Medical Studies in EnglishStudijska godina
The course Psychological medicine 1 - Psychosocial development through life aims to introduce students to psychosocial approach to human development that emphasizes interaction among the biological, psychological, and societal systems. As a result of maturation and change in each of these systems, individuals’ beliefs about themselves and their relationships are modified. Although each life story is unique, we can identify important common patterns, allowing us to anticipate the future and to understand one another. Psychosocial theory offers a life-span view in which development is a product of the interactions between individuals and their social environments. The needs and goals of both the individual and society must be considered in conceptualizing human development. Predictability is found in the sequence of psychosocial stages, the central process involved in the resolution of the psychosocial crisis at each stage, and the radius of significant relationships. Individuality is expressed in the achievement of the developmental tasks, the balance of the positive and negative poles of each psychosocial crisis and the resulting worldview, and the style and resources for coping that a person brings to each new life challenge.
The main theories of human development will also be analysed. They typically addresses several of the following questions: What is the direction of change over the life span? What are the mechanisms that account for continuity and change? What is the relevance of early experiences for later development? How do physical, cognitive, emotional, and social functions interact? How do the physical and social environments impact development? What factors typically place the person at risk for problems in development at various periods of life?
Uploaded learning material related to lectures, seminars and practicals (Merlin platform)
Newman BM, Newman PR. Development Through Life: A psychosocial Approach. Boston: Cenage Learning, 2017.
Sadock BJ, Sadock VA, Ruiz P. : Kaplan & Sadock's SYNOPSIS OF PSYCHIATRY, Eleventh Edition, Wolters Kluwer, 2015 (Chapters 2,3,4)
Selected professional and/or scientific papers recommended by tutors
Regular attendance, preparing assignments for seminars and practicals
Student grading will be conducted according to the Ordinance on Student Grading at the Faculty of Medicine in Rijeka. Students’ work will be evaluated through the course activities and on the final exam. Students may achieve up to 50% of the grade during the course and 50% at the final exam.
Students may achieve up to 50% of the grade during the course:
20% - 10 Quizzes on the lectures (1 quiz related to each lecture)
Each quiz consists of four multiple choice questions. Only one answer is correct. Student has 5 minutes for each of two attempts. The grading method is the highest grade of two attempts.
Max. credits from quizzes on the lectures = 20
10% - 5 Quizzes on the seminars (1 quiz related to each seminar)
Each quiz consists of 6 multiple choice questions. Only one answer is correct. Student has 5 minutes for each of two attempts. The grading method is the highest grade of two attempts).
Max. credits from quizzes on the seminars = 10
20% - Badges on the practicals (1 badge max. per block of practicals)
Yellow Badge - Active participation in discussion on the practical. Interaction with the leader and students in the group (4 points)
Green Badge - Less active participation in discussion on the practical. Interaction initiated by the group leader or other students (2 points)
Max. credits from badges on the practicals = 20
The credits form each part of assessment will be summarised. To qualify for the final exam, the student must acquire at least 25 credits through the course.
Quizzes are prepared on the Merlin platform. Students can upload MerlinMobile application from https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.moodle.merlinmobile&hl=hr Each student has to be logged in and will receive notification when teacher start the session. Then they have to wait for teacher to launch the quiz. Student has 30 seconds to answer each question in max. 2 attempts.
Midterm retake exam – Test is related to the topics of the lectures and seminars and consists of 25 questions. Two points are given when a question is answered correctly. Max credits = 50 Sufficient - 25 credits. Midterm exams can be retaken in case a student did not acquire at least 25 credits through the course. Retake of the midterm exam will be held according to the schedule.
Final exam is an ORAL EXAM worth 50 credits. Sufficient - 25 credits. It consists of 5 questions related to the course topics, and each answer is graded from 0 to 10 credits. Students that have not been present on more than 30% of the course units (more than 30% lectures, 30% seminars, 30% practicals) are not allowed to take the final exam.
The overall grade is combined from midterm credits and final exam credits which add up to a maximum of 100 credits.
90-100 credits ...excellent (5) A; 90-100%
75-89,9 credits ...very good (4) B; 75-89,9%
60-74,9 credits ...good (3) C;60-74,9%
50-59,9 credits ...sufficient (2) D;50-59,9%
0-49,9 credits...insufficient (1) F; 0-49,9%
Ishodi učenja
The aim is to present the biopsychosocial approach to development, controversy regarding the nature and nurture dilemma, to present the lifespan development and the essentials of brain development, sensomotoric development, development of language.
The learning outcome: student should be able to differentiate growth and development, to explain biopsychosocial approach to the development and to summarize the essentials of the brain development, sensomotoric development, development of language
Ishodi učenja
The aim is to present the interaction of the biological, psychological, and societal systems and to present basic concepts of Erikson’s psychosocial theory: Stages of development; Developmental tasks; Psychosocial crises of the life stages; The central process for resolving the psychosocial crisis; Radius of significant relationships; Coping: prime adaptive ego qualities and core pathologies
The learning outcome: Student should be able to describe the psychosocial approach to the study of development, including the interrelationship among the biological, psychological, and societal systems and to list basic concepts of psychosocial theory.
Ishodi učenja
The aim is to summarize the process through which genetic information is transmitted from one generation to the next, to analyze ways that the pregnant woman and the developing fetus influence each other, to explain brain development.
The learning outcome: Student should be able to describe the link between genetics and development, interrelationship between pregnant woman and fetus and to explain how brain development is tied to the physical, motoric, sensoric and social maturation.
Infancy: The aim is to present development of communication and psychosocial crisis, discuss the central process through which the crisis is resolved, the prime adaptive ego quality of and the core pathology of this stage of development.
The learning outcome: Student should be able to summarize the beginnings of language competence from birth through the first 2 years of life, to explain the psychosocial crisis of trust versus mistrust; the central process through which the crisis is resolved, mutuality with the caregiver; the prime adaptive ego quality of hope; and the core pathology of withdrawal.
Ishodi učenja
The aim is to present psychosocial crisis, discuss the central process through which the crisis is resolved, the prime adaptive ego quality of and the core pathology of this stage of development.
The learning outcome: Student should be able to explain and define the psychosocial crisis of autonomy versus shame and doubt, the central process of imitation, the prime adaptive ego strength of will, and the core pathology of compulsion.
Ishodi učenja
Preschool-Early School Age: The aim is to present psychosocial crisis, explain and discuss the central process through which the crisis is resolved, the prime adaptive ego quality of and the core pathology of this stage of development.
The learning outcome: Student should be able to explain the psychosocial crisis of initiative versus guilt, the central process of identification, the prime adaptive ego quality of purpose, and the core pathology of inhibition.
Middle Childhood Age The aim is to present psychosocial crisis, explain and discuss the central process through which the crisis is resolved, the prime adaptive ego quality of and the core pathology of this stage of development.
The learning outcome: Student should be able to explain the psychosocial crisis of industry versus inferiority, the central process through which the crisis is resolved, education, the prime adaptive ego quality of competence, and the core pathology of inertia.
Ishodi učenja
The aim is to present psychosocial crisis, explain and discuss the central process through which the crisis is resolved, the prime adaptive ego quality of and the core pathology of this stage of development.
The learning outcome: Student should be able to define and describe the psychosocial crisis of adolescence, individual identity versus identity confusion; the central process through which this crisis is resolved, role experimentation; the prime adaptive ego quality of fidelity to values and ideals; and the core pathology of repudiation.
Ishodi učenja
Early Adulthood: The aim is to present psychosocial crisis, discuss the central process through which the crisis is resolved, the prime adaptive ego quality of and the core pathology of this stage of development.
The learning outcome: Student should be able to define and describe the psychosocial crisis of intimacy versus isolation, the central process through which the crisis is resolved, mutuality among peers, the prime adaptive ego quality of love, and the core pathology of exclusivity.
Middle Adulthood: The aim is to present psychosocial crisis, discuss the central process through which the crisis is resolved, the prime adaptive ego quality of and the core pathology of this stage of development.
The learning outcome: Student should be able to define and explain the psychosocial crisis of generativity versus stagnation and the central processes through which the crisis is resolved: person–environment interaction and creativity, the primary adaptive ego strength of care, and the core pathology of rejectivity.
Ishodi učenja
The aim is to present psychosocial crisis, discuss the central process through which the crisis is resolved, the prime adaptive ego quality of and the core pathology of this stage of development.
The learning outcome: Student should be able to define and define and explain the psychosocial crisis of integrity versus despair, the central process of introspection, the prime adaptive ego quality of wisdom, and the core pathology of disdain.
Ishodi učenja
The aim is to describe factors associated with the process of dying and the modern ideal of a good death.
The learning outcomes: Student should be able to explain how mortality influences psychosocial development, to give definition of death, summarize the role of cultural death-related rituals and analyse factors that affect grief and bereavement.
Ishodi učenja
1. The biopsychosocial approach to the development- Nature and nurture
2. Lifespan development
3. Development of brain
4. Sensomotoric development
5. Development of language
6. Erik Erikson (1902 – 1994)
7. Fundamental Concepts in Erikson’s Psychosocial Theory of Development
8. Stages of development
Additional material
Case Study: Rose from Newman BM, Newman PR. Development Through Life: A
psychosocial approach. Boston: Cengage Learning, 2017.
Nature or nurture: What makes you who you are? || Debate Clip
Nature and Nurture: The Study of Twins
Case Study: Erik Erikson from Newman BM, Newman PR. Development Through Life: A
psychosocial approach. Boston: Cengage Learning, 2017.
Erik Erikson & Lifespan Development
The learning outcomes are to explain the basic assumptions that guide the orientation of the text, to discuss the psychosocial approach to the study of development, including the interrelationship among the biological, psychological, and societal systems, to use the six basic concepts of psychosocial theory in everyday work with people.
Ishodi učenja
INFANCY (0-18 months)
1. Developmental Tasks
2. Childbirth - Mother-infant bonding/attachment
3. After the birth
4. Trust vs. mistrust (the psychosocial crisis)
5. Mutuality with a primary caregiver (the central process for resolving the psychosocial
6. Primary caregiver –mother (the significant relationships)
7. Coping
TODDLERHOOD (18 months- 3 years)
1. Developmental Tasks
2. The second stage of psychosocial development – toddlerhood
3. Autonomy versus Shame and Doubt (the psychosocial crisis)
4. Imitation (the central process for resolving the psychosocial crisis)
5. Family members (the significant relationships) (the significant relationships)
6. Coping
Additional material
Case Study: Experiencing Pregnancy from Newman BM, Newman PR. Development
Through Life: A psychosocial approach. Boston: Cengage Learning, 2017.
PBS The Secret Life of the Brain - The Baby's Brain (mini).wmv
Case Study: The Cotton Family from Newman BM, Newman PR. Development Through
Life: A psychosocial approach. Boston: Cengage Learning, 2017.
The relationship between mother and baby
Case Study:
Harrison Struggles in the Transition to Preschool - from Newman BM, Newman PR.
Development Through Life: A psychosocial approach. Boston: Cengage Learning, 2017.
The Marshmallow Study Revisited https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JsQMdECFnUQ
The marshmallow test: can children learn self-control?
The learning outcomes are to differentiate the contributions of genetic factors to individuality through their role in controlling the rate of development, influencing individual traits, and determining the genetic sources of abnormalities, to analyze ways that the pregnant woman and the developing fetus influence each other, focusing on how pregnancy affects a childbearing woman and expectant father, and the impact of environmental influences on fetal growth, such as a woman’s age, drug use, nutrition, environmental toxins, and stress, to describe characteristics of newborns and summarize the beginnings of language competence from birth through the first two years of life, discuss and explain psychosocial crisis of trust versus mistrust; the central process through which the crisis is resolved, mutuality with the caregiver; the prime adaptive ego quality of hope; and the core pathology of withdrawal. The aim is to analyse the features of toddlerhood that are captured in the case and how it relates to the developmental tasks of infancy.
Ishodi učenja
PRESCHOOL AGE (3 - 6 years)
1. Developmental Tasks
2. The third stage of psychosocial development – preschool age
3. Initiative versus guilt (the psychosocial crisis)
4. Identification (the central process for resolving the psychosocial crisis)
5. Family and peers (the significant relationships)
6. Coping
1. Developmental Tasks
2. The fourth stage of psychosocial development – middle childhood
3. Industry versus Inferiority (the psychosocial crisis)
4. Education (the central process for resolving the psychosocial crisis)
5. Family and close friends (the significant relationships)
6. Coping
1. Developmental Tasks
2. The fifth stage of psychosocial development – Adolescence
3. Identity versus identity diffusion (the psychosocial crisis)
4. Role experimentation(the central process for resolving the psychosocial crisis)
5. Peer group, leaders and models for identification (the significant relationships)
6. Coping
Additional material
Case Study: Gender Identification in Early Childhood from Newman BM, Newman PR.
Development Through Life: A psychosocial approach. Boston: Cengage Learning, 2017.
initiative vs guilt wlmp 2
Case Study: Recollections of Childhood Friends from Newman BM, Newman PR.
Development Through Life: A psychosocial approach. Boston: Cengage Learning, 2017.
Industry vs Inferiority - Peds Group Project
Case Study:
Case Study: Evelyn Cabrera: Balancing Autonomy and Closeness in Early
Adolescence - from Newman BM, Newman PR. Development Through Life: A psychosocial
approach. Boston: Cengage Learning, 2017.
Adolescence: Identity vs. Role Confusion
Identity vs. Role Confusion
Teen Health: Substance Use and Abuse
The aim is to describe the process of gender identification during early school age and explain its importance for the way a child interprets his or her experiences, outline the development of self-evaluation skills, including feelings of pride, self-efficacy, and ways that social expectations of parents, teachers, and peers contribute to a child’s self-evaluation.The aim is to examine patterns of emotional development in early adolescence, characterize the neurological processes associated with emotional expression, and describe the nature of three problem areas: eating disorders, delinquency, and depression, to analyze the nature of peer relations in early adolescence, especially the formation of cliques and crowds, and contrast the typical relationships with parents and peers during this stage. Additionally, the aim is to grasp the concept of autonomy from parents and examine the conditions under which autonomy is likely to be achieved, to summarize the development of gender identity in later adolescence, analyze how the components of gender-role identification that were relevant during the early-school-age period are revised and expanded.
Ishodi učenja
EARLY ADULTHOOD (21/25-35 years)
1. Developmental Tasks
2. The sixth stage of psychosocial development – early adulthood
3. Intimacy versus isolation (the psychosocial crisis)
4. Mutuality among peers (the central process for resolving the psychosocial crisis)
5. Partners, coworkers (the significant relationships)
6. Coping
MIDDLE ADULTHOOD (35-60/65 years)
1. Developmental Tasks
2. The seventh stage of psychosocial development – middle adulthood
3. Generativity versus Stagnation (the psychosocial crisis)
4. Person-environment interaction and creativity (the central process for resolving the
psychosocial crisis)
5. Family, community, society (the significant relationships)
6. Coping
LATE ADULTHOOD (61/65 onwards)
1. Accepting one’s life
2. Promoting intellectual vigour
3. Redirecting energy toward new roles
4. Developing a point of view about death
Additional material
Case Study: Changing work to recapture love and happiness. from Newman BM,
Newman PR. Development Through Life: A psychosocial approach. Boston: Cengage
Learning, 2017.
Additional material
J.J. Arnett. Why does it take so long to grow up today? TEDx Talks.
Case Study:
The struggle for commitment to growth in a vital marriage. from Newman BM, Newman
PR. Development Through Life: A psychosocial approach. Boston: Cengage Learning, 2017.
M. Letica Crepulja, A. Stevanović: Psychosocial development: a lifespan perspective
The sandwich generation. Trailor preview.
The Kids Grow Up. IDFA (2009) Trailor. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arjUqbOJIQ4
Reflections on retirement. from Newman BM, Newman PR. Development Through Life: A
psychosocial approach. Boston: Cengage Learning, 2017.
The living history project – Ronnie Fagin. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AuWrf0QEY3M
Why Is It Hard to Talk About Getting Older? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PlSEx5lsNM&t=28s
The aim is to explain and discuss selected theoretical concepts that are especially relevant for understanding development during adulthood, including social roles, the life course, and fulfillment theories, analyze the process of forming intimate relationships, analyze features of the world of work as a context for development, focusing on interpersonal demands, authority relations, and demands for the acquisition of new skills, examine the construct of life satisfaction in later adulthood and analyze factors associated with subjective well-being. The aim is to recognise the final stage of life as a unique developmental stage for those of unusual longevity with its own developmental tasks and psychosocial crisis.
Ishodi učenja
1. Life expectancy and longevity
2. Mortality and psychosocial development
1. The process of dying
2. Bereavement and grief
3. Psychosocial growth through bereavement
Additional material
Case Study: Fred Hale: Supercentenarian. from Newman BM, Newman PR. Development Through Life:
A psychosocial approach. Boston: Cengage Learning, 2017
The #1 reason people die early, in each country
The passage of time. Documentary trailor.
Case Study: Too late to die young. from Newman BM, Newman PR. Development Through Life: A
psychosocial approach. Boston: Cengage Learning, 2017
Here, Living With Dead Bodies for Weeks—Or Years—Is Tradition | National Geographic.
Life Lessons From 100-Year-Olds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9AThycGCakk
The aim is to discuss the trends in life expectancy and possible reasons for changes, to realize differences in perception of death related to developmental stages of life. The aim is to differentiate mourning, bereavement, and grief, to explain psychosocial growth through bereavement. Student should be able to explain how mortality influences psychosocial development, summarize the role of cultural death-related rituals, and analyse factors that affect grief and bereavement.
Ishodi učenja
S1 Theories of development: Psychoanalytic Theory: S. Freud (PART 1)
The aim is to introduce the basic psychodynamic concepts: Motivation and behaviour; Domains of consciousness; Three structures of personality; Stages of development.
The learning outcome: Student is expected to understand and to explain the basic psychodynamic principles and their implications for human development.
Ishodi učenja
S2 Theories of development: Psychoanalytic Theory: Ego psychology, Object relations theory and Self psychology (PART 2)
The aim is to introduce the basic psychodynamic concepts: Object relations theory, Ego psychology and Self psychology.
The learning outcome: Student is expected to understand and to explain the basic psychodynamic principles and their implications for human development.
Ishodi učenja
S3 Evolutionary perspective on the lifespan development
The aim is to present the basics of evolutionary approach to the human development: Ethology; Evolutionary psychology.
The learning outcome: Student is expected to explain the basic principles of the evolutionary approach to human development and to distinguish between ethology and evolutionary psychology.
Theories of development: Theory of Attachment
The aim is to present the basics of attachment: Development of attachment; Stranger anxiety; Separation anxiety; Formation of attachments with mother, father, and others; Patterns of attachment; Parental sensitivity and the quality of attachment.
The learning outcome: Student is expected to understand and to explain the basic principles of attachment and their implications for human development.
Ishodi učenja
S4 Theories of development: Cognitive Developmental Theories and Theories of Learning
The aim is to present the basics of the cognitive developmental theories and theories of learning: Basic concepts in Piaget’s theory and stages of development; Social learning theory.
The learning outcome: Student is expected to explain the basic principles of cognitive and social learning theories and their implications to human development and to identify and list stages of cognitive development according to Piaget’s theory.
Ishodi učenja
S5 Hierarchy of needs: Maslow’s Theory
The aim is to present the basics of the Maslow’s theory: Five levels of human needs (five stage pyramid-hierarchical organization of needs); concept of self-actualization
The learning outcome: Student is expected to explain the basic principles of Maslow’s theory and to identify and list levels of human needs.
Recapitulation of the developmental theories
Ishodi učenja
The aim is to present the biopsychosocial approach to development, controversy regarding the nature and nurture dilemma, to present the lifespan development and the essentials of brain development, sensomotoric development, development of language.
The learning outcome: student should be able to differentiate growth and development, to explain biopsychosocial approach to the development and to summarize the essentials of the brain development, sensomotoric development, development of language
Ishodi učenja
The aim is to present the interaction of the biological, psychological, and societal systems and to present basic concepts of Erikson’s psychosocial theory: Stages of development; Developmental tasks; Psychosocial crises of the life stages; The central process for resolving the psychosocial crisis; Radius of significant relationships; Coping: prime adaptive ego qualities and core pathologies
The learning outcome: Student should be able to describe the psychosocial approach to the study of development, including the interrelationship among the biological, psychological, and societal systems and to list basic concepts of psychosocial theory.
Ishodi učenja
The aim is to summarize the process through which genetic information is transmitted from one generation to the next, to analyze ways that the pregnant woman and the developing fetus influence each other, to explain brain development.
The learning outcome: Student should be able to describe the link between genetics and development, interrelationship between pregnant woman and fetus and to explain how brain development is tied to the physical, motoric, sensoric and social maturation.
Infancy: The aim is to present development of communication and psychosocial crisis, discuss the central process through which the crisis is resolved, the prime adaptive ego quality of and the core pathology of this stage of development.
The learning outcome: Student should be able to summarize the beginnings of language competence from birth through the first 2 years of life, to explain the psychosocial crisis of trust versus mistrust; the central process through which the crisis is resolved, mutuality with the caregiver; the prime adaptive ego quality of hope; and the core pathology of withdrawal.
Ishodi učenja
The aim is to present psychosocial crisis, discuss the central process through which the crisis is resolved, the prime adaptive ego quality of and the core pathology of this stage of development.
The learning outcome: Student should be able to explain and define the psychosocial crisis of autonomy versus shame and doubt, the central process of imitation, the prime adaptive ego strength of will, and the core pathology of compulsion.
Ishodi učenja
Preschool-Early School Age: The aim is to present psychosocial crisis, explain and discuss the central process through which the crisis is resolved, the prime adaptive ego quality of and the core pathology of this stage of development.
The learning outcome: Student should be able to explain the psychosocial crisis of initiative versus guilt, the central process of identification, the prime adaptive ego quality of purpose, and the core pathology of inhibition.
Middle Childhood Age The aim is to present psychosocial crisis, explain and discuss the central process through which the crisis is resolved, the prime adaptive ego quality of and the core pathology of this stage of development.
The learning outcome: Student should be able to explain the psychosocial crisis of industry versus inferiority, the central process through which the crisis is resolved, education, the prime adaptive ego quality of competence, and the core pathology of inertia.
Ishodi učenja
The aim is to present psychosocial crisis, explain and discuss the central process through which the crisis is resolved, the prime adaptive ego quality of and the core pathology of this stage of development.
The learning outcome: Student should be able to define and describe the psychosocial crisis of adolescence, individual identity versus identity confusion; the central process through which this crisis is resolved, role experimentation; the prime adaptive ego quality of fidelity to values and ideals; and the core pathology of repudiation.
Ishodi učenja
Early Adulthood: The aim is to present psychosocial crisis, discuss the central process through which the crisis is resolved, the prime adaptive ego quality of and the core pathology of this stage of development.
The learning outcome: Student should be able to define and describe the psychosocial crisis of intimacy versus isolation, the central process through which the crisis is resolved, mutuality among peers, the prime adaptive ego quality of love, and the core pathology of exclusivity.
Middle Adulthood: The aim is to present psychosocial crisis, discuss the central process through which the crisis is resolved, the prime adaptive ego quality of and the core pathology of this stage of development.
The learning outcome: Student should be able to define and explain the psychosocial crisis of generativity versus stagnation and the central processes through which the crisis is resolved: person–environment interaction and creativity, the primary adaptive ego strength of care, and the core pathology of rejectivity.
Ishodi učenja
The aim is to present psychosocial crisis, discuss the central process through which the crisis is resolved, the prime adaptive ego quality of and the core pathology of this stage of development.
The learning outcome: Student should be able to define and define and explain the psychosocial crisis of integrity versus despair, the central process of introspection, the prime adaptive ego quality of wisdom, and the core pathology of disdain.
Ishodi učenja
The aim is to describe factors associated with the process of dying and the modern ideal of a good death.
The learning outcomes: Student should be able to explain how mortality influences psychosocial development, to give definition of death, summarize the role of cultural death-related rituals and analyse factors that affect grief and bereavement.
Ishodi učenja
1. The biopsychosocial approach to the development- Nature and nurture
2. Lifespan development
3. Development of brain
4. Sensomotoric development
5. Development of language
6. Erik Erikson (1902 – 1994)
7. Fundamental Concepts in Erikson’s Psychosocial Theory of Development
8. Stages of development
Additional material
Case Study: Rose from Newman BM, Newman PR. Development Through Life: A
psychosocial approach. Boston: Cengage Learning, 2017.
Nature or nurture: What makes you who you are? || Debate Clip
Nature and Nurture: The Study of Twins
Case Study: Erik Erikson from Newman BM, Newman PR. Development Through Life: A
psychosocial approach. Boston: Cengage Learning, 2017.
Erik Erikson & Lifespan Development
The learning outcomes are to explain the basic assumptions that guide the orientation of the text, to discuss the psychosocial approach to the study of development, including the interrelationship among the biological, psychological, and societal systems, to use the six basic concepts of psychosocial theory in everyday work with people.
Ishodi učenja
INFANCY (0-18 months)
1. Developmental Tasks
2. Childbirth - Mother-infant bonding/attachment
3. After the birth
4. Trust vs. mistrust (the psychosocial crisis)
5. Mutuality with a primary caregiver (the central process for resolving the psychosocial
6. Primary caregiver –mother (the significant relationships)
7. Coping
TODDLERHOOD (18 months- 3 years)
1. Developmental Tasks
2. The second stage of psychosocial development – toddlerhood
3. Autonomy versus Shame and Doubt (the psychosocial crisis)
4. Imitation (the central process for resolving the psychosocial crisis)
5. Family members (the significant relationships) (the significant relationships)
6. Coping
Additional material
Case Study: Experiencing Pregnancy from Newman BM, Newman PR. Development
Through Life: A psychosocial approach. Boston: Cengage Learning, 2017.
PBS The Secret Life of the Brain - The Baby's Brain (mini).wmv
Case Study: The Cotton Family from Newman BM, Newman PR. Development Through
Life: A psychosocial approach. Boston: Cengage Learning, 2017.
The relationship between mother and baby
Case Study:
Harrison Struggles in the Transition to Preschool - from Newman BM, Newman PR.
Development Through Life: A psychosocial approach. Boston: Cengage Learning, 2017.
The Marshmallow Study Revisited https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JsQMdECFnUQ
The marshmallow test: can children learn self-control?
The learning outcomes are to differentiate the contributions of genetic factors to individuality through their role in controlling the rate of development, influencing individual traits, and determining the genetic sources of abnormalities, to analyze ways that the pregnant woman and the developing fetus influence each other, focusing on how pregnancy affects a childbearing woman and expectant father, and the impact of environmental influences on fetal growth, such as a woman’s age, drug use, nutrition, environmental toxins, and stress, to describe characteristics of newborns and summarize the beginnings of language competence from birth through the first two years of life, discuss and explain psychosocial crisis of trust versus mistrust; the central process through which the crisis is resolved, mutuality with the caregiver; the prime adaptive ego quality of hope; and the core pathology of withdrawal. The aim is to analyse the features of toddlerhood that are captured in the case and how it relates to the developmental tasks of infancy.
Ishodi učenja
PRESCHOOL AGE (3 - 6 years)
1. Developmental Tasks
2. The third stage of psychosocial development – preschool age
3. Initiative versus guilt (the psychosocial crisis)
4. Identification (the central process for resolving the psychosocial crisis)
5. Family and peers (the significant relationships)
6. Coping
1. Developmental Tasks
2. The fourth stage of psychosocial development – middle childhood
3. Industry versus Inferiority (the psychosocial crisis)
4. Education (the central process for resolving the psychosocial crisis)
5. Family and close friends (the significant relationships)
6. Coping
1. Developmental Tasks
2. The fifth stage of psychosocial development – Adolescence
3. Identity versus identity diffusion (the psychosocial crisis)
4. Role experimentation(the central process for resolving the psychosocial crisis)
5. Peer group, leaders and models for identification (the significant relationships)
6. Coping
Additional material
Case Study: Gender Identification in Early Childhood from Newman BM, Newman PR.
Development Through Life: A psychosocial approach. Boston: Cengage Learning, 2017.
initiative vs guilt wlmp 2
Case Study: Recollections of Childhood Friends from Newman BM, Newman PR.
Development Through Life: A psychosocial approach. Boston: Cengage Learning, 2017.
Industry vs Inferiority - Peds Group Project
Case Study:
Case Study: Evelyn Cabrera: Balancing Autonomy and Closeness in Early
Adolescence - from Newman BM, Newman PR. Development Through Life: A psychosocial
approach. Boston: Cengage Learning, 2017.
Adolescence: Identity vs. Role Confusion
Identity vs. Role Confusion
Teen Health: Substance Use and Abuse
The aim is to describe the process of gender identification during early school age and explain its importance for the way a child interprets his or her experiences, outline the development of self-evaluation skills, including feelings of pride, self-efficacy, and ways that social expectations of parents, teachers, and peers contribute to a child’s self-evaluation.The aim is to examine patterns of emotional development in early adolescence, characterize the neurological processes associated with emotional expression, and describe the nature of three problem areas: eating disorders, delinquency, and depression, to analyze the nature of peer relations in early adolescence, especially the formation of cliques and crowds, and contrast the typical relationships with parents and peers during this stage. Additionally, the aim is to grasp the concept of autonomy from parents and examine the conditions under which autonomy is likely to be achieved, to summarize the development of gender identity in later adolescence, analyze how the components of gender-role identification that were relevant during the early-school-age period are revised and expanded.
Ishodi učenja
EARLY ADULTHOOD (21/25-35 years)
1. Developmental Tasks
2. The sixth stage of psychosocial development – early adulthood
3. Intimacy versus isolation (the psychosocial crisis)
4. Mutuality among peers (the central process for resolving the psychosocial crisis)
5. Partners, coworkers (the significant relationships)
6. Coping
MIDDLE ADULTHOOD (35-60/65 years)
1. Developmental Tasks
2. The seventh stage of psychosocial development – middle adulthood
3. Generativity versus Stagnation (the psychosocial crisis)
4. Person-environment interaction and creativity (the central process for resolving the
psychosocial crisis)
5. Family, community, society (the significant relationships)
6. Coping
LATE ADULTHOOD (61/65 onwards)
1. Accepting one’s life
2. Promoting intellectual vigour
3. Redirecting energy toward new roles
4. Developing a point of view about death
Additional material
Case Study: Changing work to recapture love and happiness. from Newman BM,
Newman PR. Development Through Life: A psychosocial approach. Boston: Cengage
Learning, 2017.
Additional material
J.J. Arnett. Why does it take so long to grow up today? TEDx Talks.
Case Study:
The struggle for commitment to growth in a vital marriage. from Newman BM, Newman
PR. Development Through Life: A psychosocial approach. Boston: Cengage Learning, 2017.
M. Letica Crepulja, A. Stevanović: Psychosocial development: a lifespan perspective
The sandwich generation. Trailor preview.
The Kids Grow Up. IDFA (2009) Trailor. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arjUqbOJIQ4
Reflections on retirement. from Newman BM, Newman PR. Development Through Life: A
psychosocial approach. Boston: Cengage Learning, 2017.
The living history project – Ronnie Fagin. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AuWrf0QEY3M
Why Is It Hard to Talk About Getting Older? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PlSEx5lsNM&t=28s
The aim is to explain and discuss selected theoretical concepts that are especially relevant for understanding development during adulthood, including social roles, the life course, and fulfillment theories, analyze the process of forming intimate relationships, analyze features of the world of work as a context for development, focusing on interpersonal demands, authority relations, and demands for the acquisition of new skills, examine the construct of life satisfaction in later adulthood and analyze factors associated with subjective well-being. The aim is to recognise the final stage of life as a unique developmental stage for those of unusual longevity with its own developmental tasks and psychosocial crisis.
Ishodi učenja
1. Life expectancy and longevity
2. Mortality and psychosocial development
1. The process of dying
2. Bereavement and grief
3. Psychosocial growth through bereavement
Additional material
Case Study: Fred Hale: Supercentenarian. from Newman BM, Newman PR. Development Through Life:
A psychosocial approach. Boston: Cengage Learning, 2017
The #1 reason people die early, in each country
The passage of time. Documentary trailor.
Case Study: Too late to die young. from Newman BM, Newman PR. Development Through Life: A
psychosocial approach. Boston: Cengage Learning, 2017
Here, Living With Dead Bodies for Weeks—Or Years—Is Tradition | National Geographic.
Life Lessons From 100-Year-Olds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9AThycGCakk
The aim is to discuss the trends in life expectancy and possible reasons for changes, to realize differences in perception of death related to developmental stages of life. The aim is to differentiate mourning, bereavement, and grief, to explain psychosocial growth through bereavement. Student should be able to explain how mortality influences psychosocial development, summarize the role of cultural death-related rituals, and analyse factors that affect grief and bereavement.
Ishodi učenja
S1 Theories of development: Psychoanalytic Theory: S. Freud (PART 1)
The aim is to introduce the basic psychodynamic concepts: Motivation and behaviour; Domains of consciousness; Three structures of personality; Stages of development.
The learning outcome: Student is expected to understand and to explain the basic psychodynamic principles and their implications for human development.
Ishodi učenja
S2 Theories of development: Psychoanalytic Theory: Ego psychology, Object relations theory and Self psychology (PART 2)
The aim is to introduce the basic psychodynamic concepts: Object relations theory, Ego psychology and Self psychology.
The learning outcome: Student is expected to understand and to explain the basic psychodynamic principles and their implications for human development.
Ishodi učenja
S3 Evolutionary perspective on the lifespan development
The aim is to present the basics of evolutionary approach to the human development: Ethology; Evolutionary psychology.
The learning outcome: Student is expected to explain the basic principles of the evolutionary approach to human development and to distinguish between ethology and evolutionary psychology.
Theories of development: Theory of Attachment
The aim is to present the basics of attachment: Development of attachment; Stranger anxiety; Separation anxiety; Formation of attachments with mother, father, and others; Patterns of attachment; Parental sensitivity and the quality of attachment.
The learning outcome: Student is expected to understand and to explain the basic principles of attachment and their implications for human development.
Ishodi učenja
S4 Theories of development: Cognitive Developmental Theories and Theories of Learning
The aim is to present the basics of the cognitive developmental theories and theories of learning: Basic concepts in Piaget’s theory and stages of development; Social learning theory.
The learning outcome: Student is expected to explain the basic principles of cognitive and social learning theories and their implications to human development and to identify and list stages of cognitive development according to Piaget’s theory.
Ishodi učenja
S5 Hierarchy of needs: Maslow’s Theory
The aim is to present the basics of the Maslow’s theory: Five levels of human needs (five stage pyramid-hierarchical organization of needs); concept of self-actualization
The learning outcome: Student is expected to explain the basic principles of Maslow’s theory and to identify and list levels of human needs.
Recapitulation of the developmental theories
Ishodi učenja
Povijesne napomene. Pojam psihološke medicine. Razumijevanje važnosti psihološke medicine u okviru medicinske struke. Interdisciplinarni pristup.
Ishodi učenja: Student će moći imenovati važnije povijesne činjenice vezane za psihološku medicinu: kada se javlja ideja i pojam psihološka medicina; tko su idejni tvorci, teoretičari i istraživači na tom području. Student će moći objasniti važnost psihološke medicine u okviru suvremene medicinske struke.
Ishodi učenja
Cilj je predstaviti osnove psihodinamskih, etoloških, bihevioralnih i kognitivnih teorija psihološkog razvoja.
Ishodi učenja: Od studenta se očekuje da shvati različite teorijske koncepte razvoja kroz život
Ishodi učenja
Cilj je predstaviti interakciju bioloških, psiholoških i društvenih sustava te predstaviti osnovne koncepte Eriksonove psihosocijalne teorije: faze razvoja; razvojni zadaci; psihosocijalne krize životnih stadija; središnji proces za rješavanje psihosocijalne krize; opseg značajnih odnosa; suočavanje: glavne adaptivne kvalitete ega i temeljne patologije
Ishodi učenja: Student bi trebao biti u stanju opisati psihosocijalni pristup proučavanju razvoja, uključujući međusobni odnos između bioloških, psiholoških i društvenih sustava te navesti osnovne pojmove psihosocijalne teorije
Ishodi učenja
Cilj je sažeti procese kroz koji se genetske informacije prenose iz generacije u generaciju, analizirati načine na koje trudnica i fetus u razvoju međusobno utječu, s naglaskom na fiziološki razvoj mozga. Nadalje, cilj je predstaviti razvoj komunikacije i psihosocijalne krize, raspraviti središnji proces kroz koji se kriza rješava, glavne adaptivne ego kvalitete i temeljnu patologiju ove faze razvoja.
Ishodi učenja: Student treba biti u stanju opisati vezu između genetike i razvoja, međuodnosa trudnica i ploda te objasniti kako je razvoj mozga povezan s fizičkim, motoričkim, senzoričkim i društvenim sazrijevanjem. Treba biti u stanju razumjeti razvojne procese od rođenja do prve dvije godine života, objasniti psihosocijalnu krizu, odnos povjerenja nasuprot nepovjerenju; središnji proces kroz koji se kriza rješava, uzajamnost s skrbnikom; primarnu adaptivna ego kvalitetu nade; i temeljnu patologiju povlačenja
Ishodi učenja
Cilj je predstaviti psihosocijalnu krizu, raspraviti središnji proces kroz koji se kriza riješava, glavne adaptivne ego kvalitete i temeljnu patologiju ove faze razvoja.
Ishod učenja: Student bi trebao biti u stanju objasniti i definirati psihosocijalnu krizu autonomije nasuprot sramu i sumnji, središnji proces imitacije, primarnu prilagodbu jačanja ega i volje i temeljnu patologiju prisile.
Cilj je predstaviti psihosocijalnu krizu, objasniti i raspraviti središnji proces kroz koji se kriza rješava, glavnu adaptivnu kvalitetu ega i temeljnu patologiju ove faze razvoja.
Ishod učenja: Student treba biti u stanju objasniti psihosocijalnu krizu inicijative nasuprot krivnji, središnji proces identifikacije, primarni adaptivni ego kvalitet svrhe i temeljnu patologiju inhibicije
Ishodi učenja
Cilj je predstaviti psihosocijalnu krizu, objasniti i raspraviti središnji proces kroz koji se kriza rješava, glavni adaptivni ego kvalitet i temeljnu patologiju ove faze razvoja.
Ishod učenja: Student treba biti sposoban definirati i opisati psihosocijalnu krizu kasne adolescencije, postigbnuti identitet nasuprot konfuziji identiteta; središnji proces kroz koji se ova kriza rješava, eksperimentiranje uloga; prilagodljivu kvalitetu ega vjernosti usmjerenu vrijednostima i idealima; i temeljnu patologiju odbacivanja.
Ishod učenja: Student bi trebao biti u stanju definirati i opisati psihosocijalnu krizu intimnosti nasuprot izolaciji, središnji proces kroz koji se kriza rješava, uzajamnost među vršnjacima, glavni adaptivni ego kvalitet ljubavi i temeljnu patologiju ekskluzivnosti.
Ishodi učenja
Cilj je predstaviti psihosocijalnu krizu, raspraviti središnji proces kroz koji se kriza rješava, osnovnu adaptivnu kvalitetu ega i temeljnu patologiju ove faze razvoja.
Ishod učenja: Student bi trebao biti u stanju definirati i objasniti psihosocijalnu krizu generativnosti nasuprot stagnaciji i središnje procese kroz koje se kriza rješava: interakcija i kreativnost u odnosu osoba-okolina, primarna adaptivna snaga ega i temeljnu patologiju ove razvojne faze. Definiratii i objasniti psihosocijalnu krizu integriteta nasuprot očaju, središnji proces introspekcije, glavnu adaptivnu kvalitetu ega mudrosti i temeljnu patologiju prezira.
Ishodi učenja
Cilj je predstaviti psihosocijalnu krizu, razgovarati o središnjem procesu kroz koji se kriza rješava, glavnoj prilagodljivoj kvaliteti ega i temeljnoj patologiji ove faze razvoja.
Ishodi učenja: Student bi trebao biti sposoban definirati i objasniti psihosocijalnu krizu besmrtnosti nasuprot i umiranja, središnji proces socijalne podrške, glavnu adaptivnu ego kvalitetu povjerenja i temeljnu patologiju nesigurnosti.
Ishodi učenja
Cilj je objasniti kako smrt utječe na psihosocijalni razvoj. Definicija smrti: Cilj je definirati biološko stanje smrti, uključujući razlike između kardiopulmonalne smrti i smrti mozga. Proces umiranja: Cilj je opisati čimbenike povezane s procesom umiranja.
Ishodi učenja: Student treba biti u stanju objasniti kako smrt utječe na psihosocijalni razvoj, dati definiciju smrti, sažeti ulogu rituala vezanih uz kulturu smrti i analizirati čimbenike koji utječu na tugu i žalost.
Ishodi učenja
Studija slučaja: po izboru voditelja vježbe
Pregled psihosocijalnog pristupa
Životni vijek, čimbenici koji doprinose dugovječnosti
Studija slučaja: Erik Erikson
Online resursi: Dan Buettner, novinar National Geographica, o dugovječnosti i sreći (2013) TEDMed, YouTube (16:34); Što Vaš životni vijek mora imati s vašim poštanskim brojem? (Clint Smith - "Place Matters") (2013.) Bacani Films, YouTube (3:41)
• Razgovor s Erikom i Joan Erikson (2012) YouTube (12:12)
• Erik H. Erikson: Životno djelo (2010) Davidson Films, Inc., YouTube (4:00) – po izboru voditelja vježbe.
Ishodi učenja su objasniti osnovne pretpostavke na koje upućuju podaci iz prikaza, opisati psihosocijalni pristup proučavanju razvoja, uključujući međusobni odnos bioloških, psiholoških i društvenih sustava, definirati šest osnovnih pojmova psihosocijalne teorije.
Ishodi učenja
Studija slučaja: Iskustvo trudnoće
Studija slučaja: Interakcija majka - dijete
Studija slučaja: Uloga oca djeteta tijekom trudnoće
Primijenjena tema: Uloga roditelja
Online izvori: Alexander Tsiaras: Začeće do rođenja - vizualizirano (2010) TED (9,33); Genetika: kako izravni razvoj gena (2013) oblik života, Vimeo (6:04); Emocionalne odjeka abortusa (2013.) Huffpost Live (27:09: Rođen za komunikaciju - Poglavlje 05 (2012) Društvo KidCareCanada (16:19); Ljudska emocija 15.1: Razvoj emocija I (Infancy) (2013.) Tečajevi Yalea (lipanj Gruber) (21:07); Emocionalni razvoj u djetinjstvu (Ken Goldstein sa Sethom Pollakom) (2010) Sveučilište Wisconsin u Madisonu (23:23); Tajni život mozga - Dječji mozak (2002) PBS (Dave Grubin), YouTube (8:07) – po izboru voditelja vježbe
Ishodi učenja su diferencirati doprinose genetskih faktora individualnosti kroz njihovu ulogu u kontroli brzine razvoja, utjecaju na individualne osobine i određivanje genetskih izvora abnormalnosti, analizirati načine na koje trudnica i fetus u razvoju utječu jedan na drugog, usredotočujući se na to kako trudnoća utječe na ženu kao i utjecaj okoline na fetalni rast, (upotreba droga, prehrana, toksini iz okoline, stress), karakteristike novorođenčadi, komunikacija I odnos od rođenja do prve dvije godine života, objasniti psihosocijalnu krizu povjerenja nasuprot nepovjerenju; središnji proces kroz koji se kriza rješava, uzajamnost s skrbnikom; primarna adaptivna ego kvaliteta nade; i temeljna patologija povlačenja.
Ishodi učenja
Studija slučaja: Polazak u vrtić
Studija slučaja: Početak škole
Studija slučaja: Prijelaz na predmetnu nastavu
Studija slučaja: Prijatelji iz djetinjstva
Online resursi: Stručnjaci u emocijama 15.2b - Nancy Eisenberg o regulaciji emocija u Ado (2013.) Tečajevi Yalea (lipnja Gruber) (24:47); Kako djeca stječu i proizvode jezik, ljudsko tijelo (2001 BBC, YouTube clip (12:15); Kako siromaštvo oblikuje mozak (2012) Američka udruga za napredak znanosti, YouTube (6:15); Test sljezova (2009) IgniterMedia (3:27); Kako hiper-rodno doba igračke utječe na našu djecu (2012) KCET SoCal Connected (6:53); Koliko je mlada za gledanje televizije? (2008) Bostonska dječja bolnica (9:09); Stuart Brown: Play is Than Just Fun (2009) TED (26:34); Što je potrebno ... Školska spremnost (2012) Blue Ridge PBS (26:49) – po izboru voditelja vježbe
Ishodi učenja: analizirati obilježja djece koja su prezentirana u prikazima slučaja i kako se ona odnosi na razvojne zadatke tijekom djetinjstva, opisati proces rodne identifikacije u ranoj školskoj dobi i objasniti njegovu važnost za način na koji dijete interpretira svoje iskustva, prikazati razvoj vještina samovrednovanja, uključujući osjećaj ponosa, samoefikasnosti i načina na koji socijalna očekivanja roditelja, učitelja i vršnjaka doprinose samoprocjeni djeteta.
Ishodi učenja
Studija slučaja: Odrastanje i rastava roditelja
Studija slučaja: Razvoj identiteta u adolescenciji
Studija slučaja: Adolescent u obitelji
Studija slučaja: Odabir partnera
Studija slučaja: Mladi roditelji
Studija slučaja: Obitelj s malom djecom i bolesnim roditeljem
Online resursi: ); Trenutak u srednjoj školi (kampanja uključivanja zajednice u zajednicu Dropout Nation) (2013.) FRONTLINE PBS (13:34); Poremećaji prehrane iznutra: Laura Hill (2013) TEDxColumbus (18:48); Video knjižnica organizacije National Eating Disorder Organization (Home / Media Center / Videozapisi) NEDO (18 videozapisa - različita vremena); Zlouporaba tvari i adolescentski mozak, dijelovi I. do V. (2010) Montford Hall (oko 4:00 min. Svaki); Zašto smo odabrali samoubojstvo: Mark Henick (2013) TEDxToronto (15:26) O putovanju: vjerski i duhovni razvoj odraslih odraslih (2013.) Prozori na svijetu (dr. Tara Stoppa) (39:21); Paul Zak: Povjerenje, moralnost - i oksitocin? (2011) TED (16:35); Dr. Jeffrey Arnett o rastućoj odrasloj dobi kao mogućnosti (2013.) Sveučilište Clark (3:21); Helen Fisher: Zašto volimo, zašto varamo (2006) TED (23:31); Lethality of Loneliness: John Cacioppo (2013) TEDxDesMoines (18:44); David Sbarra: Surviving Divorce (2012) TEDxTucson (9:14); Generacija sendviča Julie Winokur i Ed Kashi (2006) https://vimeo.com/ondemand/sandwichgeneration – po izboru voditelja vježbe
Ishodi učenja: objasniti pojam stvaranje autonomije i odvajanja od roditelja i ispitati uvjete pod kojima će se autonomija vjerojatno postići, sažeti razvoj rodnog identiteta u kasnijoj adolescenciji, analizirati kako su komponente identifikacije rodnih uloga relevantne tijekom ranih godina. Istražiti obrasce emocionalnog razvoja u adolescenciji, karakteristike neuroloških procesa povezanih s emocionalnim izražavanjem; tri problematična područja: poremećaji hranjenja, delinkvencija i depresija, analizirati prirodu odnosa s vršnjacima u adolescenciji, posebno formiranje grupa, te kontrast tipičnih odnosa s roditeljima i vršnjacima u ovoj fazi. Definiranje i objašnjenja odabranih teorijskih koncepata koji su posebno relevantni za razumijevanje razvoja u odrasloj dobi, uključujući društvene uloge, životnu iskustvo i teorije ispunjenja, analizira proces formiranja intimnih odnosa, analizira obilježja svijeta rada kao konteksta razvoja, usredotočen na međuljudske zahtjeve, odnose s autoritetima i zahtjeve za stjecanjem novih vještina, ispitati konstrukt zadovoljstva životom u srednjoj odrasloj dobi i analizirati čimbenike povezane sa osjećajima subjektivnog blagostanja.
Ishodi učenja
studije slučaja: Razmišljanja o mirovini
Studija slučaja: Prilagodba ciljeva u kasnijoj odrasloj dob
Studija slučaja: Obitelj s odraslom djecom i starim roditeljima
Online resursi: po izboru voditelja vježbi
Ishodi učenja: razumijevanje psihosocijalne krize kasne odrasle dobi; prepoznavanje starije dobi kao jedinstvenog perioda života za one osobe koji imaju neuobičajenu dugovječnost, u kontekstu s vlastitim razvojnim zadacima i psihosocijalnom krizom ove životne dobi. Istražiti pitanja: samoubojstvo uz pomoć liječnika, pravo na pokret umiranja
Ishodi učenja
Cilj je predstaviti osnovne psihodinamske koncepte: motivaciju i ponašanje; Domene svijesti; Struktura ličnosti; Faze razvoja.
Ishod učenja: Od studenata se očekuje da razumije i objasni osnovne psihodinamske principe i njihove implikacije na ljudski razvoj.
Ishodi učenja
Cilj je predstaviti osnove privrženosti: razvoj privrženosti; Neobična tjeskoba; Anksioznost odvajanja; Formiranje provrženosti s majkom, ocem i drugima; Obrasci privrženosti; Roditeljska osjetljivost i kvaliteta privirženosti. Razumjeti razvoj objektnih odnosa.
Ishod učenja: Od studenta se očekuje da razumije i objasni osnovne principe privrženosti, kao I razvoj objektnih odnosa te njihove implikacije za ljudski razvoj.
Ishodi učenja
Cilj je predstaviti osnove evolucijskog pristupa ljudskom razvoju: etologija; Evolucijska psihologija.
Ishod učenja: Od studenta se očekuje da objasni osnovna načela evolucijskog pristupa ljudskom razvoju i da razlikuje etologiju i evolucijsku psihologiju.
Ishodi učenja
Cilj je predstaviti osnove kognitivnih razvojnih teorija i teorija učenja: Osnovni pojmovi u Piagetovoj teoriji i fazama razvoja; Teorija socijalnog učenja.
Ishod učenja: Od studenta se očekuje da objasni osnovne principe kognitivnih i socijalnih teorija učenja i njihove implikacije na ljudski razvoj te da identificira i nabroji faze kognitivnog razvoja prema Piagetovoj teoriji.
Ishodi učenja
Cilj je predstaviti osnove Ego psihologije i Maslowove teorije: pet razina ljudskih potreba (pet stupnjeva piramide-hijerarhijska organizacija potreba); koncept samoaktualizacije.
Ishod učenja: Od studenta se očekuje da objasni osnovna načela Maslowove teorije i da identificira i nabroji razine ljudskih potreba.
Ishodi učenja
Povijesne napomene. Pojam psihološke medicine. Razumijevanje važnosti psihološke medicine u okviru medicinske struke. Interdisciplinarni pristup.
Ishodi učenja: Student će moći imenovati važnije povijesne činjenice vezane za psihološku medicinu: kada se javlja ideja i pojam psihološka medicina; tko su idejni tvorci, teoretičari i istraživači na tom području. Student će moći objasniti važnost psihološke medicine u okviru suvremene medicinske struke.
Ishodi učenja
Cilj je predstaviti osnove psihodinamskih, etoloških, bihevioralnih i kognitivnih teorija psihološkog razvoja.
Ishodi učenja: Od studenta se očekuje da shvati različite teorijske koncepte razvoja kroz život
Ishodi učenja
Cilj je predstaviti interakciju bioloških, psiholoških i društvenih sustava te predstaviti osnovne koncepte Eriksonove psihosocijalne teorije: faze razvoja; razvojni zadaci; psihosocijalne krize životnih stadija; središnji proces za rješavanje psihosocijalne krize; opseg značajnih odnosa; suočavanje: glavne adaptivne kvalitete ega i temeljne patologije
Ishodi učenja: Student bi trebao biti u stanju opisati psihosocijalni pristup proučavanju razvoja, uključujući međusobni odnos između bioloških, psiholoških i društvenih sustava te navesti osnovne pojmove psihosocijalne teorije
Ishodi učenja
Cilj je sažeti procese kroz koji se genetske informacije prenose iz generacije u generaciju, analizirati načine na koje trudnica i fetus u razvoju međusobno utječu, s naglaskom na fiziološki razvoj mozga. Nadalje, cilj je predstaviti razvoj komunikacije i psihosocijalne krize, raspraviti središnji proces kroz koji se kriza rješava, glavne adaptivne ego kvalitete i temeljnu patologiju ove faze razvoja.
Ishodi učenja: Student treba biti u stanju opisati vezu između genetike i razvoja, međuodnosa trudnica i ploda te objasniti kako je razvoj mozga povezan s fizičkim, motoričkim, senzoričkim i društvenim sazrijevanjem. Treba biti u stanju razumjeti razvojne procese od rođenja do prve dvije godine života, objasniti psihosocijalnu krizu, odnos povjerenja nasuprot nepovjerenju; središnji proces kroz koji se kriza rješava, uzajamnost s skrbnikom; primarnu adaptivna ego kvalitetu nade; i temeljnu patologiju povlačenja
Ishodi učenja
Cilj je predstaviti psihosocijalnu krizu, raspraviti središnji proces kroz koji se kriza riješava, glavne adaptivne ego kvalitete i temeljnu patologiju ove faze razvoja.
Ishod učenja: Student bi trebao biti u stanju objasniti i definirati psihosocijalnu krizu autonomije nasuprot sramu i sumnji, središnji proces imitacije, primarnu prilagodbu jačanja ega i volje i temeljnu patologiju prisile.
Cilj je predstaviti psihosocijalnu krizu, objasniti i raspraviti središnji proces kroz koji se kriza rješava, glavnu adaptivnu kvalitetu ega i temeljnu patologiju ove faze razvoja.
Ishod učenja: Student treba biti u stanju objasniti psihosocijalnu krizu inicijative nasuprot krivnji, središnji proces identifikacije, primarni adaptivni ego kvalitet svrhe i temeljnu patologiju inhibicije
Ishodi učenja
Cilj je predstaviti psihosocijalnu krizu, objasniti i raspraviti središnji proces kroz koji se kriza rješava, glavni adaptivni ego kvalitet i temeljnu patologiju ove faze razvoja.
Ishod učenja: Student treba biti sposoban definirati i opisati psihosocijalnu krizu kasne adolescencije, postigbnuti identitet nasuprot konfuziji identiteta; središnji proces kroz koji se ova kriza rješava, eksperimentiranje uloga; prilagodljivu kvalitetu ega vjernosti usmjerenu vrijednostima i idealima; i temeljnu patologiju odbacivanja.
Ishod učenja: Student bi trebao biti u stanju definirati i opisati psihosocijalnu krizu intimnosti nasuprot izolaciji, središnji proces kroz koji se kriza rješava, uzajamnost među vršnjacima, glavni adaptivni ego kvalitet ljubavi i temeljnu patologiju ekskluzivnosti.
Ishodi učenja
Cilj je predstaviti psihosocijalnu krizu, raspraviti središnji proces kroz koji se kriza rješava, osnovnu adaptivnu kvalitetu ega i temeljnu patologiju ove faze razvoja.
Ishod učenja: Student bi trebao biti u stanju definirati i objasniti psihosocijalnu krizu generativnosti nasuprot stagnaciji i središnje procese kroz koje se kriza rješava: interakcija i kreativnost u odnosu osoba-okolina, primarna adaptivna snaga ega i temeljnu patologiju ove razvojne faze. Definiratii i objasniti psihosocijalnu krizu integriteta nasuprot očaju, središnji proces introspekcije, glavnu adaptivnu kvalitetu ega mudrosti i temeljnu patologiju prezira.
Ishodi učenja
Cilj je predstaviti psihosocijalnu krizu, razgovarati o središnjem procesu kroz koji se kriza rješava, glavnoj prilagodljivoj kvaliteti ega i temeljnoj patologiji ove faze razvoja.
Ishodi učenja: Student bi trebao biti sposoban definirati i objasniti psihosocijalnu krizu besmrtnosti nasuprot i umiranja, središnji proces socijalne podrške, glavnu adaptivnu ego kvalitetu povjerenja i temeljnu patologiju nesigurnosti.
Ishodi učenja
Cilj je objasniti kako smrt utječe na psihosocijalni razvoj. Definicija smrti: Cilj je definirati biološko stanje smrti, uključujući razlike između kardiopulmonalne smrti i smrti mozga. Proces umiranja: Cilj je opisati čimbenike povezane s procesom umiranja.
Ishodi učenja: Student treba biti u stanju objasniti kako smrt utječe na psihosocijalni razvoj, dati definiciju smrti, sažeti ulogu rituala vezanih uz kulturu smrti i analizirati čimbenike koji utječu na tugu i žalost.
Ishodi učenja
Studija slučaja: po izboru voditelja vježbe
Pregled psihosocijalnog pristupa
Životni vijek, čimbenici koji doprinose dugovječnosti
Studija slučaja: Erik Erikson
Online resursi: Dan Buettner, novinar National Geographica, o dugovječnosti i sreći (2013) TEDMed, YouTube (16:34); Što Vaš životni vijek mora imati s vašim poštanskim brojem? (Clint Smith - "Place Matters") (2013.) Bacani Films, YouTube (3:41)
• Razgovor s Erikom i Joan Erikson (2012) YouTube (12:12)
• Erik H. Erikson: Životno djelo (2010) Davidson Films, Inc., YouTube (4:00) – po izboru voditelja vježbe.
Ishodi učenja su objasniti osnovne pretpostavke na koje upućuju podaci iz prikaza, opisati psihosocijalni pristup proučavanju razvoja, uključujući međusobni odnos bioloških, psiholoških i društvenih sustava, definirati šest osnovnih pojmova psihosocijalne teorije.
Ishodi učenja
Studija slučaja: Iskustvo trudnoće
Studija slučaja: Interakcija majka - dijete
Studija slučaja: Uloga oca djeteta tijekom trudnoće
Primijenjena tema: Uloga roditelja
Online izvori: Alexander Tsiaras: Začeće do rođenja - vizualizirano (2010) TED (9,33); Genetika: kako izravni razvoj gena (2013) oblik života, Vimeo (6:04); Emocionalne odjeka abortusa (2013.) Huffpost Live (27:09: Rođen za komunikaciju - Poglavlje 05 (2012) Društvo KidCareCanada (16:19); Ljudska emocija 15.1: Razvoj emocija I (Infancy) (2013.) Tečajevi Yalea (lipanj Gruber) (21:07); Emocionalni razvoj u djetinjstvu (Ken Goldstein sa Sethom Pollakom) (2010) Sveučilište Wisconsin u Madisonu (23:23); Tajni život mozga - Dječji mozak (2002) PBS (Dave Grubin), YouTube (8:07) – po izboru voditelja vježbe
Ishodi učenja su diferencirati doprinose genetskih faktora individualnosti kroz njihovu ulogu u kontroli brzine razvoja, utjecaju na individualne osobine i određivanje genetskih izvora abnormalnosti, analizirati načine na koje trudnica i fetus u razvoju utječu jedan na drugog, usredotočujući se na to kako trudnoća utječe na ženu kao i utjecaj okoline na fetalni rast, (upotreba droga, prehrana, toksini iz okoline, stress), karakteristike novorođenčadi, komunikacija I odnos od rođenja do prve dvije godine života, objasniti psihosocijalnu krizu povjerenja nasuprot nepovjerenju; središnji proces kroz koji se kriza rješava, uzajamnost s skrbnikom; primarna adaptivna ego kvaliteta nade; i temeljna patologija povlačenja.
Ishodi učenja
Studija slučaja: Polazak u vrtić
Studija slučaja: Početak škole
Studija slučaja: Prijelaz na predmetnu nastavu
Studija slučaja: Prijatelji iz djetinjstva
Online resursi: Stručnjaci u emocijama 15.2b - Nancy Eisenberg o regulaciji emocija u Ado (2013.) Tečajevi Yalea (lipnja Gruber) (24:47); Kako djeca stječu i proizvode jezik, ljudsko tijelo (2001 BBC, YouTube clip (12:15); Kako siromaštvo oblikuje mozak (2012) Američka udruga za napredak znanosti, YouTube (6:15); Test sljezova (2009) IgniterMedia (3:27); Kako hiper-rodno doba igračke utječe na našu djecu (2012) KCET SoCal Connected (6:53); Koliko je mlada za gledanje televizije? (2008) Bostonska dječja bolnica (9:09); Stuart Brown: Play is Than Just Fun (2009) TED (26:34); Što je potrebno ... Školska spremnost (2012) Blue Ridge PBS (26:49) – po izboru voditelja vježbe
Ishodi učenja: analizirati obilježja djece koja su prezentirana u prikazima slučaja i kako se ona odnosi na razvojne zadatke tijekom djetinjstva, opisati proces rodne identifikacije u ranoj školskoj dobi i objasniti njegovu važnost za način na koji dijete interpretira svoje iskustva, prikazati razvoj vještina samovrednovanja, uključujući osjećaj ponosa, samoefikasnosti i načina na koji socijalna očekivanja roditelja, učitelja i vršnjaka doprinose samoprocjeni djeteta.
Ishodi učenja
Studija slučaja: Odrastanje i rastava roditelja
Studija slučaja: Razvoj identiteta u adolescenciji
Studija slučaja: Adolescent u obitelji
Studija slučaja: Odabir partnera
Studija slučaja: Mladi roditelji
Studija slučaja: Obitelj s malom djecom i bolesnim roditeljem
Online resursi: ); Trenutak u srednjoj školi (kampanja uključivanja zajednice u zajednicu Dropout Nation) (2013.) FRONTLINE PBS (13:34); Poremećaji prehrane iznutra: Laura Hill (2013) TEDxColumbus (18:48); Video knjižnica organizacije National Eating Disorder Organization (Home / Media Center / Videozapisi) NEDO (18 videozapisa - različita vremena); Zlouporaba tvari i adolescentski mozak, dijelovi I. do V. (2010) Montford Hall (oko 4:00 min. Svaki); Zašto smo odabrali samoubojstvo: Mark Henick (2013) TEDxToronto (15:26) O putovanju: vjerski i duhovni razvoj odraslih odraslih (2013.) Prozori na svijetu (dr. Tara Stoppa) (39:21); Paul Zak: Povjerenje, moralnost - i oksitocin? (2011) TED (16:35); Dr. Jeffrey Arnett o rastućoj odrasloj dobi kao mogućnosti (2013.) Sveučilište Clark (3:21); Helen Fisher: Zašto volimo, zašto varamo (2006) TED (23:31); Lethality of Loneliness: John Cacioppo (2013) TEDxDesMoines (18:44); David Sbarra: Surviving Divorce (2012) TEDxTucson (9:14); Generacija sendviča Julie Winokur i Ed Kashi (2006) https://vimeo.com/ondemand/sandwichgeneration – po izboru voditelja vježbe
Ishodi učenja: objasniti pojam stvaranje autonomije i odvajanja od roditelja i ispitati uvjete pod kojima će se autonomija vjerojatno postići, sažeti razvoj rodnog identiteta u kasnijoj adolescenciji, analizirati kako su komponente identifikacije rodnih uloga relevantne tijekom ranih godina. Istražiti obrasce emocionalnog razvoja u adolescenciji, karakteristike neuroloških procesa povezanih s emocionalnim izražavanjem; tri problematična područja: poremećaji hranjenja, delinkvencija i depresija, analizirati prirodu odnosa s vršnjacima u adolescenciji, posebno formiranje grupa, te kontrast tipičnih odnosa s roditeljima i vršnjacima u ovoj fazi. Definiranje i objašnjenja odabranih teorijskih koncepata koji su posebno relevantni za razumijevanje razvoja u odrasloj dobi, uključujući društvene uloge, životnu iskustvo i teorije ispunjenja, analizira proces formiranja intimnih odnosa, analizira obilježja svijeta rada kao konteksta razvoja, usredotočen na međuljudske zahtjeve, odnose s autoritetima i zahtjeve za stjecanjem novih vještina, ispitati konstrukt zadovoljstva životom u srednjoj odrasloj dobi i analizirati čimbenike povezane sa osjećajima subjektivnog blagostanja.
Ishodi učenja
studije slučaja: Razmišljanja o mirovini
Studija slučaja: Prilagodba ciljeva u kasnijoj odrasloj dob
Studija slučaja: Obitelj s odraslom djecom i starim roditeljima
Online resursi: po izboru voditelja vježbi
Ishodi učenja: razumijevanje psihosocijalne krize kasne odrasle dobi; prepoznavanje starije dobi kao jedinstvenog perioda života za one osobe koji imaju neuobičajenu dugovječnost, u kontekstu s vlastitim razvojnim zadacima i psihosocijalnom krizom ove životne dobi. Istražiti pitanja: samoubojstvo uz pomoć liječnika, pravo na pokret umiranja
Ishodi učenja
Cilj je predstaviti osnovne psihodinamske koncepte: motivaciju i ponašanje; Domene svijesti; Struktura ličnosti; Faze razvoja.
Ishod učenja: Od studenata se očekuje da razumije i objasni osnovne psihodinamske principe i njihove implikacije na ljudski razvoj.
Ishodi učenja
Cilj je predstaviti osnove privrženosti: razvoj privrženosti; Neobična tjeskoba; Anksioznost odvajanja; Formiranje provrženosti s majkom, ocem i drugima; Obrasci privrženosti; Roditeljska osjetljivost i kvaliteta privirženosti. Razumjeti razvoj objektnih odnosa.
Ishod učenja: Od studenta se očekuje da razumije i objasni osnovne principe privrženosti, kao I razvoj objektnih odnosa te njihove implikacije za ljudski razvoj.
Ishodi učenja
Cilj je predstaviti osnove evolucijskog pristupa ljudskom razvoju: etologija; Evolucijska psihologija.
Ishod učenja: Od studenta se očekuje da objasni osnovna načela evolucijskog pristupa ljudskom razvoju i da razlikuje etologiju i evolucijsku psihologiju.
Ishodi učenja
Cilj je predstaviti osnove kognitivnih razvojnih teorija i teorija učenja: Osnovni pojmovi u Piagetovoj teoriji i fazama razvoja; Teorija socijalnog učenja.
Ishod učenja: Od studenta se očekuje da objasni osnovne principe kognitivnih i socijalnih teorija učenja i njihove implikacije na ljudski razvoj te da identificira i nabroji faze kognitivnog razvoja prema Piagetovoj teoriji.
Ishodi učenja
Cilj je predstaviti osnove Ego psihologije i Maslowove teorije: pet razina ljudskih potreba (pet stupnjeva piramide-hijerarhijska organizacija potreba); koncept samoaktualizacije.
Ishod učenja: Od studenta se očekuje da objasni osnovna načela Maslowove teorije i da identificira i nabroji razine ljudskih potreba.