones.
Ishodi učenja
Students will define two categories of joints, synovial joints and solid joints, describe synovial joints based on shape and movement, divide solid joints and describe their representatives.
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Define myology as an anatomical discipline. Explain the parts, structure and function of skeletal muscle. Divide the types of skeletal muscles. Describe the muscle and tendon spindle, motor plate, muscle innervation. Explain the function of the muscles in the joint. Describe the fascia.
Ishodi učenja
Define topographical anatomy as an anatomical discipline. Define skeletotopy, syntopy, holotopia. Define the topographical regions of the upper extremity. Explain the importance of clinical anatomy in the practical work of doctors. Describe the fossa axillaris and cubitalis regions.
Ishodi učenja
Define angiology as an anatomical discipline. Explain the structure and anatomical characteristics of blood vessels. Describe the small and large circulation of blood. Outline the main arteries and veins. Describe lymphatic vessels and nodes.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the knee joint and explain its mechanics. Describe knee joint injuries and their treatment.
Ishodi učenja
Define the nervous system, nervous tissue and nerve cell. Define the peripheral nervous system and describe the structures that make it up: nerve and ganglion. Describe the plexus brachialis and n. medianus. Describe the plexus lumbalis and n. ischiadicus. Distinguish between motor and sensory innervation.
Ishodi učenja
Discuss the importance of topographical anatomy of the lower extremity, regional boundaries and content.
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Explain the division and structure of the central nervous system. Describe the nerve cell, types of nerve cells and supporting cells. Define a nerve and state the division. Explain the development and division of the brain.
Ishodi učenja
Define the nervous system, nervous tissue and nerve cell. Define the peripheral nervous system and describe the structures that make it up: nerve and ganglion. Describe the plexus brachialis and n. medianus. Describe the plexus lumbalis and n. ischiadicus. Distinguish between motor and sensory innervation.
Ishodi učenja
Discuss the importance of topographical anatomy of the lower extremity, regional boundaries and content
Ishodi učenja
Explain the division and structure of the central nervous system. Describe the nerve cell, types of nerve cells and supporting cells. Define a nerve and state the division. Explain the development and division of the brain.
Ishodi učenja
Outline the bones that belong to the axial axial skeleton. Divide the bones of the head into the cerebral and visceral parts and into the base and calvaria. Describe the basic principle of head bone development with reference to the importance of the fontanel. Describe the parts of the temporal bone and its canals as well as the cavum tympani.
Ishodi učenja
Describe the walls of the eye, nose and mouth cavity. Explain the relationships and communications of the cavities with other spaces of the head. Describe the paranasal sinuses and their connection with the nasal cavity.
Ishodi učenja
Outline the bones that belong to the axial axial skeleton. Describe the spine as a whole and list the types of joints between the vertebrae and describe the mobility of individual sections of the spine. Describe the external shape and internal structure of the spinal cord. Describe the segmentation with regard to the exits of the spinal nerves and relate it to the internal structure.
Ishodi učenja
Show an overview of cranial nerves with reference to their functional division, cores, exits and area of innervation.
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Describe the connective sheaths of the brain and spinal cord. Describe the shape, position and function of the free sheets of the dura mater. Describe the venous sinuses of the dura mater. Describe the largest cisterns in the cranial cavity. Describe the communication between the ventricles and the subarachnoid space and the circulation of the cerebrospinal fluid. Describe the lumbar cistern and the practical importance of knowing its position during lumbar puncture.
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Students will learn about nose structure, its relation to adjacent areas, irigation and innervation. Students will learn to describe the larynx, its relatuion to adjacent organs, irrigation and innervation.
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Students will learn the surface anatomy of neck, its groups of muscles, layers of neck fascia and its organization, the regions of the neck.
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Students will learn to describe the walls of the eyeball, anterior and posterior chambers, the lens and vitreous body.
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Students will learn about structure of internal ear, bony and membranaceous parts.
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Students will give an overview of the thoracic cavity, its walls, its compartments and the content; students will describe the lungs, pleura and pleural cavities.
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Students will describe the mediastinum with its walls and content; students will describe the heart and pericardium
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Students will define the abdominal and peritoneal cavity and use surface topography for orientation of abdominal viscera.
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Students will learn about abdominal viscera development to understand the final arrangement of abdominal organs
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Students will describe the posterior abdominal wall, the definition of retroperitoneal space and its content.
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Students will learn the general overview of the pelvis, the pelvic walls, and the content of the pelvic cavity and the general topography of the pelvic organs.
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Students will describe sympathetic trunks, preganglionic and postganglionic sympathetic fibres and visceral afferent fibres, splanchnic nerves, abdominal prevertebral plexus, parasympathetic innervation and the enteric system